- 関
- infrequently、rare、rarely、scarce、uncommonly
- not frequent; not occurring regularly or at short intervals; "infrequent outbursts of temper"
- recurring only at long intervals; "a rare appearance"; "total eclipses are rare events"
- having low density; "rare gasses"; "lightheaded from the rarefied mountain air" (同)rarefied, rarified
- marked by an uncommon quality; especially superlative or extreme of its kind; "what is so rare as a day in June"-J.R.Lowell; "a rare skill"; "an uncommon sense of humor"; "she was kind to an uncommon degree" (同)uncommon
- (of meat) cooked a short time; still red inside; "rare roast beef"
- not widely distributed; "rare herbs"; "rare patches of green in the desert"
- not widely known; especially valued for its uncommonness; "a rare word"; "rare books"
- deficient in quantity or number compared with the demand; "fresh vegetables were scarce during the drought"
- not often; "we rarely met" (同)seldom
- exceptionally; "a common remedy is uncommonly difficult to find"
- not many times; "in your 1850 church you not infrequently find a dramatic contrast between the sumptuous appointments of the building itself and the inhuman barrack-like living conditions in the church room"
- まれな,めったにない(rare)
- 『まれな』,『珍しい』,めったにない / (空気などが)薄い,希薄な(thin) / 《話》すてきな,たいへんな
- (肉などが)生焼けの,半煮えの
- 《補語にのみ用いて》(物が)『乏しい』,不足した / 『まれな』,珍しい
- =scarcely
- 《文を修飾する副詞として》『めったに』(『まれにしか』)…『しない』(seldom) / 《文》まれなほど,とても(unusually)
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English Journal
- A systematic review and meta-analysis of lithium augmentation of tricyclic and second generation antidepressants in major depression.
- Nelson JC1, Baumann P2, Delucchi K3, Joffe R4, Katona C5.
- Journal of affective disorders.J Affect Disord.2014 Oct 15;168C:269-275. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2014.05.053. Epub 2014 Jun 2.
- BACKGROUND: Lithium augmentation of antidepressants for treatment of unipolar major depression was one of the first adjunctive strategies based on a neuropharmacologic rationale. Randomized controlled trials supported its efficacy but most trials added lithium to tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs). De
- PMID 25069082
- Environmental and phylogeographical determinants of the distribution of the Old World screwworm fly in Indonesia.
- Wardhana AH1, Cecchi G2, Muharsini S3, Cameron MM4, Ready PD5, Hall MJ6.
- Acta tropica.Acta Trop.2014 Oct;138 Suppl:S62-8. doi: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2014.06.001. Epub 2014 Jun 10.
- The Old World screwworm (OWS) fly, Chrysomya bezziana, is an obligate parasite of livestock, and the myiasis caused by its larval infestations is economically important in Indonesia. The current spatial distribution of such a pest depends on two main factors: the current environmental conditions in
- PMID 24927686
- A tough, precision-porous hydrogel scaffold: Ophthalmologic applications.
- Teng W1, Long TJ2, Zhang Q3, Yao K3, Shen TT4, Ratner BD5.
- Biomaterials.Biomaterials.2014 Oct;35(32):8916-26. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2014.07.013. Epub 2014 Jul 30.
- Appropriate mechanical properties and highly interconnected porosity are important properties for tissue engineering scaffolds. However, most existing hydrogel scaffolds suffer from poor mechanical properties limiting their application. Furthermore, it is relatively infrequent that precision control
- PMID 25085856
- Frequency of vocalization before and after cochlear implantation: Dynamic effect of auditory feedback on infant behavior.
- Fagan MK.
- Journal of experimental child psychology.J Exp Child Psychol.2014 Oct;126:328-38. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2014.05.005. Epub 2014 Jul 4.
- The motivation for infants' non-word vocalizations in the second half of the first year of life and later is unclear. This study of hearing infants and infants with profound hearing loss with and without cochlear implants addressed the hypothesis that vocalizations are primarily motivated by auditor
- PMID 24980742
Japanese Journal
- Mining Infrequent Patterns of Two Frequent Substrings from a Single Set of Biological Sequences
- Daisuke Ikeda
- 情報処理学会研究報告. MPS, 数理モデル化と問題解決研究報告 2013-MPS-94(3), 1-4, 2013-07-15
- … This paper is devoted to considering mining infrequent patterns from biological sequences. … In this paper, we propose another approach for infrequent patterns, which, given a single set of sequences, finds string patterns of two substrings frequent in the set. …
- NAID 110009586917
- Collecting Colloquial and Spontaneous-like Sentences from Web Resources for Constructing Chinese Language Models of Speech Recognition (Preprint)
- Xinhui Hu,Shigeki Matsuda,Chori Hori,Hideki Kashioka
- 情報処理学会論文誌 54(2), 2013-02-15
- … The selection involves two steps: first, web texts are selected using a perplexity-based approach in which the style-related words are strengthened by omitting infrequent topic words. …
- NAID 110009537039
- Panayiotopoulos症候群に有効な抗てんかん薬についての後方視的検討
- 平野 嘉子/小国 弘量/大澤 眞木子
- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 83(E1), E65-E68, 2013-01-31
- Panayiotopoulos症候群(PS)は正常発達の幼児に好発する特発性部分てんかんである。発作は自律神経症状主体であり、発作回数は少なく、12歳までに軽快するとされる。しかし、発作回数が非常に多く、抗てんかん薬を必要とする群が一部存在する。今回、発作回数が多く、治療に苦慮した症例群に対する抗てんかん薬の効果を後方視的に調査検討した。対象は、発作回数が6回以上あったPS26例である。てんかん発 …
- NAID 110009559392
- Agonistic and mating behavior in relation to chela features in Hemigrapsus takanoi and H. sinensis (Brachyura, Varunidae)
- Miyajima Aya,Fukui Yasuo,Wada Keiji
- Crustacean research (41), 47-58, 2012-12-20
- … sinensis, chela handling was infrequent. …
- NAID 110009577639
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- 関
- dearth、deficiency、deficient、deficit、depletion、deprivation、deprive、in short、infrequent、infrequently、insufficiency、insufficient、lack、paucity、rare、rarely、scarcity、short、shortage、shortness、starve、uncommonly
- (比較級rarer-最上級rarest)まれな、珍しい、(気体が)希薄な
- 関
- dilute、infrequent、infrequently、rarely、scarce、tenuous、thin、uncommon、uncommonly、unique、unusual
- 英
- rare、infrequent、scarce、rarely、infrequently、uncommonly
- 関
- 欠乏、不足、希薄、珍しい、珍しく
- 関
- infrequent、infrequently、rare、scarce、uncommonly
- 関
- infrequent、infrequently、rare、rarely、scarce
- 関
- infrequent、rare、rarely、scarce、uncommonly