sex chromosome aberration

sex chromosome abnormalitysex chromosome disorder


  1. tell the sex (of young chickens)
  2. the properties that distinguish organisms on the basis of their reproductive roles; "she didnt want to know the sex of the foetus" (同)gender, sexuality
  3. all of the feelings resulting from the urge to gratify sexual impulses; "he wanted a better sex life"; "the film contained no sex or violence" (同)sexual urge
  4. either of the two categories (male or female) into which most organisms are divided; "the war between the sexes"
  5. an optical phenomenon resulting from the failure of a lens or mirror to produce a good image (同)distortion, optical aberration
  6. a disorder in ones mental state
  7. a threadlike strand of DNA in the cell nucleus that carries the genes in a linear order; "humans have 22 chromosome pairs plus two sex chromosomes"
  8. having sexual differentiation
  9. characterized by sexuality; "highly sexed"


  1. 〈U〉〈C〉『性』,性別 / 《the~》《形容詞を伴い集合的に》『男性』,『女性』 / 〈U〉(男女(雌雄)間の)相違[の意識] / 〈U〉性に関する事柄(情報) / 〈U〉性交 / 〈ひよこなど〉‘の'性別を見分ける
  2. 正道からはずれること,非行,異常 / (軽い)精神異常
  3. 染色体

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English Journal

  • Undetected sex chromosome aneuploidy by chromosomal microarray.
  • Markus-Bustani K, Yaron Y, Goldstein M, Orr-Urtreger A, Ben-Shachar S.SourceThe Genetic Institute, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv, 64239, Israel.
  • Prenatal diagnosis.Prenat Diagn.2012 Oct 4:1-2. doi: 10.1002/pd.3979. [Epub ahead of print]
  • We report on a case of a female fetus found to be mosaic for Turner syndrome (45,X) and trisomy X (47,XXX). Chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) failed to detect the aneuploidy because of a normal average dosage of the X chromosome. This case represents an unusual instance in which CMA may not dete
  • PMID 23034780
  • Correlation study between sperm concentration, hyaluronic acid-binding capacity and sperm aneuploidy in Hungarian patients.
  • Mokánszki A, Molnár Z, Ujfalusi A, Balogh E, Bazsáné ZK, Varga A, Jakab A, Oláh E.SourceClinical Genetic Center, Department of Pediatrics, Medical and Health Science Center, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary.
  • Reproductive biomedicine online.Reprod Biomed Online.2012 Sep 10. pii: S1472-6483(12)00526-3. doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2012.08.003. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Infertile men with low sperm concentration and/or less motile spermatozoa have an increased risk of producing aneuploid spermatozoa. Selecting spermatozoa by hyaluronic acid (HA) binding may reduce genetic risks such as chromosomal rearrangements and numerical aberrations. Fluorescence in-situ hybri
  • PMID 23063816

Japanese Journal

  • 大分県における過去10年間の口唇・口蓋裂児の出現頻度
  • 佐伯 真紀,柳澤 繁孝,河野 憲司,高橋 喜浩,江口 美香,神崎 夕貴,松本 有史,古川 雅英
  • 日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 32(1), 78-84, 2007-04-30
  • 大分県における1994年から2003年の口唇・口蓋裂児の出現頻度について県内の産科医療機i関を対象に調査を行い,以下の結果を得た.<BR>1.10年間の総出生児数は81649名で,そのうち口唇・口蓋裂児は147名で出現頻度は0.180%であった.<BR>2.型別頻度は口唇口蓋裂が最も多く77名で,ついで口唇裂37名,口蓋裂29名であった.披裂側は,口唇裂,口唇口蓋裂共に片側 …
  • NAID 10019571894
  • 遺伝子医療の到来 : ヒトゲノム情報と21世紀の産科婦人科診療
  • 鈴森 薫
  • 日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 55(8), 803-814, 2003-08-01
  • 1953年Watson and CrickはDNAの二重らせん構造を提唱した.1965年代には遺伝子hunterの時代に突入し遺伝病と遺伝子変異との関係が明らかにされた.1970年からはヒトゲノム解析計画が開始されゲノムの一次構造のドラフト・シークエンスが2000年に公表された.このような時代背景からヒトの疾患をゲノムという視点で捉える体勢が整ってきた.遺伝病は4種類,染色体異常症,単一遺伝子病, …
  • NAID 110002100182
  • 極低周波電磁界による遺伝毒性の検出
  • 平野 稔,日下部 真一
  • Memoirs of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University. IV, Science reports : studies of fundamental and environmental sciences 27, 45-52, 2001
  • … The males of this strain have high sensitivity to mutagens, because they have double mutant alleles, one can't carry out a normal nucleotide excision repair against somatic mutations and the other fail to arrest cell cycle when the replicated chromosome has any aberration. … If the males were exposed to mutagen, the fitness of the males would be lower than that of the females owing to accumulation of somatic mutations on single X chromosome. …
  • NAID 110000482398

Related Links

"Sex Chromosome Aberrations" is a descriptor in the National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary thesaurus, MeSH (Medical Subject Headings). ... Abnormal number or structure of the SEX CHROMOSOMES. Some sex ...
Sex Chromosome Abnormality; Sex Chromosome Abnormalities; Abnormalities, Sex Chromosome; Chromosome Abnormalities, Sex; Aberration, Sex Chromosome; Aberrations, Sex Chromosome; Abnormality, Sex Chromosome ...

リンク元性染色体異常」「sex chromosome disorder」「sex chromosome abnormality
関連記事aberration」「chromosome aberration」「sex



sex chromosome abnormality, sex chromosome disorder, sex chromosome aberration, sex chromosome anomaly

Klinefelter’s syndrome [male] (XXY) 1:850 testicular atrophy, eunuchoid body shape, tall, long extremities, gynecomastia, female hair distribution. Presence of inactivated X chromosome (Barr body).
Turner’s syndrome [female] (XO) 1:3000 short stature, ovarian dysgenesis (streak ovary), webbing of neck, coarctation of the aorta, most common cause of 1° amenorrhea. No Barr body.
double Y males [male] (XYY) 1:1000 phenotypically normal, very tall, severe acne, antisocial behavior (seen in 1.2% of XYY males).

sex chromosome disorder」


sex chromosome aberrationsex chromosome abnormality

sex chromosome abnormality」


sex chromosome aberrationsex chromosome disorder



  • n.
  • 正道を外れること/常道を逸すること。逸脱。異常な性行為。(医)迷錯、精神異常。(生)異常型、かわりもの(sport)
aberrant, aberrantly, abnormal, abnormality, abnormally, anomalous, anomalously, anomaly, defect, departure, deviant, deviate, deviation, diverge, escape, extraordinarily, extraordinary, prolapse, unusual, unusually


chromosome aberration」


abnormal karyotypechromosomal aberrationchromosomal abnormalitychromosomal anomalychromosomal disorderchromosome abnormalitycytogenetic aberrationcytogenetic abnormality



  • n.
coitalcoitioncoituscopulationgenderintercoursesexual intercoursesexualityvenereal