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- 1. 腎機能障害患者の炎症inflammation in patients with kidney function impairment [show details]
…"malnutrition-inflammation-complex syndrome" (MICS) suggests the purported close association between PEW and inflammation in patients on dialysis . Alternatively, "malnutrition-inflammation-atherosclerosis" …
- 2. 好中球増多症の患者へのアプローチapproach to the patient with neutrophilia [show details]
…typically elevated, but they are nonspecific measures of inflammation; nevertheless, these tests are particularly helpful in detecting occult inflammation or infection. There are no diagnostic findings on the …
- 3. 補体系の概要および臨床的評価overview and clinical assessment of the complement system [show details]
…fragments, known as "anaphylatoxins," bind to their respective receptors on cells to initiate inflammation and vasodilation that in turn activate many cell types . Functions of anaphylatoxins include: …
- 4. 心血管疾患の明確な危険因子の概要overview of established risk factors for cardiovascular disease [show details]
…Numerous markers of inflammation markers have been reported to be associated with increased risk of CVD . C-reactive protein (CRP) is both the most extensively studied marker of inflammation and the marker …
- 5. 炎症の病因における白血球内皮細胞接着leukocyte endothelial adhesion in the pathogenesis of inflammation [show details]
… Inflammation is a crucial process in the normal defense mechanisms against various pathogens, and leukocytes are the principal cellular mediators of inflammation. Inflammation is characterized histologically …
Japanese Journal
- 特徴的な眼所見と鑑別疾患 (特集 サルコイドーシス アップデート)
- 臨床報告 網膜静脈周囲炎が顕著であったmultiple evanescent white dot syndromeの小児例
- 症例報告 下腿に硬結を触れる紅斑が多発し,血管壁の破壊を伴ったサルコイドーシスの1例
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- い.眼底所見では,散在性の網膜静脈周囲炎,血管周囲 結節,網脈絡膜滲出斑(candlewaxdripping),瘢痕期に は網脈絡膜滲出斑が萎縮し,光凝固斑様の網脈絡膜萎縮 病巣がみられる.慢性の経過を辿ることが多い. 患調査研究班 ...
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Related Pictures

- 英
- Eales disease, Eales' disease
- ラ
- maium ealesi
- 同
- Eales病、若年性再発性網膜硝子体出血 juvenile recurrent retinaland vitreous hemorrhage
- 関
- 網膜静脈周囲炎
- http://www.nurs.or.jp/~academy/igaku/x/x264.htm
- 英
- retina
- 関
- 眼、眼球
- 英
- surrounding、circumferential、ambient、peri、around, circumference
- 関
- 環境、外周、約、外界
- 英
- vein (Z)
- ラ
- vena
- 毛細血管から発生した静脈血を心臓に送るために使われる血管。
- 関
- 炎光、炎症
- 英
- periphlebitis
- 関
- 静脈炎