- 関
- about、approx.、approximately、around、ca.
- in rotation or succession; "turn about is fair play"
- (of actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomplished; all but; "the job is (just) about done"; "the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded"; "were almost finished"; "the car all but ran her down"; "he nearly fainted"; "talked for nigh onto 2 hours"; "the recording is well-nigh perfect"; "virtually all the parties signed the contract"; "I was near exhausted by the run"; "most everyone agrees" (同)almost, most, nearly, near, nigh, virtually, well-nigh
- all around or on all sides; "dirty clothes lying around (or about)"; "lets look about for help"; "There were trees growing all around"; "she looked around her" (同)around
- in or to a reversed position or direction; "about face"; "suddenly she turned around" (同)around
- in the area or vicinity; "a few spectators standing about"; "hanging around"; "waited around for the next flight" (同)around
- used of movement to or among many different places or in no particular direction; "wandering about with no place to go"; "people were rushing about"; "news gets around (or about)"; "traveled around in Asia"; "he needs advice from someone whos been around"; "she sleeps around" (同)around
- on the move; "up and about"; "the whole town was astir over the incident" (同)astir
- to a particular destination either specified or understood; "she came around to see me"; "I invited them around for supper"
- by a circular or circuitous route; "He came all the way around the base"; "the road goes around the pond"
- in a circle or circular motion; "The wheels are spinning around"
- in circumference; "the trunk is ten feet around"; "the pond is two miles around"
- (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct; "lasted approximately an hour"; "in just about a minute"; "hes about 30 years old"; "Ive had about all I can stand"; "we meet about once a month"; "some forty people came"; "weighs around a hundred pounds"; "roughly $3,000"; "holds 3 gallons, more or less"; "20 or so people were at the party" (同)about, close_to, just about, some, roughly, more or less, around, or so
- (とくに近似の年代を示すのに用いて)およそ(about)(《略》『c.,ca,ca.,cir.,circ.』)
- …『について』,に関して / 《おもに英》(また,おもに《米》『around』)…『の回りに(を)』,の周囲を(で) / 《おもに英》(また,おもに《米》『around』)…『のあちこちに(で,を)』,に点々と / 《おもに英》(また,おもに《米》『around』)…のあたりに(を),の近くに(near) / …『の身の回りに』,を手もとに / …の身辺に,のどこかに / …に従事して,にかかわって / (また《話》『around』)《時を表す名詞を伴って》だいたい…ころ(に) / (また《米》『around』)『周囲に』 / 《おもに英》(また,おもに《米》『around』)『あちこちに』,点々と / 《おもに英》(また,おもに《米》『around』)あたりに / 《しばしば数詞と共に用いて》『およそ』,約 / (また,おもに《米》『around』)ぐるっと回って,反対の位置(方向)に / 順番に,交互に / 《be動詞の後で》(病気・うわさが)広まって;(人の病気がよくなり)元気に動き回って;(ショーなどが)行われて
- 《beなどの状態を表す動詞,また動作を表す動詞と共に》…『の周りに』(『を』),…の周囲に(を),…をぐるっと取り巻いて / 《米・英話》《be, lieなどの状態を表す動詞と共に》『…のあちこちに』,《移動を表す動詞と共に》『…のあちこちを』,…をぐるっと回って(《英》about) / 《米・英話》どこか…のあたりに,の付近に(《英》about) / 《米・英話》…『を回って』,回ったところに(《英》about) / …を中心として / 《米・英話》およそ,約 / 『周りに』,ぐるりと,一周して / 《米》あちこちに(と)(《英》about) / 《米》周辺に,あたりに,付近に(《英》about) / 《米》曲って,回って(《英》about) / 《米》『回ったところに』,回った向こう側(こちら側)に / 《米》(時期・季節などが)巡って / 《米》(軸を中心に)回転して / 《米》(方向など)ぐるりと変えて / 《米》元に戻って / 《おもに米話》活動して
- おおよそ,だいたい(nearly)
- approximate[ly]
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/11/22 15:24:01」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
ウィキメディア・コモンズには、Circaに関連するメディアがあります。 |
ウィクショナリーにen:Circaの項目があります。 |
c., ca, ca.、まれに cca. と略し(c.a. は間違い)、しばしばイタリックにする。主に歴史学や系譜学で、日付(年など)の前に付ける。たとえば、チンギス・ハーンの生没年は「c. 1162–1227」などと表され、「1162年頃生まれ、1227年没(こちらは正確)」という意味である。
編年 |
主要項目 |
時間 · 天文学 · 地質学 · 古生物学 · 考古学 · 歴史
時代と紀元 |
紀年法:ローマ建国紀元 · 西暦 / 共通紀元 · 創世紀元 · 世界創造紀元 · スペイン紀元(英語版) · BP · ヒジュラ · エジプト暦(英語版) · ソティス周期 · ヒンドゥー教の度量衡(英語版) · ユガ
統治年(英語版):王の統治期間(英語版) · リンム(英語版) · セレコウス時代(英語版)
時代名称(英語版):中国の元号 · 日本の元号 · 朝鮮の元号 · ベトナムの元号
暦法 |
ローマ暦 · ユリウス暦 · 先発ユリウス暦(英語版) · 修正ユリウス暦
グレゴリオ暦 · 先発グレゴリオ暦 · 新暦
太陰太陽暦 · 太陽暦 · 太陰暦 · ヒジュラ暦 · 干支
天文学暦(英語版) · ISO
天文学 |
宇宙カレンダー(英語版) · 天体暦 · 銀河年 · メトン周期 · ミランコビッチ・サイクル
地質学 |
地質学的時間(英語版) · 地史(英語版) · 地質学的時間単位(英語版)
年代測定の定義:GSSA · GSSP
年代層序(英語版) · 絶対年代 · 同位体地球化学(英語版) · 地層累重の法則 · 光学年代測定(英語版) · サマリウム/ネオジウム年代測定(英語版)
考古学 |
年代測定:増加性年代測定(英語版) · 考古学的磁気年代測定(英語版) · 年輪年代学 · 言語年代学 · 氷床コア · 地衣植物(英語版) · 古地磁気学 · 放射性炭素年代測定 · 放射年代測定 · テフロクロノロジー · 熱ルミネッセンス年代測定(英語版) · ウラン・鉛年代測定法
相対年代測定(英語版):系列化(英語版) · 階層性(英語版)
遺伝子 |
アミノ酸年代測定法 · 分子時計
関連記事 |
年代記 · 新歴史学(英語版) · 時代区分(英語版) · シンクロノプティック・ビュー(英語版) · タイムライン(英語版) · 0年 · Circa · Floruit(英語版)
[Wiki en表示]
For other uses, see Circa (disambiguation).
"Ca." and "Cca." redirect here. For other uses of "Ca", see CA. For other uses of "Cca", see CCA.
Circa (from Latin, meaning "around, about"), usually abbreviated c. or ca. (also circ. or cca.), means "approximately" in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Croatian, German, Dutch, Romanian, Slovak, Czech, Norwegian and Swedish (spelled cirka), usually referring to a date.[1] Circa is widely used in genealogy and historical writing when the dates of events are not precisely known.
When used in date ranges, the term "circa" is applied before each approximate date, while dates without "circa" immediately preceding them are generally assumed to be known with certainty.
- 1732–1799, both the years shown and the date range are precisely known
- c. 1732–1799, only the second year shown is certain, the first year is approximately known
- 1732 – c. 1799, in this case the first year is certain, and the second year is approximate
- c. 1732 – c. 1799, both the years shown and the date range are approximately known
- ^ "circa – Definition and more from the free Merriam-Webster dictionary". dictionary.com. Retrieved 16 July 2010.
Main articles |
- Time
- Astronomy
- Geology
- Paleontology
- Archaeology
- History
Eras and epochs |
Calendar eras
- Human Era
- Ab urbe condita
- Anno Domini (Common Era)
- Anno Mundi
- Byzantine era
- Spanish era
- Before Present
- Hijri
- Egyptian
- Sothic cycle
- Hindu units of time
- Hindu Yugas
Regnal year
- Canon of Kings
- Lists of kings
- Limmu
- Seleucid era
Era names
- Chinese
- Japanese
- Korean
- Vietnamese
Calendars |
- Pre-Julian Roman
- Original Julian
- Proleptic Julian
- Revised Julian
- Gregorian
- Proleptic Gregorian
- Old Style and New Style dates
- Lunisolar
- Solar
- Lunar
- Astronomical year numbering
- Chinese sexagenary cycle
- Geologic Calendar
- Hebrew
- Iranian
- Islamic
- ISO week date
Astronomic time |
- Cosmic Calendar
- Ephemeris
- Galactic year
- Metonic cycle
- Milankovitch cycles
Geologic time |
- Deep time
- Geological history of Earth
- Geological time units
- Global Standard Stratigraphic Age (GSSA)
- Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP)
- Chronostratigraphy
- Geochronology
- Isotope geochemistry
- Law of superposition
- Optical dating
- Samarium-neodymium dating
methods |
Absolute dating
- Amino acid racemisation
- Archaeomagnetic dating
- Dendrochronology
- Glottochronology
- Ice core
- Incremental dating
- Lichenometry
- Paleomagnetism
- Radiocarbon dating
- Radiometric dating
- Tephrochronology
- Thermoluminescence dating
- Uranium-lead dating
Relative dating
- Fluorine absorption
- Obsidian hydration
- Seriation
- Stratigraphy
Genetic methods |
- Amino acid dating
- Molecular clock
Related topics |
- Chronicle
- New Chronology
- Periodization
- Synchronoptic view
- Timeline
- Year zero
- Circa
- Floruit
- ASPRO chronology
English Journal
- The circadian system: Plasticity at many levels.
- Muraro NI, Pírez N, Ceriani MF.SourceLaboratorio de Genética del Comportamiento, Fundación Instituto Leloir, IIB-BA-CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Neuroscience.Neuroscience.2013 Sep 5;247:280-93. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2013.05.036. Epub 2013 May 29.
- Over the years it has become crystal clear that a variety of processes encode time-of-day information, ranging from gene expression, protein stability, or subcellular localization of key proteins, to the fine tuning of network properties and modulation of input signals, ultimately ensuring that phys
- PMID 23727010
- Welfare of entire male pigs is improved by socialising piglets and keeping intact groups until slaughter.
- Rydhmer L, Hansson M, Lundström K, Brunius C, Andersson K.Source1 Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Box 7023 75007, Uppsala, Sweden.
- Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience.Animal.2013 Sep;7(9):1532-41. doi: 10.1017/S1751731113000608. Epub 2013 Apr 16.
- In today's production systems, pigs raised for slaughter are mixed many times, resulting in stress and fighting. The negative consequences of mixing are probably more severe with entire males than with castrates, as they fight more. In this project, we studied a system without castration where entir
- PMID 23590926
- From gut to kidney: transporting and metabolizing calcineurin-inhibitors in solid organ transplantation.
- Knops N, Levtchenko E, van den Heuvel B, Kuypers D.SourceDepartment of Pediatric Nephrology and Solid Organ Transplantation, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium. noel.knops@uz.kuleuven.ac.be
- International journal of pharmaceutics.Int J Pharm.2013 Aug 16;452(1-2):14-35. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2013.05.033. Epub 2013 May 24.
- Since their introduction circa 35 years ago, calcineurin-inhibitors (CNI) have become the cornerstone of immunosuppressive therapy in solid organ transplantation. However, CNI's possess a narrow therapeutic index with potential severe consequences of drug under- or overexposure. This demands a metic
- PMID 23711732
Japanese Journal
- Reengaging Youth into Feminism in the Current Media Environment: A Case Study from the Australian Election 2013
- Sage Kristie
- 學苑 894, 62-81, 2015-04-01
- … This paper highlights the continuing problem of feminism being depoliticized among Australian youth through theoretical review, secondary research and a case study circa the Australian Election 2013. …
- NAID 110009890867
- Lenssen-Erz Tilman
- African Study Monographs 36(1), 5-26, 2015-03
- … When the region was first made use of bypastoralists circa 3000 BC, aridification had already started. …
- NAID 120005593616
- ASEAN保健医療人材の国際労働移動:OECD諸国への移動の分析を中心に
- 金子 勝規
- アジア研究 60(2), 20-43, 2015
- … According to the data made by Dumont and Zurn (2007), which shows the number of all HRH professionals which immigrated to OECD countries circa 2000, the Philippines sent the largest number of doctors and nurses, while Vietnam sent the largest number of dentists and pharmacists.<BR>The study proceeds to examine the determinants of international migration of doctors, nurses, dentists and pharmacists. …
- NAID 130005005346
Related Links
- 熱心なビンテージ時計の収集家であるCirca Vintage Watch Companyの創設者によって生み出された手の届く価格の「ビンテージリバイバル」時計がCIRCAシリーズです。 ... What's New? 2012.12.1 Vintage Watchブランド、CIRCAの ...
- CiRCA BLOG men's & lady's vintage + modern shop アメリカから良質な古着・インテリア・アンティークなど幅広くセレクトしています PROFILE Author:CiRCA (サーカ) TEL 078-332-6630 CATEGORY SHOP INFORMATION (3) MAP (1) ...
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- 関
- a matter of、approx.、approximately、around、as for、as to、ca.、circa、concern、concerning、regard、regarding、relative、roughly、with respect to
- 関
- about、ambient、approx.、approximately、ca.、circa、circumferential、peri、surrounding
- 英
- approximately、about、around、approx.、circa、ca.
- 関
- およそ、関する、周囲、頃、~に関して
- 関
- a matter of、about、approx.、around、ca.、circa、roughly
- 関
- about、approx.、approximately、around、circa
- 関
- chronobiology disorder