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- 1. 先天性巨大結腸症(ヒルシュスプルング病)congenital aganglionic megacolon hirschsprung disease [show details]
…contrast enema were ultimately diagnosed with HD, compared with 2.5 percent of those with negative findings on contrast enema . However, in patients with a low clinical suspicion of HD, a contrast enema provides …
- 2. 小児における腸重積症intussusception in children [show details]
…by enema. This technique was associated with approximately 35 percent mortality, considerably better than the mortality rates after surgery. Reduction of intussusception by fluoroscopy-guided enema was …
- 3. 成人における下部消化管出血の病因etiology of lower gastrointestinal bleeding in adults [show details]
… 1.0 cm in diameter They are not visualized by barium enema or at autopsy (since blood volume is removed).… always painless. Bright red blood typically coats the stool at the end of defecation. Blood may also drip into the toilet or stain toilet paper. Occasionally, bleeding can be copious and distressing for the…
- 4. 成人に生じる直腸からの軽微な鮮血出血へのアプローチapproach to minimal bright red blood per rectum in adults [show details]
…bowel movement. Bright red blood typically coats the stool at the end of defecation. Blood may also drip into the toilet or stain toilet paper. Anal fissures – Anal fissures are often diagnosed from the … 201 underwent evaluation with sigmoidoscopy and barium enema; 24 percent were found to have serious pathology,…
- 5. 成人における腸管回転異常intestinal malrotation in adults [show details]
…Free air (typically from intestinal perforation as a result of acute intestinal ischemia) A barium enema can diagnose midgut volvulus associated with malrotation if it shows complete obstruction of the transverse …
Japanese Journal
- 北野 厚生,鈴木 紘一,押谷 伸英,小畠 昭重,日置 正人,松本 誉之,橋村 秀親,大川 清孝,小林 絢三
- 日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 39(4), 415-418, 1986
- … 化され,診断と治療両面から欠かせない手段となっている.しかしポリープの性状による術前の安全性の確認が肝要であり,かっ後出血に対する適正な処置が重要である.他方,潰瘍性大腸炎例の活動期遷延例における出血に対する治療にも限界があり,新たな治療方針の検討を要する段階と考えられる.これら両疾患に対し局所用トロンビンを経肛門的に注腸,あるいは点滴注腸法を用いて投与し両者ともに止血効果が得られた. …
- NAID 130000782797
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- インフュージョン、温浸、注入、注入液、滴下、輸液、滴下注入、点滴注入、静脈点滴、経静脈内投与、点滴静注、点滴薬、輸液剤、点滴静脈内注射、点滴静脈内投与、点滴注射、点滴静脈内注入
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- intestinum
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- 小腸(十二指腸、空腸、回腸)、大腸(結腸、S状結腸、直腸、盲腸)
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- enteroclysis、intestinal infusion
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