- 関
- adept、experience、master、practiced、proficiency、skill、skilled、skillful
- be or become completely proficient or skilled in; "She mastered Japanese in less than two years" (同)get the hang
- an original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which copies can be made (同)master copy, original
- an officer who is licensed to command a merchant ship (同)captain, sea_captain, skipper
- an authority qualified to teach apprentices (同)professional
- directs the work of others
- someone who holds a masters degree from academic institution
- have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of; "Do you control these data?" (同)control
- go or live through; "We had many trials to go through"; "he saw action in Viet Nam" (同)see, go_through
- an event as apprehended; "a surprising experience"; "that painful experience certainly got our attention"
- the accumulation of knowledge or skill that results from direct participation in events or activities; "a man of experience"; "experience is the best teacher"
- the content of direct observation or participation in an event; "he had a religious experience"; "he recalled the experience vividly"
- go through (mental or physical states or experiences); "get an idea"; "experience vertigo"; "get nauseous"; "receive injuries"; "have a feeling" (同)receive, have, get
- an ability that has been acquired by training (同)accomplishment, acquirement, acquisition, attainment
- ability to produce solutions in some problem domain; "the skill of a well-trained boxer"; "the sweet science of pugilism" (同)science
- having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude; "adept in handicrafts"; "an adept juggler"; "an expert job"; "a good mechanic"; "a practiced marksman"; "a proficient engineer"; "a lesser-known but no less skillful composer"; "the effect was achieved by skillful retouching" (同)expert, good, practiced, proficient, skillful, skilful
- having or showing or requiring special skill; "only the most skilled gymnasts make an Olympic team"; "a skilled surgeon has many years of training and experience"; "a skilled reconstruction of her damaged elbow"; "a skilled trade"
- in a proficient manner; "he dealt proficiently with the problem"
- 熟練した,上達した,堪能な;(…に)熟練した《+『in(at)』+『名』(do『ing』)》
- 〈C〉『主人』,支配者(人),雇主;(動物の)飼い主 / 〈C〉(…を)自由に駆使できる人,如理する能力のある人《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(…の)『大家』,『名人』,精通者;師匠《+『of』(『in, at』)+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈C〉(商船の)船長 / 〈C〉(学校の男の)『先生』 / 《the M-, our M-》主キリスト(Jesus Christ) / 〈C〉《しばしばM-》修士;修士号 / 〈U〉《M-》《古》…様 / 〈C〉(レコードなどの)原盤,金型,(フイル専の)原板,ネガ / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》 / 一本立ちで仕事のできる職人の,自営の / 主要な,最上の / 腕のいい,名人の,達人の / (機械・レコードなどの)親になる,元になる / 〈人・物〉‘を'『征服する』,支配する;〈感情・欲望〉‘を'『抑える』 / 〈特技・技術など〉‘を'修得する,‘に'熟達する
- 〈U〉(…の)『経験』,体験《+『of』(『in』)+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈C〉『経験(体験)したこと』 / …‘を'『経験(体験)する』
- 〈U〉(…の)『熟練』,技量,腕《+『in』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈C〉『特殊技術』,特殊技能
- 熟達した,精通した;(…に)巧みな《+in(at)+名(doing)》 / 〈C〉(…に)熟達した人,(…の)名人《+『at』(『in』)+『名』(do『ing』)》
- (人が)熟練した,特殊技術を持った / (仕事が)熟練を要する,特殊技術を要する
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/01/30 15:34:11」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Look up proficiency or proficient in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Proficiency may refer to:
- Language proficiency, the ability of an individual to speak or perform in an acquired language
- Expertise
- Skill, the learned capacity to carry out pre-determined results often with the minimum outlay of time, energy, or both
- Proficiency (metric), an information-theoretic measure of nominal association
See also
- All pages beginning with "proficien"
- All pages with titles containing "proficien*"
- Efficiency (disambiguation)
- Progress (disambiguation)
- Profit (disambiguation)
- Test (disambiguation)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Critical trauma skills and procedures in the emergency department.
- Falcon-Chevere JL, Mercado J, Mathew D, Uzcategui-Corder M, Almodovar A, Richards E.SourceDepartment of Emergency Medicine, University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, Hospital UPR Dr Federico Trilla, 65th Infantry Avenue Km 3.8, Carolina, PR 00985, USA. Electronic address: jfalconc@gmail.com.
- Emergency medicine clinics of North America.Emerg Med Clin North Am.2013 Feb;31(1):291-334. doi: 10.1016/j.emc.2012.09.004.
- Injuries and illness associated with major trauma that require lifesaving procedures, such as surgical airway, chest tube thoracotomy, emergency department thoracotomy, early recognition and treatment of compartment syndrome, and venous cutdown, are seen in the emergency department. The emergency me
- PMID 23200336
- Critical urologic skills and procedures in the emergency department.
- Ramos-Fernandez MR, Medero-Colon R, Mendez-Carreno L.SourceDepartment of Emergency Medicine, University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, 65th Infantry Avenue Km 3.8, Carolina, PR 00985, USA. Electronic address: maria.ramos5@upr.edu.
- Emergency medicine clinics of North America.Emerg Med Clin North Am.2013 Feb;31(1):237-60. doi: 10.1016/j.emc.2012.09.007.
- The evaluation and management of genitourinary emergencies is a fundamental component of the training and practice of emergency physicians. Urologic procedures are common in the emergency room. Emergency physicians play a vital role in the initial evaluation and treatment because delays in managemen
- PMID 23200334
Japanese Journal
- 中国語を母語とする上級日本語学習者における日本語漢字単語の聴覚的認知 : 中日二言語間の形態・音韻類似性による影響
- 長崎大学経済学部生のG-TELP スコアに見る英語習熟度の伸長に関する考察
- 丸山 真純
- 經營と經濟 : 長崎工業經營専門學校大東亞經濟研究所年報 92(1/2), 117-150, 2012-09-00
- … The declining scores of the more-proficient students in the second semester might be in part because the classes were not offered on a proficiency basis. …
- NAID 110009494260
- FD・SDサポートプログラム (II. 活動報告 . (1) FD・SDの取組)
- フェスターガード キャサリン・ムンデランジ
- CGEIアニュアルレポート 2011, 9-12, 2012-07-00
- 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 大学院教育イニシアティプセンター 抄録: 大学院教育イニシアティブセンターでは, ファカルティー・ディベロップメント, スタッフ・ディベロップメントおよびサポートプログラムの一環として, ティーチングとスーパービジョンを開始する新任教員に対するプログラムを起草している.プログラムの目的は,大学院環境における,ティーチングとスーパービジョンに関する技術の, 教員サポートと …
- NAID 110009492029
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- 関
- adept、cardinal、chief、foremost、main、mainly、major、primarily、primary、principal、principally、proficiency、proficient、skilled
- 関
- experience、practiced、proficiency、proficient、skilled、skillful、technic、technical、technique
- 経験する
- 関
- go through、meet、practiced、proficiency、proficient、skill、skilled、skillful、undergo
- 英
- skill、experience、proficiency、skilled、proficient、practiced、skillful
- 関
- 技術、経験、熟達、スキル、技能、巧妙
- 関
- adept、experience、master、practiced、proficiency、proficient、skill、skillful