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- 1. 膵ポリペプチド、ペプチドYY、およびニューロペプチドYpancreatic polypeptide peptide yy and neuropeptide y [show details]
… structure is important for the peptides biological activities. Pancreatic polypeptide (PP) is secreted by specialized pancreatic islet cells (PP cells) that are distinct from those producing insulin, glucagon …
- 2. 消化管・膵神経内分泌腫瘍に対する腫瘍バイオマーカーの概要overview of tumor biomarkers in gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors [show details]
…aggressive disease that portends a poor prognosis . Pancreatic polypeptide (PP) is an oligopeptide primarily secreted by a subset of pancreatic islet cells in the head of the pancreas that do not produce insulin …
- 3. レプチンの生理学physiology of leptin [show details]
… reduced T-cell production that is consistent with their higher rates of childhood infection .… does not influence levels of other molecules affecting appetite, such as peptide YY (PYY), pancreatic polypeptide (PP), or amylin . Partial congenital leptin deficiency with adequate adipose tissue storage…
- 4. 膵β細胞の機能pancreatic beta cell function [show details]
… that secrete somatostatin, and PP cells that secrete pancreatic polypeptide All of the cells communicate with each other through extracellular spaces and through gap junctions. This arrangement allows cellular …
- 5. Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1: Managementmultiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 management [show details]
… malignant pancreatic islet cell and gastrointestinal tumors (enteropancreatic tumors) are the primary life-threatening components of the disorder. Endocrine cell tumors at these sites… parathyroid tissue is found as a present or future source of pathologic parathyroid hormone (PTH) production , and to the risk in MEN1 for developing thymic carcinoid, a rare but often aggressive tumor . … that are symptomatic due to secretion of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, glucagon, or pancreatic polypeptide are rare. Clinically nonfunctioning pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are now the leading …
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- ランゲルハンス島でつくられるホルモンには以下のようなものがあります。 インスリン ランゲルハンス島の中のベータ細胞と呼ばれる細胞から分泌される重要なポリペプチドホルモンです。ブドウ糖の利用、蛋白の合成、中性脂肪の形成および貯蔵を促進し、血糖値を低下させます。
- 膵 島は膵臓全体の体積の約1 〜2%程度の内分泌細胞集塊である.膵島は,主にインスリンを産生するβ細胞,グルカゴンを産生するα細胞,ソマトスタチンを産生するδ細胞,pancreatic polypeptide(PP)を産生するPP細胞(別称:γ細胞)によって構成されている.PPの膵外分泌を抑制する作用はよく ...
- 膵ポリペプチド (pancreatic polypeptide : PP) ランゲルハンス島のPP細胞(F細胞)で産生され分泌される、36個のアミノ酸からなるホルモン。PPファミリーのひとつ。膵臓から分泌されるホルモン全体の1%程度を占める。食後直ぐに分泌が始まり、4〜6時間は高い濃度となる。主に迷走神経を刺激する。膵 ...
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