- 関
- time
- set the speed, duration, or execution of; "we time the process to manufacture our cars very precisely"
- a period of time considered as a resource under your control and sufficient to accomplish something; "take time to smell the roses"; "I didnt have time to finish"; "it took more than half my time"
- a suitable moment; "it is time to go"
- adjust so that a force is applied and an action occurs at the desired time; "The good player times his swing so as to hit the ball squarely"
- an indefinite period (usually marked by specific attributes or activities); "he waited a long time"; "the time of year for planting"; "he was a great actor in his time"
- regulate or set the time of; "time the clock"
- the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past
- an instance or single occasion for some event; "this time he succeeded"; "he called four times"; "he could do ten at a clip" (同)clip
- a persons experience on a particular occasion; "he had a time holding back the tears"; "they had a good time together"
- assign a time for an activity or event; "The candidate carefully timed his appearance at the disaster scene"
- primarily temporal sense; being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average duration or passage of time or a duration as specified; "a long life"; "a long boring speech"; "a long time"; "a long friendship"; "a long game"; "long ago"; "an hour long"
- (of speech sounds or syllables) of relatively long duration; "the English vowel sounds in `bate, `beat, `bite, `boat, `boot are long"
- for an extended distance
- for an extended time or at a distant time; "a promotion long overdue"; "something long hoped for"; "his name has long been forgotten"; "talked all night long"; "how long will you be gone?"; "arrived long before he was expected"; "it is long after your bedtime"
- having or being more than normal or necessary:"long on brains"; "in long supply"
- holding securities or commodities in expectation of a rise in prices; "is long on coffee"; "a long position in gold"
- involving substantial risk; "long odds"
- of relatively great height; "a race of long gaunt men"- Sherwood Anderson; "looked out the long French windows"
- primarily spatial sense; of relatively great or greater than average spatial extension or extension as specified; "a long road"; "a long distance"; "contained many long words"; "ten miles long"
- act so as to bring into existence; "effect a change"
- a symptom caused by an illness or a drug; "the effects of sleep loss"; "the effect of the anesthetic"
- (of a law) having legal validity; "the law is still in effect" (同)force
- the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work (同)essence, burden, core, gist
- an impression (especially one that is artificial or contrived); "he just did it for effect"
- produce; "The scientists set up a shock wave" (同)effectuate, set_up
- name formally or designate with a term
- the end of gestation or point at which birth is imminent; "a healthy baby born at full term" (同)full term
- a limited period of time; "a prison term"; "he left school before the end of term"
- a word or expression used for some particular thing; "he learned many medical terms"
- any distinct quantity contained in a polynomial; "the general term of an algebraic equation of the n-th degree"
- one of the substantive phrases in a logical proposition; "the major term of a syllogism must occur twice"
- prolonged unfulfilled desire or need (同)yearning, hungriness
- property of a personal character that is portable but not used in business; "she left some of her personal effects in the house"; "I watched over their effects until they returned" (同)personal_effects
- 〈U〉《冠詞をつけずに》(空間に対しての)『時間』,時 / 〈U〉(時計で示される)『時刻』 / 〈U〉(ある方式で決められる)『時間』,標準時 / 〈C〉〈U〉(特定の)『時』,おり,ころ / 〈U〉《しばしば A ~》(ある長さの)『時間』,期間 / 〈U〉(要する)『時間』;暇 / 《しばしば複数形で》(歴史上の)『時代』 / 《複数形で》時勢,景気 / 《one's ~》(個人の)一生;若いころ;生涯の特定の時期 / 〈U〉《しばしば A ~》(ある経験をした)『時間』 / 〈C〉『…回』,度 / 〈C〉『…倍』 / …の時間を定める / (…に)…の調子を合わせる《+名+to+名》 / …の時間を計る
- (距離・物の長さが)『長い』 / (時間が)『長い』,長く続く / 《時間・距離などを表離などを表す語を伴って》長さが…の / 『長々しい』,あきあきする / (数量が標準よりも)『多い』,長い / (人が)やせてひょろ長い / 長く,長い間,久しく / …じゅう / ずっと(前に,後に) / 長い間
- 『熱望する』
- 〈C〉〈U〉『結果』 / 〈C〉〈U〉(…への)『効果』,効きめ,影響《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》 / 〈C〉(色・音・形などの)印象,感銘 / 《複数形で》品物;身の回り品;動産,財産 / (結果として)…‘を'『もたらす』;〈目的など〉‘を'果たす,遂行する
- 〈C〉『専門用語』,術語 / 〈C〉(一般に)語[句],言葉 / 《複数形で》言い道,言飯遣い / 〈C〉『期間』 / 〈C〉〈U〉『学期』 / 《複数形で》(人との)間柄,仲《+with+名》 / 《複数形で》(協定などの)『条件』;要求額,値段 / 〈C〉(数式で)項 / 《term+名〈目〉+名(形)〈補〉》(…と)…‘を'名づける,呼ぶ
- 『あこがれ』,熱望 / (目の表情などが)あこがれの,熱望している
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English Journal
- The Growing Role of Front-of-Pack Nutrition Profile Labeling: A Consumer Perspective on Key Issues and Controversies.
- Kleef EV1, Dagevos H.
- Critical reviews in food science and nutrition.Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr.2015 Feb 23;55(3):291-303. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2011.653018.
- Nutrition-related diseases, such as some cancers, heart diseases, and obesity, belong to the most challenging health concerns of our time. Communicating intuitive and simple nutrition information by means of front-of-pack (FOP) nutrition profile signpost labeling is increasingly seen as an essential
- PMID 24915389
- Biochemical and functional properties of wheat gliadins: a review.
- Barak S1, Mudgil D, Khatkar BS.
- Critical reviews in food science and nutrition.Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr.2015 Feb 23;55(3):357-68. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2012.654863.
- Gliadins account for 40-50% of the total storage proteins of wheat and are classified into four subcategories, α-, β-, γ-, and ω-gliadins. They have also been classified as ω5-, ω1, 2-, α/β-, and γ-gliadins on the basis of their primary structure and molecular weight. Cysteine residues of g
- PMID 24915383
- A comprehensive characterisation of beer polyphenols by high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-LTQ-Orbitrap-MS).
- Quifer-Rada P1, Vallverdú-Queralt A1, Martínez-Huélamo M1, Chiva-Blanch G2, Jáuregui O3, Estruch R2, Lamuela-Raventós R4.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2015 Feb 15;169:336-43. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.07.154. Epub 2014 Aug 10.
- Beer is the second most consumed alcoholic beverage in Europe and shown by the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort study to be the main food contributor to hydroxybenzoic acid intake. About 70-80% of the total polyphenol content in beer comes from malt, and the remain
- PMID 25236235
Japanese Journal
- 青木 一真
- 低温科学 72, 127-132, 2014-03-31
- … 本報告では, 札幌におけるエアロゾルの光学的特性の時間変動と解析領域に雲がない場合での雲の影響について示した.Aerosol optical properties were investigated using the long-term measurements from ground-based sky radiometer. …
- NAID 120005397974
- 工藤 玲
- 低温科学 72, 113-125, 2014-03-31
- … In this paper, we first described the basis to understand the relationships between optical properties and direct effect of aerosols,and introduced the methods to observe the optical properties by in-situ measurements and by passive and active remote sensing. … Next, we indicated the results of the decadal variations of optical properties and direct effect in Japan by the ground-based solar radiation measurements. …
- NAID 120005397973
- 所得税と公的介護制度改革 : 環境と経済厚生への影響 (堀元教授退職記念号)
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- most of the time 大抵の場合は
- 関
- duration、fold、hour、hr、long-term effect、moment、period、phase、stage、term
- 英
- long-term effect
- 関
- 時、長期的効果
- 英
- long-term effect
- 関
- 長期効果
- (変化などを)もたらす。(目的・計画など)果たす、遂げる。実施/施行する
- 関
- act, action, affect, efficacy, impact, impinge, indication, influence, potency, effected
- 関
- designate、duration、name、period、time
- 関
- desire、hope、lengthy、wish
- 関
- long-term、longterm
- 関
- effect