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- 1. 自由生活性アメーバおよびプロトテカfree living amebas and prototheca [show details]
… CNS clinical syndromes are associated with free-living amebas: primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) caused by Naegleria fowleri and granulomatous amebic encephalitis (GAE) caused by Acanthamoeba spp …
- 2. 小児の急性ウイルス性脳炎:臨床症状と診断acute viral encephalitis in children clinical manifestations and diagnosis [show details]
…meningitis is discussed separately. Free-living amebae – Primary amebic meningoencephalitis caused by Naegleria fowleri and granulomatous amebic meningoencephalitis caused by Acanthamoeba spp or B. mandrillaris …
- 3. オーストラリア、ニュージーランド、南西太平洋(オセアニア)への旅行者における健康被害の可能性potential health hazards in travelers to australia new zealand and the southwestern pacific oceania [show details]
… Temperate Australia and New Zealand – Most Australians live in coastal temperate regions with sophisticated medical services with good communications.… found that the isolate was related to a marine isolate of Brucella . New Zealand livestock remains free of zoonotic Brucella . Psittacosis occurs in southern Australian states with occasional outbreaks … Angiostrongylus cantonensis (rat lung worm) may cause encephalitis meningitis and meningoencephalitis following ingestion of the intermediate host,…
- 4. チクングニア熱:疫学、臨床症状、診断chikungunya fever epidemiology clinical manifestations and diagnosis [show details]
…decompensation, myocarditis, acute hepatitis, renal failure, hemorrhage, and neurologic involvement . Meningoencephalitis is the most common neurologic complication; other neurologic manifestations include acute flaccid … chikungunya and dengue , chikungunya and Zika virus , chikungunya and yellow fever , chikungunya and amebiasis ). A number of other viruses including parvovirus, rubella, enterovirus, adenovirus, other alphaviruses …
- 5. 小児における腸重積症intussusception in children [show details]
…in Switzerland, the yearly mean incidence of intussusception was 38, 31, and 26 cases per 100,000 live births in the first, second, and third year of life, respectively . After the third year of life, … diagnosed celiac disease and typically resolves spontaneously during the first few days on a gluten-free diet, without radiologic or operative intervention . Conversely, the Swedish study found no association … symptoms progress, increasing lethargy often develops, which can be mistaken for meningoencephalitis. Some authors have hypothesized that the lethargy is caused by increased levels of endogenous opioids, suggested …
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- 原発性アメーバ性髄膜脳炎 Acanthamoeba 属および Balamuthia 属原虫は,易感染者では皮膚病変または播種性疾患も引き起こす可能性がある。 アカントアメーバ(Acanthamoeba)によるアメーバ性角膜炎は眼に限局し,外用薬で治療する。 肉芽腫性脳炎と原発性アメーバ性髄膜脳炎は,通常は死に至る疾患であるが,ミルテホシン(miltefosine)を他の薬剤と併用する治療で生存した患者もいる。 Test your knowledge Take a Quiz! MSDとMSD Manualについて
- 原発性アメーバ性髄膜脳炎は、自由生活性アメーバの一種である、フォーラーネグレリア Naegleria fowleriによって引き起こされ、多くの場合に死に至る、まれな中枢神経系(脳と脊髄)の感染症です。
- 原発性アメーバ性髄膜脳炎の症状は曝露後1~2週間で始まり,ときに嗅覚および味覚の変化がみられる。頭痛,髄膜症,および精神状態の変化を伴う劇症髄膜脳炎が発症し,通常は脳ヘルニアから10日以内に死に至る。生存した患者は
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- 英
- free living amebic encephalitis
- 同
- 自由生活性アメーバ性髄膜脳炎 free living amebic meningoencephalitis
- 関
- 原発性アメーバ髄膜脳炎
- 英
- encephalitis, cephalitis
- 関
- 英
- free living amoeba
- 同
- 自由生活アメーバ
[show details]
- 英
- freedom、free、freely、ad libitum、(adv,abrv)ad lib
- 関
- 適宜、取り除く、無料、遊離、遊離型、含まない、フリー
- 英
- meninx, meninges (M)
- 同
- 脳脊髄膜
- 英
- ameba、amebae、(古)amoeba、(古)amoebae
- 関
- アメーバ目