- 関
- section
- a land unit equal to 1 square mile
- one of several parts or pieces that fit with others to constitute a whole object; "a section of a fishing rod"; "metal sections were used below ground"; "finished the final segment of the road" (同)segment
- a small class of students who are part of a larger course but are taught separately; "a graduate student taught sections for the professors lecture course" (同)discussion section
- (geometry) the area created by a plane cutting through a solid (同)plane section
- a self-contained part of a larger composition (written or musical); "he always turns first to the business section"; "the history of this work is discussed in the next section" (同)subdivision
- a distinct region or subdivision of a territorial or political area or community or group of people; "no section of the nation is more ardent than the South"; "there are three synagogues in the Jewish section"
- a division of an orchestra containing all instruments of the same class
- a segment of a citrus fruit; "he ate a section of the orange"
- a small army unit usually having a special function
- a small team of policemen working as part of a police platoon
- a very thin slice (of tissue or mineral or other substance) for examination under a microscope; "sections from the left ventricle showed diseased tissue"
- stop filming; "cut a movie scene"
- cease, stop; "cut the noise"; "We had to cut short the conversation" (同)cut_off
- a wound made by cutting; "he put a bandage over the cut" (同)gash, slash, slice
- a share of the profits; "everyone got a cut of the earnings"
- a step on some scale; "he is a cut above the rest"
- grow through the gums; "The new tooth is cutting"
- have grow through the gums; "The baby cut a tooth"
- the act of cutting something into parts; "his cuts were skillful"; "his cutting of the cake made a terrible mess" (同)cutting
- the act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge; "his cut in the lining revealed the hidden jewels" (同)cutting
- the division of a deck of cards before dealing; "he insisted that we give him the last cut before every deal"; "the cutting of the cards soon became a ritual" (同)cutting
- the act of shortening something by chopping off the ends; "the barber gave him a good cut" (同)cutting, cutting off
- a trench resembling a furrow that was made by erosion or excavation (同)gash
- (sports) a stroke that puts reverse spin on the ball; "cuts do not bother a good tennis player" (同)undercut
- a canal made by erosion or excavation
- an unexcused absence from class; "he was punished for taking too many cuts in his math class"
- the act of reducing the amount or number; "the mayor proposed extensive cuts in the city budget"
- a piece of meat that has been cut from an animal carcass (同)cut of meat
- a distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc; "he played the first cut on the cd"; "the title track of the album" (同)track
- (film) an immediate transition from one shot to the next; "the cut from the accident scene to the hospital seemed too abrupt"
- the style in which a garment is cut; "a dress of traditional cut"
- create by duplicating data; "cut a disk"; "burn a CD" (同)burn
- (of a male animal) having the testicles removed; "a cut horse" (同)emasculated, gelded
- weed out unwanted or unnecessary things; "We had to lose weight, so we cut the sugar from our diet" (同)prune, rationalize, rationalise
- with parts removed; "the drastically cut film" (同)shortened
- intentionally fail to attend; "cut class" (同)skip
- (used of rates or prices) reduced usually sharply; "the slashed prices attracted buyers" (同)slashed
- style and tailor in a certain fashion; "cut a dress" (同)tailor
- mixed with water; "sold cut whiskey"; "a cup of thinned soup" (同)thinned, weakened
- (of pages of a book) having the folds of the leaves trimmed or slit; "the cut pages of the book"
- allow incision or separation; "This bread cuts easily"
- discharge from a group; "The coach cut two players from the team"
- dissolve by breaking down the fat of; "soap cuts grease"
- divide a deck of cards at random into two parts to make selection difficult; "Wayne cut"; "She cut the deck for a long time"
- fashioned or shaped by cutting; "a well-cut suit"; "cut diamonds"; "cut velvet"
- fell by sawing; hew; "The Vietnamese cut a lot of timber while they occupied Cambodia"
- form by probing, penetrating, or digging; "cut a hole"; "cut trenches"; "The sweat cut little rivulets into her face"
- form or shape by cutting or incising; "cut paper dolls"
- function as a cutting instrument; "This knife cuts well"
- give the appearance or impression of; "cut a nice figure"
- have a reducing effect; "This cuts into my earnings"
- hit (a ball) with a spin so that it turns in the opposite direction; "cut a Ping-Pong ball"
- make a recording of; "cut the songs"; "She cut all of her major titles again"
- make an abrupt change of image or sound; "cut from one scene to another"
- make an incision or separation; "cut along the dotted line"
- move (ones fist); "his opponent cut upward toward his chin"
- pass directly and often in haste; "We cut through the neighbors yard to get home sooner"
- pass through or across; "The boat cut the water"
- penetrate injuriously; "The glass from the shattered windshield cut into her forehead"
- perform or carry out; "cut a caper"
- reap or harvest; "cut grain"
- record a performance on (a medium); "cut a record"
- separate with or as if with an instrument; "Cut the rope"
- separated into parts or laid open or penetrated with a sharp edge or instrument; "the cut surface was mottled"; "cut tobacco"; "blood from his cut forehead"; "bandages on her cut wrists"
- shorten as if by severing the edges or ends of; "cut my hair"
- on the surface; "surface materials of the moon"
- the outer boundary of an artifact or a material layer constituting or resembling such a boundary; "there is a special cleaner for these surfaces"; "the cloth had a pattern of red dots on a white surface"
- the outermost level of the land or sea; "earthquakes originate far below the surface"; "three quarters of the Earths surface is covered by water" (同)Earth''s surface
- a superficial aspect as opposed to the real nature of something; "it was not what it appeared to be on the surface"
- the extended two-dimensional outer boundary of a three-dimensional object; "they skimmed over the surface of the water"; "a brush small enough to clean every dental surface"; "the sun has no distinct surface"
- come to the surface (同)come_up, rise up, rise
- emerging to the surface and becoming apparent
- 〈C〉(全体を構成する個々の)『部分』,部品;(全体の中で特定の用途・機能・特徴を持った)部分,部門 / 〈C〉(内部構造を児す)断面図;切断面 / 〈U〉切断すること,(外科の)切開;〈C〉(顕微鏡などで検査する組織の)切片 / 〈C〉《米》セクション(郡区(township)の36分の1に当たる1平方マイル(640エーカー)の土地区画の広さ) / …‘を'区分(分割)する / …‘の'断面[図]を作る
- (刃物などで)…'を'『切る』,傷つける / (刃物などで)…'を'『切断する』,切り分ける;〈草・作物・髪など〉'を'刈り取る / 〈像・文様など〉'を'『刻む』,彫る;〈石・宝石など〉'を'刻む;みがく;〈衣服など〉'を'裁断する / 《比喩(ひゆ)的に》〈人,人の心〉'を'切る,傷つける;〈寒さなどが〉…‘の'身を切る / (…から)…'を'『削除する』《+『名』+『from』(『out of』)+『名』》 / …'を'減らす,削減する;(…で)…'を'薄める《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / …'を'横切る,‘と'交差する / …'を'掘る,切り開く / …'を'止める / 〈歯〉'を'はやす / 《話》(わざと)…'を'知らないふりをする,のけものにする / 《話》〈授業など〉'を'さぼる,欠席する / (カードゲームで)〈一組の札〉'を'切る / (テニス・卓球などで)〈ボール〉'を'カットする / 《しばしば状態を表す副詞[句]を伴って》〈刃物が〉『切れる』;〈物が〉切られる / 〈物事が〉身を切るように痛い;感情をひどく傷つける / (…へ)急に方向を変える《+『to』+『名』》 / (…への)切り傷,刻み目《+『on』(『in』)+『名』》 / (刃物の)一切り,(むちなどの)一打ち / (…の)断片(特に,切り取った肉など),切り身《+『of』+『名』》 / (…の)削減,(値段の)割引き,(賃金の)引下げ《+『in』+『名』》 / (…の)切り方,裁ち方,刈り方《+『of』+『名』》 / (テニス・卓球などで)ボールを切ること / 横断路,通り抜け路 / 切り通し;掘り割り / 木版[画];(印刷用の)金属板;さし絵,カット / (…に対する)感情を傷つける言葉(行為);しんらつな言葉,冷酷な仕打ち《+『at』+『名』》 / 《話》分け前,配前(share)
- (物の)表面,外面;水面 / 《比喩的に》『うわべ』,見かけ / 『表面(水面)の,』表面(水面)に関する / 《比喩的に》『うわべだけの,』見かけだけの / 陸(水)上輸送の / (沈んでいたものが)表面に浮上する;《話》《おどけて》(寝ていた人が)起きる / (…で)…‘に'表面をつける,〈道路〉‘を'舗装する《+名+with+名》
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English Journal
- Liquid sensor based on a piezoelectric lateral electric field-excited resonator.
- Zaitsev BD1, Shikhabudinov AM2, Teplykh AA2, Kuznetsova IE3.
- Ultrasonics.Ultrasonics.2015 Dec;63:179-83. doi: 10.1016/j.ultras.2015.07.009. Epub 2015 Jul 23.
- The influence of viscous and conducting liquid on the characteristics of a piezoelectric lateral electric field-excited resonator based on the X-cut lithium niobate plate has been investigated. It has been found that the contact of a free surface of such resonator with conducting or viscous liquid l
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- Application of a novel antimicrobial coating on roast beef for inactivation and inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes during storage.
- Wang L1, Zhao L2, Yuan J2, Jin TZ3.
- International journal of food microbiology.Int J Food Microbiol.2015 Oct 15;211:66-72. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2015.07.007. Epub 2015 Jul 9.
- The antilisterial efficacy of novel coating solutions made with organic acids, lauric arginate ester, and chitosan was evaluated in a three-stage study on inoculated roast beef for the first time. Ready-to-eat roast beef was specially ordered from the manufacturer. The meat surface was inoculated wi
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- Numerical simulation of the fracture process in ceramic FPD frameworks caused by oblique loading.
- Kou W1, Qiao J2, Chen L2, Ding Y2, Sjögren G3.
- Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials.J Mech Behav Biomed Mater.2015 Oct;50:206-14. doi: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2015.06.017. Epub 2015 Jun 24.
- Using a newly developed three-dimensional (3D) numerical modeling code, an analysis was performed of the fracture behavior in a three-unit ceramic-based fixed partial denture (FPD) framework subjected to oblique loading. All the materials in the study were treated heterogeneously; Weibull׳s distrib
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Japanese Journal
- 人工膝関節全置換術におけるナビゲーションシステムの 有用性に関する臨床的検討
- 浅野 多聞,成田 淳,大木 弘治,高窪 祐弥,高木 理彰
- 山形大学紀要. 医学 : 山形医学 31(2), 37-46, 2013-08-15
- 【背景】コンピュータ支援手術であるナビゲーションシステム(ナビ)は精緻で正確な手術を可能とし、人工膝関節全置換術(TKA)にも応用されるようになってきた。本研究では山形大学で行ったナビを用いたTKA(ナビTKA)の有用性について検討することを目的とした。対象と方法】2007年3月より2012年7月まで山形大学医学部附属病院にてTKAを行った症例119例143膝を対象とした。ナビを使用した群(ナビ群 …
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- Minority Carrier Annihilation in Lateral Direction Caused by Recombination Defects at Cut Edges and Bear Surfaces of Crystalline Silicon
- Sameshima Toshiyuki,Furukawa Jun,Yoshidomi Shinya
- Jpn J Appl Phys 52(4), 041303-041303-6, 2013-04-25
- … We report on the photo-induced minority carrier annihilation effect in the lateral direction caused by cut edges and partially formed bare surfaces for 500-μm-thick n-type silicon substrates coated with thermally grown SiO<inf>2</inf>layers. … A mechanical cut decreased \tau_{\text{eff}} in a 0.9-cm-wide region from the cut edges. … \tau_{\text{eff}} decreased from 3.4\times 10^{-3} (initial) to 6.5\times 10^{-4} s at cut edges. …
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- S-PRG微粉末とポリアクリル酸を応用した新規象牙質知覚過敏治療法の開発 : 象牙細管封鎖能と耐酸性能
- 澤 悦夫,向井 義晴,富山 潔,椎谷 亨,飯塚 純子,長谷川 晴彦,寺中 敏夫
- 日本歯科保存学雑誌 56(1), 17-24, 2013-02-28
- … 目的:象牙質知覚過敏治療法として,平均粒径0.8μmのsurface pre-reacted glass ionomer (S-PRG)微粉末とポリアクリル酸から構成される新規象牙細管封鎖法を考案し,象牙細管を開口した象牙質に適用し,その細管封鎖能を表面および割断面からSEMにより観察するとともに,適用下象牙質の耐酸性能をtransversal microradiography (TMR)を用いて評価した.材料と方法:象牙細管を開口させたウシ歯根部象牙質を用い,実験群にはS-PRG処理ならびにMSコー …
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- 英
- (画像の)section、(物理的な)cut surface
- 関
- セクション、節、切片、薄切、部門
- (過去-過去分詞も同形)カットする、切る、削除する
- 関
- cancellation、delete、deletion、efface
- 関
- aspect、chamfer、face、facet、plane、side、superficial