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- 1. 妊娠後期の胎児死亡と死産:母親へのケアlate fetal death and stillbirth maternal care [show details]
…review, we will consider late fetal death as an antepartum fetal demise at ≥20 weeks of gestation and stillbirth as an intrapartum fetal demise at ≥20 weeks of gestation, although such definitions vary. For …
- 2. Treatment and prognosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension in adults (group 1)treatment and prognosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension in adults group 1 [show details]
…hypoxemia may be an issue in those with maternal hypoxemia from PAH. There are some data that fetal demise is increased . Also, chronic maternal hypoxemia would be expected to increase the risk for fetal…
- 3. 胎児死亡の誘発induced fetal demise [show details]
… Induced fetal demise (also called iatrogenic fetal demise, feticide, or fetocide) refers to the injection of a pharmacologic agent into a fetus or the amniotic fluid to cause asystole. Various injection …
- 4. 臍帯巻絡nuchal cord [show details]
…no other explanation for the demise suggest that nuchal cords can rarely be a cause of fetal death . The presence of a nuchal cord alone is insufficient evidence of demise due to strangulation, but causality …
- 5. 妊娠中期の中絶:(薬剤誘発性)人工妊娠中絶second trimester pregnancy termination induction medication termination [show details]
… Clinicians may induce demise prior to abortion either to facilitate the abortion procedure or to prevent live birth. SFP 2010 guidelines advise that induction of fetal demise prior to medical abortion …
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- 道に迷うという地誌的失見当は、空間認識や注意、記憶などの障害といった様々な高次脳機能障害によって起こります。 複合的な障害によって起こってくることもポイントですが、特に街並失認や道順失認といった症状を呈することがあります。
- そこで,熟知している場所で道に迷う症状の中で,それらの他の症状によらないものを地誌的失見当識(同義として地誌的見当識障害,地誌的失見当,地理的障害,地誌的失認)といいます。
- 地誌失認 認知症や半側空間無視などの症状がないにも関わらず、熟知している場所や道でも迷ってしまいます。 同義として地誌的失見当識や地誌的見当識障害などとも呼ばれます。 さらにこの地誌失認は「街並み失認」と「道順障害」に
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