- 英
- topographical amnesia
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- 地誌失認
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- 1. アルツハイマー病の臨床的特徴および診断clinical features and diagnosis of alzheimer disease [show details]
…with the patient report of symptoms of memory loss in daily life, recognizing that many older individuals are unreliable reporters of their own memory impairment and can both overestimate and underestimate …
- 2. 成人における早期発症の認知症early onset dementia in adults [show details]
…and definitions of vascular dementia as a cause of EOD vary widely. In addition, there may be geographical variance. As an example, the prevalence of vascular dementia in Japan exceeds that of AD . Individuals … impaired judgment, and emotional lability, or a "subcortical dementia," with slowed thinking, memory loss, and executive dysfunction. Huntington disease (HD) – HD is an autosomal dominant, inherited …
- 3. 認知機能を評価するための精神状態尺度mental status scales to evaluate cognition [show details]
…the clinical context and setting: Shorter cognitive assessments (<5 minutes), such as the Memory Impairment Screen (MIS), Six-Item Screener (SIS), Clock-Drawing Test (CDT), Mini-Cog, Short Portable Mental…
- 4. 認知障害および認知症の評価evaluation of cognitive impairment and dementia [show details]
… than 65 years and with increasing incidence and prevalence over the next two decades, with memory impairment as the most common initial symptom. Other common early features are impaired executive function …
- 5. 軽度認知機能障害:疫学、病理学、および臨床的評価mild cognitive impairment epidemiology pathology and clinical assessment [show details]
…an informant; Objective memory impairment (for age and education) Preserved general cognitive function; Intact activities of daily living; Not demented; Memory impairments that qualify for MCI are …
Japanese Journal
- 主要な後遺症状として特異な地誌的記憶障害を呈した急性一酸化炭素中毒の1例 : 時計および地図に関連する障害を中心に
- 川原 真理,富岡 秀文,東口 和代,高木 哲郎,福島 伸一郎,中山 渉,中川 允宏,榎戸 芙佐子,鳥居 方策,地引 逸亀
- 北陸神経精神医学雑誌=The Hokuriku journal of neuropsychiatry 11(1-2), 33-43, 1997-01-01
- NAID 120005422876
- 右一側の後頭葉動静脈奇形全摘出後に相貌失認,地誌見当識障害,非言語性記憶障害を呈した1例
- 鈴木 匡子,山鳥 重,高瀬 貞夫,長嶺 義秀,糸山 泰人
- 臨床神経学 36(9), 1114-1117, 1996-09-01
- NAID 10008317820
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- 英
- disorder、impairment、dysfunction、damage、difficulty、(妨げ)barrier、impediment、obstacle、disturbance、foe、(化学)hindrance、disorder、impair、lesion
- 関
- 妨げ、撹乱、関門、機能障害、機能不全、困難、傷害、障壁、損なう、損傷、ダメージ、破壊、破損、バリヤー、病変、不安、妨害、乱れ、無秩序、機能異常症、敵、疾患、バリア、バリアー、機能異常、機能不全症
- 英
- memory
- 関
- 関
- 危険、損傷、ハザード、傷害を与える、害する
- 英
- memory disturbance, defects of memory, disturbance of memory
- 関
- 記憶