- a person who is a participating member of an organization; "the club issues a list of members, both the actives and the retirees"
- tending to become more severe or wider in scope; "active tuberculosis"
- in operation; "keep hope alive"; "the tradition was still alive"; "an active tradition" (同)alive
- engaged in or ready for military or naval operations; "on active duty"; "the platoon is combat-ready"; "review the fighting forces" (同)combat-ready, fighting
- (used of verbs (e.g. `to run' (同)dynamic
- taking part in an activity; "an active member of the club"; "he was politically active"; "the participating organizations" (同)participating
- (of e.g. volcanos) capable of erupting
- (of e.g. volcanos) erupting or liable to erupt; "active volcanos"
- (of the sun) characterized by an increased occurrence of sunspots and flares and radio emissions
- characterized by energetic activity; "an active toddler"; "active as a gazelle"; "an active man is a man of action"
- disposed to take action or effectuate change; "a director who takes an active interest in corporate operations"; "an active antagonism"; "he was active in drawing attention to their grievances"
- engaged in full-time work; "active duty"; "though past retirement age he is still active in his profession"
- exerting influence or producing a change or effect; "an active ingredient"
- expressing that the subject of the sentence has the semantic function of actor: "Hemingway favors active constructions"
- full of activity or engaged in continuous activity; "an active seaport"; "an active bond market"; "an active account"
- works well as a means or remedy; "an effective reprimand"; "a lotion that is effective in cases of prickly heat"
- producing or capable of producing an intended result or having a striking effect; "an air-cooled motor was more effective than a witchs broomstick for rapid long-distance transportation"-LewisMumford; "effective teaching methods"; "effective steps toward peace"; "made an effective entrance"; "his complaint proved to be effectual in bringing action"; "an efficacious law" (同)effectual, efficacious
- able to accomplish a purpose; functioning effectively; "people who will do nothing unless they get something out of it for themselves are often highly effective persons..."-G.B.Shaw; "effective personnel"; "an efficient secretary"; "the efficient cause of the revolution" (同)efficient
- exerting force or influence; "the law is effective immediately"; "a warranty good for two years"; "the law is already in effect (or in force)" (同)good, in effect, in force
- existing in fact; not theoretical; real; "a decline in the effective demand"; "confused increased equipment and expenditure with the quantity of effective work done"
- ready for service; "the fort was held by about 100 effective soldiers"
- well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force; "a valid inference"; "a valid argument"; "a valid contract"
- still legally acceptable; "the license is still valid"
- marked by qualities giving the power to produce an intended effect; "written propaganda is less efficacious than the habits and prejudices...of the readers"-Aldous Huxley; "the medicine is efficacious in stopping a cough"
- 『活動的な』,活発な,活気のある / 『有効な』,(薬の効力などが)まだ働いている,機能している / (軍務で)現役の / 『積極的な』,実際的な / 能動態の
- 『効果的な』,効きめのある / (法律などが)『有効な』,実施されている / 印象深い,感銘的な / 実際に役立つ,実動の
- (理論・理由などが)『妥当な』,しっかりした根拠のある / (契約・法律などが)『合法的な』,正式な手続きを踏んだ / (ある期間,またある条件のもとで)有効な
- (特に薬・治療法などが)効きめのある,効果的な
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/10/15 03:47:26」(JST)
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- 何らかの効果があること。何かの役に立つ(立てる)こと。「有効期限」「有効求人倍率」「有効数字」など。
- 法令上、効力を有すると認められること。「有効投票数」など。
- 柔道など素手の武道において一本・技ありには満たない程度の投げ技、突き技、蹴り技、打ち技などを決めた事の呼称。
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Japanese Journal
- 夏期湛水による有害線虫防除と雑草抑制のための畑地かんがい水有効利用技術 (特集 土壌病害、センチュウ害が抑止できている農家の土づくり)
- 今後登場が予想される有効な新規薬剤の可能性 (特集 炎症性腸疾患(IBD)の内科的治療,最近の話題から)
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- 有効. 出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』. 移動: 案内, 検索. 有効( ゆうこう). 何らかの効果があること。何かの役に立つ(立てる)こと。「有効期限」「有効 求人倍率」「有効数字」など。 法令上、効力を有すると認められること。「有効投票数」 など。
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- 英
- appropriate、valid、correct、proper、adequate、reasonable、pertinent
- 関
- 関係、関連、矯正、固有、合理的、十分、正確、妥当性、訂正、適切、適当、当然、直す、補正、本来、もっとも、有効、正しい、適した、適正
- 英
- active、positive、aggressive、offensive、positively、actively
- 関
- 活動性、活動的、攻撃的、行動的、侵襲性、・ジティブ、有効、陽性、活動期、能動的、正、攻撃、活発、高悪性度、アクティブ
- 英
- active、aggressive、actively
- 関
- 活動性、攻撃的、行動的、侵襲性、有効、活動期、積極的、能動的、攻撃、活発、高悪性度、アクティブ
- 英
- active、brisk、vigorous、actively、vigorously、briskly
- 関
- 活動性、活動的、行動的、有効、活動期、積極的、能動的、勢いよく、アクティブ
- 英
- activity、active
- 関
- 活性、活性度、活動的、活量、行動的、有効、活動期、積極的、活動、能動的、活発、アクティブ
- 英
- maximum effective dose
- 関
- 耐量
- 英
- expire
- 関
- 息を吐く
- 英
- effective molecular weight
- 英
- effective concentration