- of or belonging to neither the right nor the left politically or intellectually
- a building dedicated to a particular activity; "they were raising money to build a new center for research" (同)centre
- (American football) the position of the player on the line of scrimmage who puts the ball in play; "it is a centers responsibility to get the football to the quarterback"
- a position on a basketball team of the player who participates in the jump that starts the game
- the position on a hockey team of the player who participates in the face off at the beginning of the game
- a place where some particular activity is concentrated; "they received messages from several centers" (同)centre
- the sweet central portion of a piece of candy that is enclosed in chocolate or some other covering (同)centre
- the object upon which interest and attention focuses; "his stories made him the center of the party" (同)centre, center of attention, centre of attention
- an area that is approximately central within some larger region; "it is in the center of town"; "they ran forward into the heart of the struggle"; "they were in the eye of the storm" (同)centre, middle, heart, eye
- a point equidistant from the ends of a line or the extremities of a figure (同)centre, midpoint
- a cluster of nerve cells governing a specific bodily process; "in most people the speech center is in the left hemisphere" (同)centre, nerve_center, nerve centre
- (football) the person who plays center on the line of scrimmage and snaps the ball to the quarterback; "the center fumbled the handoff" (同)snapper
- (basketball) the person who plays center on a basketball team
- (ice hockey) the person who plays center on a hockey team
- politically moderate persons; centrists
- the middle of a military or naval formation; "they had to reinforce the center"
- move into the center; "That vase in the picture is not centered" (同)centre
- equally distant from the extremes (同)halfway, middle, midway
- (language) communication by word of mouth; "his speech was garbled"; "he uttered harsh language"; "he recorded the spoken language of the streets" (同)speech communication, spoken communication, spoken_language, language, voice communication, oral communication
- something spoken; "he could hear them uttering merry speeches"
- the exchange of spoken words; "they were perfectly comfortable together without speech"
- machine that converts other forms of energy into mechanical energy and so imparts motion
- a nonspecific agent that imparts motion; "happiness is the aim of all men and the motor of all action"
- a fractional monetary unit of several countries
- the act of driving an automobile
- 〈U〉『話す力』,話す能力・〈U〉話すこと,言隆・〈C〉『演説』,話,スピーチ・〈U〉(人の)『話し方』・〈C〉〈U〉(特定の)言語,方言,なまり・〈C〉(役者の)のせりふ・〈U〉話法
- (電気の)『モーター』,電動機 / エンジン,(特に)内燃機関 / 《英》自動車(motorcar) / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》 / モーターの;エンジンの;自動車の / モーター(エンジン)による,自動車による / (神経・筋肉について)運動の / 自動車で行く / …‘を'自動車で運ぶ
- 〈C〉『セント』(1ドルの1/100;米国・カナダの貨幣単位;《略》¢) / 〈C〉1セント銅貨 / 〈U〉(単位としての)100
- 自動車運転〈技術〉,ドライブ
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English Journal
- A case report: Autosomal recessive microcephaly caused by a novel mutation in MCPH1 gene.
- Ghafouri-Fard S1, Fardaei M2, Gholami M1, Miryounesi M3.
- Gene.Gene.2015 Oct 15;571(1):149-50. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2015.07.058. Epub 2015 Jul 18.
- Autosomal Recessive Primary Microcephaly (MCPH-MIM 251200) is distinguished by congenital decrease in occipito-frontal head circumference (OFC) of at least 2 standard deviations (SD) below population average in addition to non-progressive mental retardation, without any prominent neurological disord
- PMID 26192461
- Classification systems of communication for use in epidemiological surveillance of children with cerebral palsy.
- Virella D1, Pennington L2, Andersen GL3, Andrada MD4, Greitane A5, Himmelmann K6, Prasauskiene A7, Rackauskaite G8, De La Cruz J9, Colver A2; Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe Network.
- Developmental medicine and child neurology.Dev Med Child Neurol.2015 Aug 14. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.12866. [Epub ahead of print]
- AIM: Children with cerebral palsy (CP) often experience communication difficulties. We aimed to identify a classification system for communication of children with CP suitable for epidemiological surveillance.METHOD: Systems to classify the communication of children with CP were identified. The Comm
- PMID 26272847
- Inferior frontal oscillations reveal visuo-motor matching for actions and speech: Evidence from Human intracranial recordings.
- Halje P1, Seeck M2, Blanke O3, Ionta S4.
- Neuropsychologia.Neuropsychologia.2015 Aug 14:NSYD1500368. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2015.08.015. [Epub ahead of print]
- The neural correspondence between the systems responsible for the execution and recognition of actions has been suggested both in humans and non-human primates. Apart from being a key region of this visuo-motor observation-execution matching (OEM) system, the human inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) is al
- PMID 26282276
Japanese Journal
- Neural Basis of Language: An Overview of An Evolving Model
- Health science students' perceptions of motor and sensory aphasia caused by stroke
- Neural Basis of Language: An Overview of An Evolving Model
Related Links
- motor speech center n. See Broca's area. Bro·ca cen·ter (brō-kah'), the posterior part of the inferior frontal gyrus of the left or dominant hemisphere, corresponding approximately to Brodmann area 44; Broca identified this region as an ...
- Motor speech center definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now! Added to Favorites Dictionary Thesaurus Word Dynamo Quotes Reference Translator Spanish ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- motor speech center (KH)
- 同
- ブロカ中枢 ブローカ中枢 Broca中枢 Broca center、ブローカ野 Broca野 Broca's area Broca area ブローカ領域、運動性言語野、ブローカ運動性言語中枢 Broca's motor speech center
- 関
- 言語中枢、感覚性言語中枢、ブロードマン野、大脳
- BMWs Broca area = Moter speech center; Wernicke area = Sensory speech center
- 言語の発生に必要な口・咽頭・喉頭の筋の活動を統合調節する中枢 (KL.741)
- 自発的に言葉を話せなくなる。しかし、他人の言うことはほぼ理解できる。
- 関
- central、centre、centro、centrum、hub、medial、middle
- 発話能力、言語能力。話、発話。会話、対話。演説、スピーチ。話し方、話しぶり。口語、話し言葉。スピーチ学
- 関
- exercise、kinesis、locomote、locomotive、motility、motion、move、movement