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- 1. 膵管内乳頭粘液性腫瘍(IPMN):評価およびマネージメントintraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas ipmn evaluation and management [show details]
… may have high-grade dysplasia or invasive carcinoma in the absence of worrisome computed tomography (CT) scan findings . In a study of 43 patients with ≥4 IPMNs and no solid pancreatic mass who underwent …
- 2. 膵管内乳頭粘液性腫瘍(IPMN):病態生理および臨床症状intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas ipmn pathophysiology and clinical manifestations [show details]
… developing dysplasia or malignancy. Four histologic subtypes have been described : Intestinal type – This is the most common subtype of main duct IPMN. It typically occurs in the pancreatic head, though …
- 3. 膵外分泌腫瘍の病理pathology of exocrine pancreatic neoplasms [show details]
…fascicle on pancreatic neoplasms emphasizes that IPMN apparently progress from low-grade dysplasia (clinically benign) to high-grade dysplasia, and that neoplasms with high-grade dysplasia sometimes become …
- 4. 膵嚢胞性腫瘍:臨床症状、診断およびマネージメントpancreatic cystic neoplasms clinical manifestations diagnosis and management [show details]
… with high-grade dysplasia or invasive carcinoma. In one study of 180 patients at high risk for pancreatic cancer, mutations in TP53 were found in 38 percent of IPMNs with high-grade dysplasia and 75 percent …
- 5. 膵癌に関する家族性の危険因子と高リスク患者のスクリーニングfamilial risk factors for pancreatic cancer and screening of high risk patients [show details]
…TP53 DNA was present in pancreatic juice in 29 of 43 patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and four of eight patients with high-grade dysplasia lesions (high-grade pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia …
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- 65歳の男性。2か月前からの上腹部不快感を主訴に来院した。血液所見:赤血球510万、白血球6,800。血清生化学所見:AST24IU/l、ALT15IU/l、アミラーゼ175IU/l(基準37~160)。CRP0.4mg/dl。腹部造影CTを以下に示す。
- 考えられるのはどれか。
※国試ナビ4※ [101A029]←[国試_101]→[101A031]
- 65歳の男性。腹部超音波検査で異常を指摘され来院した。症状は特に認めない。磁気共鳴胆管膵管像<MRCP>を以下に示す。診断はどれか。
※国試ナビ4※ [102D037]←[国試_102]→[102D039]
- 英
- dysplasia、malformation、dysgenesis、dysplastic
- 関
- 異形成、異形成症、異発生、奇形、形成不全、発育異常、形成異常症、形成不全症
- 英
- 関
- 型、形、形式、形態、構造、組成、品種、編成、フォーム、成立、形づくる
- aberrance, aberration, abnormity, anomalia, anomalo, anomaly, bad condition, defect, glitch, malfunction, trouble, uniqueness, vitium