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- 1. 網膜色素変性症:臨床症状および診断retinitis pigmentosa clinical presentation and diagnosis [show details]
… Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) comprises a complex group of inherited dystrophies characterized by progressive degeneration and dysfunction of the retina, primarily affecting photoreceptor and pigment epithelial …
- 2. 網膜色素変性症:治療retinitis pigmentosa treatment [show details]
… Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) comprises a complex group of inherited dystrophies characterized by progressive degeneration and dysfunction of the retina, primarily affecting photoreceptor and pigment epithelial …
- 3. ネフロン癆の臨床症状、診断、および治療clinical manifestations diagnosis and treatment of nephronophthisis [show details]
…impairment due to retinitis pigmentosa (also referred to as tapetoretinal degeneration ) is seen in patients with Senior-Loken syndrome and Leber congenital amaurosis. Retinitis pigmentosa is observed in patients …
- 4. UVA1療法uva1 phototherapy [show details]
…reduces pruritus and urtication in patients with urticaria pigmentosa. In an open study, four adult patients with severe generalized urticaria pigmentosa were treated with high-dose UVA1 phototherapy administered …
- 5. 皮膚肥満細胞症の治療および予後treatment and prognosis of cutaneous mastocytosis [show details]
…the World Health Organization (WHO) : Maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis (MPCM) or urticaria pigmentosa (UP) with two variants – Monomorphic and polymorphic ; Diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis; Solitary …
English Journal
- [Assessment of blood flow in retinal pigment degeneration].
- Steuer E, Formińska-Kapuścik M, Kamińska-Olechnowicz B, Kinasz R, Domańska O.
- Klinika oczna. 2005 ;107(1-3)57-9.
- Degeneratio pigmentosa retinae (RP) is one of the most common inherited retinal disease. The authors analyzed the blood flow in the central retinal artery using the DRG Retina Doppler. The blood flow velocity depending on the perimetry was also measured. The outcome of our study was compared to the
- PMID 16052802
- Clinical application of acupuncture in ophthalmology.
- Dabov S, Goutoranov G, Ivanova R, Petkova N.
- Acupuncture & electro-therapeutics research. 1985 ;10(1-2)79-93.
- Acupuncture of 50 persons suffering from myopia, glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa (degeneratio retinae pigmentosa), optic nerve atrophy, aged 5 to 71 was carried out. One to three courses were conducted, each consisting of 10-15 seances. All the patients were treated with acupuncture at these bilatera
- PMID 2861724
- Length perception in degeneratio pigmentosa retinae cases and normal subjects with limited visual field.
- Inui T, Ohmi E.
- Japanese journal of ophthalmology. 1982 ;26(2)199-204.
- To investigate quantitatively the visual disturbance in cases of degeneratio pigmentosa retinae, the effect of the visual field size on length perception was studied. In the experiment, 3 patients were asked to compare the length of two lines presented on the screen for 5 seconds under monocular and
- PMID 7131928
Japanese Journal
- Length Perception in Degeneratio Pigmentosa Retinae Cases and Normal Subjects with Limited Visual Field
- Inui Toshio,Ohmi Emiko
- Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology 26(2), p199-204, 1982
- NAID 40005317396
- Mumps罹患後に糖尿病を発見したLaurence-Moon-Biedl症候群の一例
- 稲垣 勝則 [他],氷室 一彦,鈴木 邦男,坂東 武志,渡辺 斌
- 糖尿病 19(1), 70-76, 1976
- 症例は15歳の女子で糖尿の精査および視力障害を主訴に来院した. 満期正常分娩で出産するも幼少時の身体的精神的発育は遅かった. 6歳より肥満著明となり, 10歳で知能の発育が遅いため特殊学級へ移った. また, 視力の低下を訴えるようになった. 11歳の時, 検尿を受けたが尿糖は陰性であった. 14歳で初潮を見たが以後の月経は不順であった.<BR>昭和49年1月28日, 38度台の発熱を伴 …
- NAID 130004336560
- 栗林 保人,吉野 重丈
- 信州大学紀要 (2), 91-100, 1952-07
- … In the second place, we transplanted fresh enucleated bovine pituitary bodies or injected its emulsion with penicillin solution to 10 cases of typical degene ratio pigmentosa retinae. …
- NAID 120001871066
Related Links
- (degeneratio pigmentosa retinae) 遺伝による病気で,幼少時より夜盲が起こり,徐々に進行し20歳頃には視野狭窄,視力低下も強くなる場合と,30歳代になって夜盲や視野狭窄がゆっくり起こってくる場合とがあります。症状はどちらも ...
- Co to jest Retinitis Pigmentosa? Retinitis Pigmentosa (często używany jest skrót RP), czyli zwyrodnienie barwnikowe siatkówki, jest chorobą dziedziczną, która w skrajnych przypadkach może prowadzić do utraty wzroku. Jest to ...
- Retinitis pigmentosa is a group of related eye disorders that cause progressive vision loss. These disorders affect the retina, which is the layer of light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. In people with retinitis pigmentosa, vision ...
- 英
- pigmentary degeneration of the retina
- ラ
- degeneratio pigmentosa retinae, retinitis pigmentosa
- 関
- 網膜色素変性、色素性網膜症、色素性網膜炎、桿体錐体ジストロフィー、色素上皮網膜変性、夜盲症、難病
[show details]
- 症状は通常両眼性である。進行は緩徐に進行する。
- 夜盲
- 視野狭窄:輪状暗点(初期)、求心性視野狭窄(末期)
- 視力低下:周辺視力低下、最終的には失明、。
- 眼底検査:網膜動脈狭細化、蝋状の視神経乳頭萎縮、骨小体様色素沈着(必ずしも見られない)
- 傾向眼底検査
- 暗順応検査
- 網膜電図:(初期から見られる)振幅低下・消失
- 視野検査:(初期)輪状暗点、求心性視野狭窄
- 参考1
- 網膜血管狭小
- 粗糙胡麻塩状網膜(ごま塩眼底??)
- 骨小体様色素沈着
- 白点状
- 2) 網膜電図の振幅低下又は消失
- 3) 蛍光眼底造影所見で網膜色素上皮萎縮による過蛍光
- →網脈絡膜ジストロフィー
- http://www.nanbyou.or.jp/entry/337
- http://homepage1.nifty.com/jibiaka50/nantyoumoumaku.htm
- 3. [charged] Retinitis pigmentosa: Clinical presentation and diagnosis - uptodate [1]
- 関
- retina、retinal