- 英
- hope、desire、wish、long
- 関
- 願望、期待、希望、望み、要求、長い
- order politely; express a wish for
- an expression of some desire or inclination; "I could tell that it was his wish that the guests leave"; "his crying was an indirect request for attention" (同)indirect request
- a specific feeling of desire; "he got his wish"; "he was above all wishing and desire" (同)wishing, want
- the particular preference that you have; "it was his last wish"; "they should respect the wishes of the people"
- invoke upon; "wish you a nice evening"; "bid farewell" (同)bid
- prefer or wish to do something; "Do you care to try this dish?"; "Would you like to come along to the movies?" (同)care, like
- feel or express a desire or hope concerning the future or fortune of (同)wish well
- hope for; have a wish; "I wish I could go home now"
- make or express a wish; "I wish that Christmas were over"
- primarily temporal sense; being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average duration or passage of time or a duration as specified; "a long life"; "a long boring speech"; "a long time"; "a long friendship"; "a long game"; "long ago"; "an hour long"
- (of speech sounds or syllables) of relatively long duration; "the English vowel sounds in `bate, `beat, `bite, `boat, `boot are long"
- for an extended distance
- for an extended time or at a distant time; "a promotion long overdue"; "something long hoped for"; "his name has long been forgotten"; "talked all night long"; "how long will you be gone?"; "arrived long before he was expected"; "it is long after your bedtime"
- having or being more than normal or necessary:"long on brains"; "in long supply"
- holding securities or commodities in expectation of a rise in prices; "is long on coffee"; "a long position in gold"
- involving substantial risk; "long odds"
- of relatively great height; "a race of long gaunt men"- Sherwood Anderson; "looked out the long French windows"
- primarily spatial sense; of relatively great or greater than average spatial extension or extension as specified; "a long road"; "a long distance"; "contained many long words"; "ten miles long"
- be optimistic; be full of hope; have hopes; "I am still hoping that all will turn out well"
- one of the three Christian virtues
- a specific instance of feeling hopeful; "it revived their hope of winning the pennant"
- someone (or something) on which expectations are centered; "he was their best hope for a victory"
- the general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled; "in spite of his troubles he never gave up hope"
- intend with some possibility of fulfilment; "I hope to have finished this work by tomorrow evening" (同)go for
- expect and wish; "I trust you will behave better from now on"; "I hope she understands that she cannot expect a raise" (同)trust, desire
- express a desire for
- something that is desired
- an inclination to want things; "a man of many desires"
- the feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state
- feel or have a desire for; want strongly; "I want to go home now"; "I want my own room" (同)want
- 《現在の反対への願望を表して》《wish+that『節』》…『であればよいのにと思う』 / 《過去の事実と反対の仮定・想像を表して》《wish+that『節』》…『であればよかったのにと思う』 / …‘を'『望む』,したい / 《『wish』+『名』〈人〉+『名』=+『名』+『to』+『名』〈人〉》〈人〉に〈あいさつ,幸運を祈る言葉など〉‘を'『述べる』,言う,祈って言う / 《実現の可能性がある願望》…であればよいと思う / (…に)…‘を'押しつける,無理して頼む《+『名』+on(upon)+『名』》 / (…を)『望む』,ほしがる《+for+『名』》 / (…に)願いをかける《+on(upon)+『名』》 / 〈C〉〈U〉『願い』,願望,希望 / 〈C〉《複数形で》(人の幸福などを願う)『祈願』,好意 / 〈C〉『望みの物』,願いごと
- (距離・物の長さが)『長い』 / (時間が)『長い』,長く続く / 《時間・距離などを表離などを表す語を伴って》長さが…の / 『長々しい』,あきあきする / (数量が標準よりも)『多い』,長い / (人が)やせてひょろ長い / 長く,長い間,久しく / …じゅう / ずっと(前に,後に) / 長い間
- 『熱望する』
- …‘を'『望む』,期待する / 《『I hope』+『that節』》〈私は〉『…だと思う』 / 希望を抱く;(…を)望む,期待する《+『foe』+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉『望み』,『希望』,期待 / 〈C〉期待される人(物)
- …‘を'『切望する』,要求する,希望する / …‘に'性的欲望を感じる / 『願望』,欲望;要望,要求 / 《通例単数形で》『望みのもの』 / 〈C〉〈U〉(…に対する)性的欲望《+『for』+『名』》
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Japanese Journal
- 教育ソリューション 幼児も情報端末を利用する時代 : 学校や家庭での基礎教育の充実望む
- 政官パトロール(75)村木元次官が元凶だ 厚労省 次期次官と分割論で大揺れ : 不祥事に揺れるなか鈴木次官が続投を望むが吉田学氏や樽見英樹氏の名前が
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- 関
- ask for、call、claim、demand、hope、long、need、order、request、require、requirement、wish
- 関
- anticipation、desire、expect、hopefully、long、wish
- 英
- anticipation、hope、expect、hope、hopefully
- 関
- 希望、望み、待機、予期、予想、予測、望む、表現促進
- 関
- desire、hope、long
- 関
- desire、hope、lengthy、wish