- 英
- active、actively、behaviorally
- 関
- 活動性、活動的、有効、活動期、積極的、能動的、活発、アクティブ
- a person who is a participating member of an organization; "the club issues a list of members, both the actives and the retirees"
- tending to become more severe or wider in scope; "active tuberculosis"
- in operation; "keep hope alive"; "the tradition was still alive"; "an active tradition" (同)alive
- engaged in or ready for military or naval operations; "on active duty"; "the platoon is combat-ready"; "review the fighting forces" (同)combat-ready, fighting
- (used of verbs (e.g. `to run' (同)dynamic
- taking part in an activity; "an active member of the club"; "he was politically active"; "the participating organizations" (同)participating
- (of e.g. volcanos) capable of erupting
- (of e.g. volcanos) erupting or liable to erupt; "active volcanos"
- (of the sun) characterized by an increased occurrence of sunspots and flares and radio emissions
- characterized by energetic activity; "an active toddler"; "active as a gazelle"; "an active man is a man of action"
- disposed to take action or effectuate change; "a director who takes an active interest in corporate operations"; "an active antagonism"; "he was active in drawing attention to their grievances"
- engaged in full-time work; "active duty"; "though past retirement age he is still active in his profession"
- exerting influence or producing a change or effect; "an active ingredient"
- expressing that the subject of the sentence has the semantic function of actor: "Hemingway favors active constructions"
- full of activity or engaged in continuous activity; "an active seaport"; "an active bond market"; "an active account"
- in an active manner; "he participated actively in the war"
- 『活動的な』,活発な,活気のある / 『有効な』,(薬の効力などが)まだ働いている,機能している / (軍務で)現役の / 『積極的な』,実際的な / 能動態の
- 活発に;積極的に
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Japanese Journal
- 調整方略,感情的および行動的エンゲージメント,学業成果の関連
- うつ病の回復期における休養と行動的介入 : 森田療法の視点から
- Android端末を用いた5つの歩行状況における歩容識別に対する特徴選択の効果 (バイオメトリクス)
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 116(182), 27-32, 2016-08-18
- NAID 40020931914
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- 英
- active、positive、aggressive、offensive、positively、actively
- 関
- 活動性、活動的、攻撃的、行動的、侵襲性、・ジティブ、有効、陽性、活動期、能動的、正、攻撃、活発、高悪性度、アクティブ
- 英
- active、aggressive、actively
- 関
- 活動性、攻撃的、行動的、侵襲性、有効、活動期、積極的、能動的、攻撃、活発、高悪性度、アクティブ
- 英
- active、brisk、vigorous、actively、vigorously、briskly
- 関
- 活動性、活動的、行動的、有効、活動期、積極的、能動的、勢いよく、アクティブ
- 英
- activity、active
- 関
- 活性、活性度、活動的、活量、行動的、有効、活動期、積極的、活動、能動的、活発、アクティブ
- 英
- active stage、active
- 関
- 活動性、活動的、行動的、有効、積極的、能動的、活発、アクティブ
- 英
- behavioral sensitization
- 英
- behavior、behaviour、act、behave、behavioral、behavioural
- 関
- 振る舞う、行為、行動性、作用、働く、挙動、振る舞い、行動上、条例
- 英
- dynamic、dynamically
- 関
- 動力学的、力学的、ダイナミック
- 英
- target
- 関
- ターゲット、標的