English Journal
- Treatment of de-peritonealized intestine with 4DryField® PH prevents adhesions between non-resorbable intra-peritoneal hernia mesh and bowel.
- Winny M1, Maegel L2, Grethe LV1, Jonigk D2, Borchert P2, Kaltenborn A3, Schrem H4, Klempnauer J1, Poehnert D1.
- American journal of translational research.Am J Transl Res.2016 Dec 15;8(12):5706-5714. eCollection 2016.
- BACKGROUND: Intraperitoneal onlay meshes (IPOM) can be associated with intestine-to-mesh adhesion formation, implementing risks like pain, enterocutaneous fistula, infection, and female infertility. This study investigates, whether a treatment of impaired intestinum with the anti-adhesive and hemost
- PMID 28078041
- Pancreas-preserving surgical management of grade-C pancreatic fistulas after pancreatic head resection by external wirsungostomy.
- Horvath P1, Beckert S1, Nadalin S1, Königsrainer A1, Königsrainer I2.
- Langenbeck's archives of surgery.Langenbecks Arch Surg.2016 Jun;401(4):457-62. doi: 10.1007/s00423-016-1423-2. Epub 2016 Apr 7.
- PURPOSE: Completion pancreatectomy for grade-C pancreatic fistula is associated with unacceptably high mortality and therefore this strategy should be reassessed. This study presents an update of our experience with a pancreas-preserving technique in the course of salvage re-laparotomy in terms of c
- PMID 27055855
- Molecular cloning and expression patterns of the cholesterol side chain cleavage enzyme (CYP11A1) gene during the reproductive cycle in goose (Anas cygnoides).
- Xu Q1, Song Y1, Chen Y1, Liu R1, Zhang Y1, Li Y1, Huang Z1, Zhao W1, Chang G1, Chen G1.
- Journal of animal science and biotechnology.J Anim Sci Biotechnol.2015 Dec 22;6:54. doi: 10.1186/s40104-015-0053-9. eCollection 2015.
- BACKGROUND: CYP11A1, a gene belonging to the family 11 of cytochrome P450, encodes a crucial steroidogenic enzyme that catalyzes the initial step in the production of all classes of steroids. Many studies show that CYP11A1 plays a role in ovary function. However, the role of CYP11A1 in goose reprodu
- PMID 26702355
Japanese Journal
- 症例報告 多発する回腸潰瘍を伴ったHenoch-Schonlein紫斑病の1例
- 臨床研究・症例報告 小腸エコーが診断と治療経過観察に有用であったFPIES(food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome:食物蛋白誘発腸炎症候群)の新生児の1例
- 重篤な消化管病変をともなった中毒性表皮壊死症 (toxic epidermal necrolysis ; TEN) の1症例
- 音見 愛,矢野 充保,青木 秀俊,高橋 幸志,面家 敏宏,鈴木 康博,中本 次郎,片岡 孝一,八木 淑之,山本 洋介
- 日本消化器病學會雜誌 = The Japanese journal of gastro-enterology 105(9), 1353-1361, 2008-09-05
- 症例は52歳女性.NSAIDsによる中毒性表皮壊死症(TEN)と診断した.皮膚病変の治癒後も,下痢,下血,腹痛,発熱が持続した.内視鏡検査·X線検査にて全大腸にびらんと回腸末端に強度の狭窄をみとめたため,回腸回盲部切除術を施行した.病理組織像では粘膜上皮の脱落,粘膜層·粘膜下層への炎症細胞の浸潤をみとめたが粘膜筋板は保たれており,TENに特徴的な消化管病変と考えられた.術後経過 …
- NAID 10022610728
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- 英
- intestine
- ラ
- intestinum
- 関
- 小腸(十二指腸、空腸、回腸)、大腸(結腸、S状結腸、直腸、盲腸)