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- intestinal infusion
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/06/08 01:59:55」(JST)
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Enteroclysis according to Sellink in a patient with Crohn's disease showing a stenosis of the ileum
MR enteroclysis in Crohn disease: substantial wall thickening and contrast uptake in the affected bowel segment
Enteroclysis is a fluoroscopic X-ray of the small intestine. Radiocontrast is infused through a tube inserted through the nose to the duodenum, and images are taken in real time as the contrast moves through aided by administration of methyl cellulose. Enteroclysis is also known by the confusing misnomer small bowel enema. 'Enema' is confusing as it suggests that the contrast material is introduced through the anal route.
It was the gold standard for evaluating small bowel diseases like Crohn's, though it has largely been replaced by CT enterography. CT enteroclysis is now available which combines the advantages of CT (ample extraluminal information and visualization) and conventional enteroclysis (distension of small bowel for visualization). A report suggested CT enteroclysis to be superior to conventional enteroclysis in evaluation of symptomatic Crohn's disease, especially for the detection of fistula, abscess, skip lesions, lymphadenopathy, and conglomeration of small bowel loops.[1]
MR and CT versions exist.[2]
- Apart from Crohn's disease as mentioned above, enteroclysis is invaluable in small intestinal obstruction. In this condition it helps to distinguish the complete (which requires early operation) from the incomplete varieties of obstruction (or occlusion).
- Any suspicion of a large bowel (ie, colonic) obstruction precludes an enteroclysis until the possibility has been excluded. If enteroclysis is conducted in a patient suspected of large bowel obstruction, the ileocecal valve will pump the contrast material into the dilated caecum which lies proximal to the obstruction in large intestine. This can cause a perforation.
- ^ Sailer, J.; Peloschek, P.; Schober, E.; Schima, W.; Reinisch, W.; Vogelsang, H.; Wunderbaldinger, P.; Turetschek, K. (Dec 2005). "Diagnostic value of CT enteroclysis compared with conventional enteroclysis in patients with Crohn's disease.". AJR Am J Roentgenol 185 (6): 1575–81. doi:10.2214/AJR.04.1534. PMID 16304016.
- ^ L. Santiago Medina (30 April 2011). Evidence-Based Imaging: Quality Imaging in Patient CareRevised Edition. Springer. pp. 578–. ISBN 978-1-4419-7776-2. Retrieved 27 June 2011.
- Medical testing : Medical imaging
- Radiology
- (ICD-9-CM V3 87–88, ICD-10-PCS B, CPT 70010–79999)
medical radiography/
Industrial radiography |
2D |
Medical: |
- Pneumoencephalography
- Dental radiography
- Sialography
- Myelography
- Upper gastrointestinal series/Small-bowel follow-through/Lower gastrointestinal series
- Cholangiography/Cholecystography
- Mammography
- Pyelogram
- Cystography
- Arthrogram
- Hysterosalpingography
- Skeletal survey
- Angiography
- Angiocardiography
- Aortography
- Venography
- Lymphogram
Industrial: |
3D / XCT |
Medical: |
- CT pulmonary angiogram
- Computed tomography of the heart
- Computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis
- CT angiography
- Computed tomography of the head
- Quantitative computed tomography
- Spiral computed tomography
- High resolution CT
- Whole body imaging
- Electron beam tomography
Industrial: |
- Industrial computed tomography
Other |
- Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain
- MR neurography
- Cardiac MRI/Cardiac MRI perfusion
- MR angiography
- MR cholangiopancreatography
- Breast MRI
- Functional MRI
- Diffusion MRI
Ultrasound |
- Echocardiography
- Doppler echocardiography
- Intravascular
- Gynecologic
- Obstetric
- Echoencephalography
- Transcranial Doppler
- Abdominal ultrasonography
- Transrectal
- Breast ultrasound
- Transscrotal ultrasound
- Carotid ultrasonography
- Contrast-enhanced
- 3D ultrasound
- Endoscopic ultrasound
- Emergency ultrasound
- Pre-hospital ultrasound
- Duplex
Radionuclide |
2D / scintigraphy |
- Cholescintigraphy
- Scintimammography
- Ventilation/perfusion scan
- Radionuclide ventriculography
- Radionuclide angiography
- Radioisotope renography
- Sestamibi parathyroid scintigraphy
- Radioactive iodine uptake test
- Bone scintigraphy
- Immunoscintigraphy
full body: |
- Octreotide scan
- Gallium 67 scan
- Indium-111 WBC scan
3D / ECT |
- gamma ray: Myocardial perfusion imaging
PET (positron): |
- Brain PET
- Cardiac PET
- PET mammography
Optical laser |
- Optical tomography
- Optical coherence tomography
- Confocal microscopy
- Endomicroscopy
Thermography |
Digestive system surgical and other procedures / Digestive system surgery (ICD-9-CM V3 42–54, ICD-10-PCS 0D)
Digestive tract |
Upper GI tract |
SGs / Esophagus |
- Esophagectomy
- Heller myotomy
- Sialography
- Impedance–pH monitoring
- Esophageal pH monitoring
- Esophageal motility study
Stomach |
- Bariatric surgery
- Adjustable gastric band
- Gastric bypass surgery
- Sleeve gastrectomy
- Vertical banded gastroplasty surgery
- Collis gastroplasty
- Gastrectomy
- Billroth I
- Billroth II
- Roux-en-Y
- Gastroenterostomy
- Gastropexy
- Gastrostomy
- Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
- Hill repair
- Nissen fundoplication
- Pyloromyotomy
Medical imaging |
- Endoscopy: Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
- Barium swallow
- Upper gastrointestinal series
Lower GI tract |
Small bowel |
- Bariatric surgery
- Duodenal switch
- Jejunoileal bypass
- Ileostomy
- Jejunostomy
- Partial ileal bypass surgery
Large bowel |
- Appendicectomy
- Colectomy
- Colonic polypectomy
- Colostomy
- Hartmann's operation
Rectum |
- Abdominoperineal resection / Miles operation
- Lower anterior resection
- Total mesorectal excision
Anal canal |
- Anal sphincterotomy
- Anorectal manometry
- Lateral internal sphincterotomy
- Rubber band ligation
- Transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization
Medical imaging |
- Endoscopy: Colonoscopy
- Anoscopy
- Capsule endoscopy
- Enteroscopy
- Proctoscopy
- Sigmoidoscopy
- Abdominal ultrasonography
- Defecography
- Double-contrast barium enema
- Endoanal ultrasound
- Enteroclysis
- Lower gastrointestinal series
- Small-bowel follow-through
- Transrectal ultrasonography
- Virtual colonoscopy
Stool tests |
- Fecal fat test
- Fecal pH test
- Stool guaiac test
Accessory |
Liver |
- Artificial extracorporeal liver support
- Bioartificial liver devices
- Liver dialysis
- Hepatectomy
- Liver biopsy
- Liver transplantation
Gallbladder, bile duct |
- Cholecystectomy
- Cholecystostomy
- Hepatoportoenterostomy
- Medical imaging: Cholangiography
- Cholecystography
- Cholescintigraphy
Pancreas |
- Frey's procedure
- Pancreas transplantation
- Pancreatectomy
- Pancreaticoduodenectomy
- Puestow procedure
Abdominopelvic |
Peritoneum |
- Diagnostic peritoneal lavage
- Intraperitoneal injection
- Laparoscopy
- Omentopexy
- Paracentesis
- Peritoneal dialysis
Hernia |
- Hernia repair: Inguinal hernia surgery
- Femoral hernia repair
Other |
- Laparotomy
- Rapid urease test / Urea breath test
CPRs |
- Child-Pugh score
- Ranson criteria
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UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Clinical and diagnostic significance of enteroclysis through nasointestinal decompression intubation.
- Li D1, Li R, Wu P, Li X, Zhang X.
- Cell biochemistry and biophysics.Cell Biochem Biophys.2014 Sep;70(1):349-53. doi: 10.1007/s12013-014-9919-2.
- To study the clinical and diagnostic significance of enteroclysis through nasointestinal decompression intubation, thirty-five patients with small bowel obstruction were enrolled. A nasointestinal catheter of 300 cm was placed through the nasal cavity then pushed to the upper jejunum under X-ray re
- PMID 24715234
- Update on imaging of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome.
- Tomas C, Soyer P, Dohan A, Dray X, Boudiaf M, Hoeffel C.
- World journal of gastroenterology : WJG.World J Gastroenterol.2014 Aug 21;20(31):10864-10875.
- Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is a rare, autosomal dominant disease linked to a mutation of the STK 11 gene and is characterized by the development of benign hamartomatous polyps in the gastrointestinal tract in association with a hyperpigmentation on the lips and oral mucosa. Patients affected by PJ
- PMID 25152588
- Use of the star sign to diagnose internal fistulas in pediatric patients with penetrating Crohn disease by MR enterography.
- Braithwaite KA1, Alazraki AL.
- Pediatric radiology.Pediatr Radiol.2014 Aug;44(8):926-31. doi: 10.1007/s00247-014-2907-2. Epub 2014 Feb 18.
- Development of internal fistula due to extramural spread of inflammatory bowel disease is a characteristic feature of penetrating disease in patients with Crohn disease. The "star sign" is a radiological finding of internal fistula that has previously been described in the gastroenterology literatur
- PMID 24535118
Japanese Journal
- 望月 洋介,齋藤 康晴,稲富 理,小泉 祐介,馬場 重樹,仲原 民夫,辻川 知之,石田 光明,安藤 朗,藤山 佳秀
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 = Gastroenterological endoscopy 53(3), 1090-1096, 2011-03-20
- 症例は70歳代前半男性.腰痛を伴う高蛋白血症,高Ca血症,腎機能障害にて当院紹介受診.多発性骨髄腫と診断され化学療法にて寛解となるも,半年後に腹痛,腹満感が出現.腹部CTにて肝右葉に腫瘤を,また上部下部消化管内視鏡にて直腸および胃病変を認め,各々生検にて骨髄腫髄外病変と診断した.その後化学療法の反応乏しく,約5カ月後に死亡した.多発性骨髄腫の消化管髄外性病変は稀であり,本例では胃と直腸に認めたため …
- NAID 10028053286
- 症例報告 CT enteroclysisが内瘻の診断に有用であったクローン病の1例
Related Links
- How the Test is Performed This test is done in a hospital radiology department. The health care provider will insert a tube through your nose or mouth into your stomach and into the beginning of the small bowel. Contrast ...
- How Will Enteroclysis Feel? Dictionary.com Word FAQs Dictionary.com presents 366 FAQs, incorporating some of the frequently asked questions from the past with newer queries. Differences Etymology/Origins Grammar/Usage ...
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- enteroclysis、intestinal infusion
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- enteroclysis
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- enteroclysis