- out of bed; "are they astir yet?"; "up by seven each morning" (同)up
- (…に)わきたって,ざわめいて《+『at』+『名』》;(…で)にぎわって《+『with』+『名』》 / (ベッドから)起きて
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/11/09 10:13:47」(JST)
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Astir may refer to:
- Bautek Astir, a German hang glider
- Grob G102 Astir, a German glider
- Grob G104 Speed Astir, a German glider
- Grob G103 Twin Astir, a German glider
- Grob Astir CS77, a German glider
- Grob G 118 Twin Astir II, a German glider
English Journal
- Neuropeptide complexity in the crustacean central olfactory pathway: immunolocalization of A-type allatostatins and RFamide-like peptides in the brain of a terrestrial hermit crab.
- Polanska MA, Tuchina O, Agricola H, Hansson BS, Harzsch S.Author information Department of Animal Physiology, Zoological Institute, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, 1 Miecznikowa Street, 02-096 Warsaw, Poland.AbstractBACKGROUND: In the olfactory system of malacostracan crustaceans, axonal input from olfactory receptor neurons associated with aesthetascs on the animal's first pair of antennae target primary processing centers in the median brain, the olfactory lobes. The olfactory lobes are divided into cone-shaped synaptic areas, the olfactory glomeruli where afferents interact with local olfactory interneurons and olfactory projection neurons. The local olfactory interneurons display a large diversity of neurotransmitter phenotypes including biogenic amines and neuropeptides. Furthermore, the malacostracan olfactory glomeruli are regionalized into cap, subcap, and base regions and these compartments are defined by the projection patterns of the afferent olfactory receptor neurons, the local olfactory interneurons, and the olfactory projection neurons. We wanted to know how neurons expressing A-type allatostatins (A-ASTs; synonym dip-allatostatins) integrate into this system, a large family of neuropeptides that share the C-terminal motif -YXFGLamide.
- Molecular brain.Mol Brain.2012 Sep 11;5:29. doi: 10.1186/1756-6606-5-29.
- BACKGROUND: In the olfactory system of malacostracan crustaceans, axonal input from olfactory receptor neurons associated with aesthetascs on the animal's first pair of antennae target primary processing centers in the median brain, the olfactory lobes. The olfactory lobes are divided into cone-shap
- PMID 22967845
- Allatostatin immunoreactivity in the honeybee brain.
- Kreissl S, Strasser C, Galizia CG.Author information Department of Biology, University of Konstanz, D-78457 Konstanz, Germany.AbstractInformation transmission and processing in the brain is achieved through a small family of chemical neurotransmitters and neuromodulators and a very large family of neuropeptides. In order to understand neural networks in the brain it will be necessary, therefore, to understand the connectivity, morphology, and distribution of peptidergic neurons, and to elucidate their function in the brain. In this study we characterize the distribution of substances related to Dip-allatostatin I in the honeybee brain, which belongs to the allatostatin-A (AST) peptide family sharing the conserved c-terminal sequence -YXFGL-NH(2). We found about 500 AST-immunoreactive (ASTir) neurons in the brain, scattered in 18 groups that varied in their precise location across individuals. Almost all areas of the brain were innervated by ASTir fibers. Most ASTir neurites formed networks within functionally distinct areas, e.g., the antennal lobes, the mushroom bodies, or the optic lobes, indicating local functions of the peptide. A small number of very large neurons had widespread arborizations and neurites were found in the corpora cardiaca and in the cervical connectives, suggesting that AST also has global functions. We double-stained AST and GABA and found that a subset of ASTir neurons were GABA-immunoreactive (GABAir). Double staining AST with backfills of olfactory receptor neurons or mass fills of neurons in the antennal lobes and in the mushroom bodies allowed a more fine-grained description of ASTir networks. Together, this first comprehensive description of AST in the bee brain suggests a diverse functional role of AST, including local and global computational tasks.
- The Journal of comparative neurology.J Comp Neurol.2010 May 1;518(9):1391-417. doi: 10.1002/cne.22343.
- Information transmission and processing in the brain is achieved through a small family of chemical neurotransmitters and neuromodulators and a very large family of neuropeptides. In order to understand neural networks in the brain it will be necessary, therefore, to understand the connectivity, mor
- PMID 20187126
- Prevalence of periodontal pocketing and tooth mobility according to tooth types in Nigerians--a pilot study.
- Arowojolu MO.Author information Department of Preventive Dentistry, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. prevdent@infoweb.abs.comAbstractThe aim of the present study was to evaluate the occurrence of periodontal pocketing and tooth mobility according to the tooth types in the mouth. There is a paucity of knowledge concerning which tooth types are more prone to periodontal disease from the review of literature. The study sample comprised 255 subjects, age ranged 16 years to 74 years. These subjects were those referred to the Periodontology Clinic of the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria, for one form of periodontal disease or the other. All the teeth were tested for periodontal pocketing using William's periodontal probe (Astir Intermedica, Kensington, London) and for tooth mobility using the Miller's Mobility Index method. The study showed that prevalence of tooth mobility is in this descending order--lower incisors, upper incisors, upper first molars, upper second molars, lower first and second molar, the premolars and lastly, the canines with the least occurrence on the upper left canines. This order is slightly different for prevalence of periodontal pocketing. The teeth most affected by pocketing were the upper second molars, followed by upper first molars, lower second molars with the least being the canines. It is suggested that exceptional care be given to these most susceptible teeth for periodontal disease in the mouth in order to prevent the development of irreversible damage of the periodontium.
- African journal of medicine and medical sciences.Afr J Med Med Sci.2002 Jun;31(2):119-21.
- The aim of the present study was to evaluate the occurrence of periodontal pocketing and tooth mobility according to the tooth types in the mouth. There is a paucity of knowledge concerning which tooth types are more prone to periodontal disease from the review of literature. The study sample compri
- PMID 12518905
Japanese Journal
- 吉岡 朋子,風間 健
- 感性工学研究論文集 1(2), 59-64, 2001
- … On the rate of samples who were astir at late night, holidays was twice rate of weekdays.<BR>(3) The correlation of between bedtime and each item of daily activities for a whole day was high in the items of the free time, low in the items of the bound time and half in the indispensable time. …
- NAID 130001755508
- 林内放牧における肉用牛による野生植物の嗜好性と飼料草としての価値
- 宇都宮 隆
- 日本草地学会誌 19(2), 154-160, 1973-07-25
- (1)林内放牧における放牧牛による林内植物の嗜好性と,飼料草としての価値を数量的に判定し,林地における牧養力推定の基礎的資料とした。(2)スギ(ヒノキ,アカマツの林分を一部含む)の幼令林内(面積6.49ha,植付4〜6年目,4,500本/ha植付け)における肉用牛(黒毛和種繁殖用雌牛)5頭の放牧において,3か年間,延106ワク(2m×2m)について調査した。(3)全調査ワクにおける延出現種数は63 …
- NAID 110006464685
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- Full Definition of ASTIR 1: exhibiting activity <streets astir with shoppers> 2: being out of bed : up <no one was astir> See astir defined for English-language learners See astir defined for kids Did you know these 10 odd words for ...
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