- 関
- machine that converts other forms of energy into mechanical energy and so imparts motion
- a nonspecific agent that imparts motion; "happiness is the aim of all men and the motor of all action"
- existing in possibility; "a potential problem"; "possible uses of nuclear power" (同)possible
- the inherent capacity for coming into being (同)potentiality, potency
- the act of driving an automobile
- (電気の)『モーター』,電動機 / エンジン,(特に)内燃機関 / 《英》自動車(motorcar) / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》 / モーターの;エンジンの;自動車の / モーター(エンジン)による,自動車による / (神経・筋肉について)運動の / 自動車で行く / …‘を'自動車で運ぶ
- 可能性のある,潜在的な / 可能性,潜在力 / 電位
- (…から)〈霊魂など〉‘を'呼び出す《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / 〈記憶・感情など〉‘を'呼び起こす
- 自動車運転〈技術〉,ドライブ
- 気のきいた言葉
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English Journal
- Subthreshold corticospinal control of anticipatory actions in humans.
- Sangani SG, Raptis HA, Feldman AG.SourceCenter for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation (CRIR), Montreal, PQ, Canada.
- Behavioural brain research.Behav Brain Res.2011 Oct 10;224(1):145-54. Epub 2011 Jun 7.
- Previous findings suggest that, by influencing the subthreshold state of motoneurons, the corticospinal pathways can set and reset the threshold position at which wrist muscle recruitment begins. Here we assumed that the corticospinal system can change the threshold position in a similar way before
- PMID 21672559
- Dysfunctional long-term potentiation-like plasticity in schizophrenia revealed by transcranial direct current stimulation.
- Hasan A, Nitsche MA, Rein B, Schneider-Axmann T, Guse B, Gruber O, Falkai P, Wobrock T.SourceDepartment of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Georg-August University, Von-Siebold-Strasse 5, D-37075, Goettingen, Germany. ahasan@gwdg.de
- Behavioural brain research.Behav Brain Res.2011 Oct 10;224(1):15-22. Epub 2011 May 30.
- Neural and cortical plasticity represent the ability of the brain to reorganize its function in response to a challenge. Plasticity involves changing synaptic activity and connectivity. Long-term-potentiation is one important mechanism underlying these synaptic changes. Disturbed neuronal plasticity
- PMID 21645555
Japanese Journal
- Changes in Corticospinal Excitability during Dual Task
- Advances in exercise and sports physiology 20(2), 45-50, 2014-06
- NAID 40020110732
- Changes in Corticospinal Excitability during Dual Task
- Advances in exercise and sports physiology 20(2), 45-50, 2014-06
- … In each task, TMS was applied to the left primary motor cortex (Ml), and the motorevoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from the first dorsal interosseous (FDI), the flexor carpi radialis (FCR), and extensor carpi radialis (ECR) of the right hand. … On the basis of these findings, changes in the corticospinal excitability while performing DT occur by the alteration of motor commands in supraspinal level rather than in lower spinal cord level; …
- NAID 110009830214
- 機能温存を目指した脳神経外科手術 : 術中モニタリングの有用性について
Related Links
- 26 Jan 2012 ... Motor Evoked Potentials. Single- or repetitive-pulse stimulation of the brain causes the spinal cord and peripheral muscles to produce neuroelectrical signals known as motor evoked potentials (MEPs).
- Keywords Basics • Motor-evoked potential monitoring • Operating room • Somatosenory ... Motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) are the most recent addition to rou- .... genic motor-evoked potentials, NMEP) were primarily used before. 1995 to ...
- 関
- motor-evoked potential
- 同
- motor evoked potential,運動誘発電位
- 英
- motor-evoked potential、MEP
- 関
- capability、capable、electric potential、electrical potential、feasibility、feasible、latently、likelihood、odds、possibility、possible、potentiality、potentially、probability、promising、voltage
- 関
- evocation、induce、inductive、initiate、initiation、precipitate
- 関
- exercise、kinesis、locomote、locomotive、motility、motion、move、movement