- 関
- 肥厚性幽門狭窄症
- http://download.imaging.consult.com/ic/images/S1933033207708406/gr4-midi.jpg
- place signs, as along a road; "sign an intersection"; "This road has been signed"
- (medicine) any objective evidence of the presence of a disorder or disease; "there were no signs of asphyxiation"
- a perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened); "he showed signs of strain"; "they welcomed the signs of spring" (同)mark
- a character indicating a relation between quantities; "dont forget the minus sign"
- a fundamental linguistic unit linking a signifier to that which is signified; "The bond between the signifier and the signified is arbitrary"--de Saussure
- a gesture that is part of a sign language
- a public display of a message; "he posted signs in all the shop windows"
- engage by written agreement; "They signed two new pitchers for the next season" (同)contract, sign on, sign_up
- approve and express assent, responsibility, or obligation; "All parties ratified the peace treaty"; "Have you signed your contract yet?" (同)ratify
- communicate silently and non-verbally by signals or signs; "He signed his disapproval with a dismissive hand gesture"; "The diner signaled the waiters to bring the menu" (同)signal, signalize, signalise
- mark with ones signature; write ones name (on); "She signed the letter and sent it off"; "Please sign here" (同)subscribe
- be engaged by a written agreement; "He signed to play the casino on Dec. 18"; "The soprano signed to sing the new opera"
- communicate in sign language; "I dont know how to sign, so I could not communicate with my deaf cousin"
- a small ring-shaped friedcake (同)donut, sinker
- having a handwritten signature; "a signed letter"
- (ある事実・状態・感情などの)『表れ』,印,気配,徴侯(indication);(…の)こん跡,計跡《+『of』+『名』》・『身ぶり』,手まね,合図 / 『標識』,看板 / (数学・音楽などの)記号 / (…の)『象徴』,シンボル(symbol)《+『of』+『名』》・《文》(…の)『前兆』,きざし《+『of』+『名』》・宮(きゅう)(黄道12区分の一つ) ・〈手紙・書類・作品など〉‘に'『署名する』・(…に)〈名前など〉‘を'書く《+『名』+『on』(『to』)+『名』》 / …‘を'雇う契約に署名する・…‘を'合図する,知らせる;…に合図する・署名する・契約書に署名して雇われる
- =ti
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English Journal
- Appendiceal phlegmon mimicking intussusception on ultrasound: correspondence between sonographic and operative findings.
- Mentessidou A1, Mirilas P2.
- Journal of pediatric surgery.J Pediatr Surg.2015 Jul;50(7):1224-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2015.03.045. Epub 2015 Mar 26.
- Little is known about the possibility that ruptured appendicitis may produce a false sonographic appearance of intussusception. We present here a case of a periappendiceal phlegmon mimicking ileocolic intussusception on ultrasound in a 3.5-year-old girl and provide a surgico-anatomic explanation on
- PMID 25858096
- Subcutaneous entomophthoromycosis mimicking soft-tissue sarcoma in children.
- Raveenthiran V1, Mangayarkarasi V2, Kousalya M2, Viswanathan P3, Dhanalakshmi M3, Anandi V4.
- Journal of pediatric surgery.J Pediatr Surg.2015 Jul;50(7):1150-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2014.11.031. Epub 2014 Nov 20.
- AIM: Subcutaneous entomophthoromycosis (EM) is an uncommon fungal infection of childhood. This article is intended to draw the attention of pediatric surgeons to the fact that EM can mimic soft-tissue tumor.METHODS: It is a retrospective review of 16 children treated for subcutaneous EM between 2000
- PMID 25783300
- Fundus autofluorescence in chronic essential hypertension.
- Ramezani A1, Saberian P2, Soheilian M1, Parsa SA3, Kamali HK3, Entezari M1, Shahbazi MM2, Yaseri M4.
- Journal of ophthalmic & vision research.J Ophthalmic Vis Res.2014 Jul-Sep;9(3):334-8. doi: 10.4103/2008-322X.143372.
- PURPOSE: To evaluate fundus autofluorescence (FAF) changes in patients with chronic essential hypertension (HTN).METHODS: In this case-control study, 35 eyes of 35 patients with chronic essential HTN (lasting >5 years) and 31 eyes of 31 volunteers without history of HTN were included. FAF picture
- PMID 25667735
Japanese Journal
- 腹部超音波およびCT検査で典型的な腸重積の所見を呈した回腸 inflammatory fibroid polyp の1例
- 日本消化器病學會雜誌 = The Japanese journal of gastro-enterology 97(11), 1395-1400, 2000-11-05
- NAID 10007608238
- 造影剤を使用した薄層スライスCTによる肺癌の縦隔リンパ節の質的診断
- 造影剤を使用した薄層スライスCTによる肺癌の縦隔リンパ節の質的診断
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- 英
- hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
- 関
- 肥厚性幽門狭窄、幽門狭窄症
- 幽門輪状筋の肥厚により幽門部の狭窄、通過障害をきたす。
- 生後2-3週より胃液、ミルクを嘔吐(無胆汁性)
- 幽門の輪状筋の肥厚。生後には肥厚は存在せず、徐々に肥厚
- 500出生に一人。男児が女児の4-5倍多い (PED.1017)
- 生後2-3週頃より嘔吐が始まり、回数、量が次第に増加し、1-2週間で噴水状となる(SPE.487)
- 生後2-4週で発症(PED.1017)
- 噴水状嘔吐、低Clアルカローシス
- 脱水、電解質異常、低栄養
- 胃: 胃蠕動の亢進
- 腹部:肥厚した幽門筋は上腹部正中ないし右側に母指頭大の硬い腫瘤として触知:オリーブ状腫瘤
- 血算、血液生化学、動脈血ガス:低Cl性代謝性アルカローシス、低K血症、脱水による血液濃縮
- 腹部単純X線:胃の拡張・蠕動亢進、小腸ガスの減少
- 腹部超音波検査:細菌は幽門肥厚を直接描出して確定診断できる(PED.1017)
- 身体所見(オリーブ状腫瘤)
- 検査(超音波:幽門部の筋層の厚さが4mm以上、長さが16mm以上)
- http://www.learningradiology.com/notes/ginotes/hypertrophicstenosispage.htm
- 関
- indication、manifestation、signature、stigma、stigmata、symptom、symptomatic