- 関
- ambient、around、circumferential、peri
- to a particular destination either specified or understood; "she came around to see me"; "I invited them around for supper"
- by a circular or circuitous route; "He came all the way around the base"; "the road goes around the pond"
- in a circle or circular motion; "The wheels are spinning around"
- in circumference; "the trunk is ten feet around"; "the pond is two miles around"
- (Persian folklore) a supernatural being descended from fallen angels and excluded from paradise until penance is done
- a beautiful and graceful girl
- completely enveloping; "the ambient air"; "ambient sound"; "the ambient temperature"
- lying around or just outside the edges or outskirts; "circumferential highways around cities"
- 『囲む』,周囲の,付近の
- 《beなどの状態を表す動詞,また動作を表す動詞と共に》…『の周りに』(『を』),…の周囲に(を),…をぐるっと取り巻いて / 《米・英話》《be, lieなどの状態を表す動詞と共に》『…のあちこちに』,《移動を表す動詞と共に》『…のあちこちを』,…をぐるっと回って(《英》about) / 《米・英話》どこか…のあたりに,の付近に(《英》about) / 《米・英話》…『を回って』,回ったところに(《英》about) / …を中心として / 《米・英話》およそ,約 / 『周りに』,ぐるりと,一周して / 《米》あちこちに(と)(《英》about) / 《米》周辺に,あたりに,付近に(《英》about) / 《米》曲って,回って(《英》about) / 《米》『回ったところに』,回った向こう側(こちら側)に / 《米》(時期・季節などが)巡って / 《米》(軸を中心に)回転して / 《米》(方向など)ぐるりと変えて / 《米》元に戻って / 《おもに米話》活動して
- 周囲の,周りの,取り巻いている
- (人を取り巻く自然の)『環境』
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English Journal
- Parental perspectives on consent for participation in large-scale, non-biological data repositories.
- Manhas KP1, Page S2, Dodd SX3, Letourneau N4, Ambrose A5, Cui X6, Tough SC7.
- Life sciences, society and policy.Life Sci Soc Policy.2016 Dec;12(1):1. doi: 10.1186/s40504-016-0034-6. Epub 2016 Jan 20.
- BACKGROUND: Data sharing presents several challenges to the informed consent process. Unique challenges emerge when sharing pediatric or pregnancy-related data. Here, parent preferences for sharing non-biological data are examined.METHODS: Groups (n = 4 groups, 18 participants) and individual in
- PMID 26790860
- On the specific heat capacity enhancement in nanofluids.
- Hentschke R1.
- Nanoscale research letters.Nanoscale Res Lett.2016 Dec;11(1):88. doi: 10.1186/s11671-015-1188-5. Epub 2016 Feb 13.
- Molten salts are used as heat transfer fluids and for short-term heat energy storage in solar power plants. Experiments show that the specific heat capacity of the base salt may be significantly enhanced by adding small amounts of certain nanoparticles. This effect, which is technically interesting
- PMID 26873263
- Optimizing sample preparation for anatomical determination in the hippocampus of rodent brain by ToF-SIMS analysis.
- Angerer TB1, Mohammadi AS2, Fletcher JS1.
- Biointerphases.Biointerphases.2016 Jun 8;11(2):02A319. doi: 10.1116/1.4941064.
- Lipidomics has been an expanding field since researchers began to recognize the signaling functions of lipids and their involvement in disease. Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry is a valuable tool for studying the distribution of a wide range of lipids in multiple brain regions, but in
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Japanese Journal
- 膝の痛み,股関節の痛み : ロコモティブシンドロームと関節
- 浜田 大輔,Hamada Daisuke
- 四国医学雑誌 67(5-6), 203-204, 2012-12-25
- … Theknee joint is a hinge joint having flexion and extension motion.The ligaments surrounding the knee joint offer stability. …
- NAID 120003836502
- 伝統食品・豆腐を取り巻く環境と市場活性化への取り組み (特集 健康志向で注目される大豆・穀類・雑穀)
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- 関
- ambient、around、circumferential、surrounding
- 関
- around、circumferential、circumstance、ecology、environment、environmental、milieu、peri、surrounding
- 関
- about、ambient、approx.、approximately、ca.、circa、circumferential、peri、surrounding
- 関
- ambient, around, outer boundary, peri, surrounding
- (adv.)circumferentially, circumference
- 英
- surrounding、circumferential、ambient、peri、around, circumference
- 関
- 環境、外周、約、外界