- 英
- subtle、dim、faint、subtly、faintly
- 関
- 失神、わずか、細かい、微妙、薄暗い
- indistinctly understood or felt or perceived; "a faint clue to the origin of the mystery"; "havent the faintest idea"
- pass out from weakness, physical or emotional distress due to a loss of blood supply to the brain (同)conk, swoon, pass_out
- a spontaneous loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood to the brain (同)swoon, syncope, deliquium
- lacking conviction or boldness or courage; "faint heart neer won fair lady" (同)fainthearted, timid, faint-hearted
- lacking strength or vigor; "damning with faint praise"; "faint resistance"; "feeble efforts"; "a feeble voice" (同)feeble
- weak and likely to lose consciousness; "suddenly felt faint from the pain"; "was sick and faint from hunger"; "felt light in the head"; "a swooning fit"; "light-headed with wine"; "light-headed from lack of sleep" (同)light, swooning, light-headed, lightheaded
- deficient in magnitude; barely perceptible; lacking clarity or brightness or loudness etc; "a faint outline"; "the wan sun cast faint shadows"; "the faint light of a distant candle"; "weak colors"; "a faint hissing sound"; "a faint aroma"; "a weak pulse" (同)weak
- lacking in light; not bright or harsh; "a dim light beside the bed"; "subdued lights and soft music" (同)subdued
- become dim or lusterless; "the lights dimmed and the curtain rose"
- make dim or lusterless; "Time had dimmed the silver"
- switch (a cars headlights) from a higher to a lower beam (同)dip
- lacking clarity or distinctness; "a dim figure in the distance"; "only a faint recollection"; "shadowy figures in the gloom"; "saw a vague outline of a building through the fog"; "a few wispy memories of childhood" (同)faint, shadowy, vague, wispy
- able to make fine distinctions; "a subtle mind"
- in a subtle manner; "late nineteenth-century French opera at its most beautiful, subtly romantic with a twilight melancholy"
- (音・色・考えなどが)『かすかな』,ぼんやりした / (努力・行動などが)『弱々しい』,熱のない;気の弱い,勇気のない / 《補語にのみ用いて》(で)『気が遠くなって』目が回りそうで《+『with』(『from』)+『名』》 / (…で)『気が遠くなる』,気絶する《+『with』(『from』)+『名』》 / 気絶,失神
- 『薄暗い』,ほの暗い / はっきり見えない(聞こえない,理解できない) / (考え・記憶などが)はっきりしない,ぼんやりした / (色などが)くすんだ,光沢のない / 批判的な,悲観的な / 《話》(人が)ばかな,愚かな / (目が)かすんだ / …‘を'『薄暗くする』,ぼんやりさせる / 『薄暗くなる』,かすかになる
- (知覚しにくいほど)『かすかな』,ほのかな,微妙な / (頭脳・感覚などが)鋭い / ずるい,こうかつな / 難解な / 巧みな,精巧な
- 微妙に,微細に / 鋭敏に / ずるく / 精巧に
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Japanese Journal
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Japan Pharmaceutical Reference
- 本品1ml中にはカスカラサグラダ1g中の可溶性成分を含有する。
- 便秘症
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- 英
- (数)few、(量)little、modest、modestly、subtle、slight、a fraction of、insignificant、scant、only、slightly、marginally、subtly
- 関
- 乏しい、かすか、軽微、少し、中程度、縁、単に、細かい、一部分、唯一、微妙、適度、取るに足りない、小さい、控えめ、少ない
- 英
- subtle、subtly
- 関
- かすか、わずか、細かい
- 英
- subtle
- 関
- かすか、わずか、微妙
- 英
- dim
- 関
- かすか