- (medicine) any disturbance in the functioning of an organ or body part or a disturbance in the functioning of a social group; "erectile dysfunction"; "sexual relationship dysfunction" (同)disfunction
- capable of being raised to an upright position; "erectile feathers"
- filled with vascular sinuses and capable of becoming distended and rigid as the result of being filled with blood; "erectile tissue"; "the penis is an erectile organ" (同)cavernous
- arising in or stimulated by nerve tissues
- 機能障害,機能不全
- (特に男性性器が)勃起する,勃起性の
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English Journal
- Treatments for erectile dysfunction in spinal cord patients: alternatives to phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors? A review study.
- Lombardi G1, Musco S1, Wyndaele JJ2, Del Popolo G1.
- Spinal cord.Spinal Cord.2015 Dec;53(12):849-54. doi: 10.1038/sc.2015.116. Epub 2015 Jul 21.
- STUDY DESIGN: Review study.OBJECTIVES: Alternative treatments to oral phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5Is) in individuals with spinal cord lesions (SCLs) and erectile dysfunction (ED).SETTING: Italy.METHODS: Research clinical trials (1999-2014).RESULTS: Twelve studies were selected. One arti
- PMID 26193811
- [Erectile and Ejaculatory Dysfunction].
- Gross O1, Sulser T1, Eberli D1.
- Praxis.Praxis (Bern 1994).2015 Nov 25;104(24):1337-41. doi: 10.1024/1661-8157/a002194.
- The inability to achieve an erection of the penis sufficient for sexual activity is called erectile dysfunction (ED). In most cases, the diagnosis can be made by medical history. The prevalence of ED in men at the age of 65 has been reported to be up to 50%. Premature ejaculation has a prevalence, u
- PMID 26602851
- Are lower urinary tract symptoms associated with cardiovascular disease in the Dutch general population? Results from the Krimpen study.
- Bouwman II1, Blanker MH, Schouten BW, Bohnen AM, Nijman RJ, van der Heide WK, Bosch JL.
- World journal of urology.World J Urol.2015 May;33(5):669-76. doi: 10.1007/s00345-014-1398-y. Epub 2014 Sep 25.
- PURPOSE: To describe the association between lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD), with adjustment for age and other confounders. We were specifically interested in the possible predictive value of LUTS to the incidence of CVD in the future in the general population.
- PMID 25253653
Japanese Journal
- 副交感神経障害を主徴としたMPZ遺伝子変異Thr124MetによるCharcot-Marie-Tooth病の1例
- 中村 憲道,河村 信利,立石 貴久,土井 光,大八木 保政,吉良 潤一
- 臨床神経学 49(9), 582-585, 2009
- 症例は49歳男性である.37歳より排尿困難,48歳より羞明が出現した.神経学的には左眼の散瞳,両側対光反射の低下をみとめた.筋力は正常で,排尿障害,勃起障害をみとめた.0.125%ピロカルピン点眼試験での過敏性縮瞳,膀胱機能検査での無緊張性膀胱の所見から副交感神経節後性の障害が示唆された.交感神経機能検査は正常であった.遺伝子検査にてMPZ変異Thr124MetをみとめCharcot-Marie- …
- NAID 130004504579
- Erectile Dysfunction in Hypertensive Rats Results from Impairment of the Relaxation Evoked by Neurogenic Carbon Monoxide and Nitric Oxide
- , , , ,
- Hypertension research : clinical and experimental : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension 27(4), 253-261, 2004-04-01
- … <B>Erectile dysfunction (ED) with aging and diabetes mellitus is caused by impairment of the relaxation evoked by nitric oxide (NO) of penile cavernous smooth muscles and arterioles. … We examined the neurogenic role of CO in penile erection and the neurogenic mechanisms of ED in hypertension, using spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) or Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY). …
- NAID 10012925856
- The effect of vascular endothelial growth factor and adeno-associated virus mediated brain derived neurotrophic factor on neurogenic and vasculogenic erectile dysfunction induced by hyperlipidemia
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- neurogenic erectile dysfunction
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- 勃起障害
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- barrier、damage、difficulty、disorder、disturbance、foe、functional disorder、functional impairment、hindrance、hypofunction、impair、impairment、impediment、incompetence、insufficiency、lesion、malfunction、obstacle、stun
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- nervosa、neural、neurally、neurologic、neurological、neuronally、neuropathic
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- erect、erection