- the 16th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)p
- parking
- phosphorusの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/12/14 01:55:09」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 段階的プロジェクト計画 (phased project planning) - プロジェクトマネジメント手法の一種。
- 官民パートナーシップ (public–private partnership)。小さな政府を志向し、「民間にできることは民間に委ねる」という方針により、民間事業者の資金やノウハウを活用して社会資本を整備し、公共サービスの充実を進めていく手法。具体的には、民間委託、指定管理者制度、PFI、民営化など。
- 購買力平価説 (purchasing power parity)
- 心理学・哲学・生理学 (psychology, philosophy, and physiology)
- 汚染者負担原則 (polluter pays principle)
- 「表・裏・表・休」のリズムでの手拍子。PPPH参照。
- 真珠様陰茎小丘疹 (pearly penile papules)
- ペントースリン酸経路 (pentose phosphate pathway)
- ポリプロピレンペーパー (polypropylene paper) - 発泡スチロールに似た素材。
- ページプリンタ処理装置 (page printer processor) - 大型コンピュータで使用する周辺機器。
- ポリパラフェニレン (poly(p-phenylene) )
- 血漿成分採取 (platelet poor plasma) - 献血方法の一種。
- Point-to-Point Protocol - 二点間を接続してデータ通信するための通信プロトコル。
- 開発統一党 (Partai Persatuan Pembangunan) - インドネシア
- ガイアナ人民進歩党 (People's Progressive Party)
- 人民の力党 (People Power Party, Phak Palang Prachachon) - タイ
- パキスタン人民党 (Pakistan Peoples Party)
- パレスチナ人民党 (Palestinian People's Party)
- ポーランド労働党 (Polska Partia Pracy)
- マレーシア人民進歩党 (People's Progressive Party, Parti Progresif Penduduk)
- ポストペットパーク (PostPet Park)
- Pretty Purity Panix - 麻績村まゆ子、桑島法子、松澤由美による日本の3人組ユニット。
- Percussion Performance Players - 元田優香、秋場一宏、山口古津絵、鈴木和徳、木村就生による日本の5人組打楽器演奏ユニット。
- ポーランド秘密国家 (Polskie Państwo Podziemne) - 第二次世界大戦期のポーランドの地下抵抗組織。
- フィリピン国家警察 (Pambansang Pulisya ng Pilipinas)
- アニメ『パパのいうことを聞きなさい!』の製作委員会。
- PCゲームSHUFFLE!に登場する「プリムラ親衛浪士隊」こと「プリムラぷりぷりちー」の略。
- ParaParaParadise - コナミの音楽ゲーム。
- 江頭2:50のピーピーピーするぞ!
- Perfumeのパンパカパーティー (Perfume no Panpaka Party)
- ペイパーポスト (PayPerPost) - アメリカフロリダ州のブログサービス。書き込みごとにブロガーが金銭を得るシステムを採用している。金銭を支払う側の意向や意図が反映され、ブロガー自身の考えと乖離するとされる。
- プエブラ・パナマ計画 (Puebla-Panama Plan, Plan Puebla Panamá) - 中米からコロンビアにかけての開発計画。
- ピアノ・ピアニッシモ(ピアニッシッシモ) - pp(ピアニッシモ)よりもさらに弱い演奏を指示する演奏記号。
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up PPP or ppp in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
PPP or ppp may refer to:
- 1 Law, business and economics
- 2 Medicine
- 3 Politics
- 4 Science and technology
- 5 Other uses
Law, business and economics
- Polluter pays principle
- Personal pension scheme (Personal Pension Plan), a type of UK individual pension contract
- Public–private partnership, the operation of a service in the partnership of government and the private sector
- Plant Protection Product
- People, Planet, Profit, the three pillars of triple bottom line cost accounting
- Progress, plans, problems, a reporting methodology
- Prepayment penalty, sometimes assessed when a loan is paid off ahead of schedule
- Purchasing power parity, a component of some economic theories and is a technique used to determine the relative value of different currencies
- Pearly penile papules, a condition that occurs on male genitalia
- Platelet-poor plasma, blood plasma with very low number of platelets
- Postpartum psychosis
- Preputioplasty
- Pustulosis palmaris et plantaris
- Purpura pigmentosa progressiva, better known as Schamberg disease
- Pakistan Peoples Party
- Pakistan Peoples Party (Shaheed Bhutto)
- Pakistan Peoples Party (Sherpao)
- Palestinian People's Party
- United Development Party (Partai Persatuan Pembangunan), an Indonesian political party
- People's Party of Panama
- People's Party of Punjab (India)
- People's Political Power of Canada
- People's Power Party (Thailand)
- People's Power Party (Singapore)
- People's Progressive Party (disambiguation), a common name for a political party used in several countries:
- People's Progressive Party (Gambia)
- People's Progressive Party (Guyana)
- People's Progressive Party (Malaysia)
- People's Progressive Party (Solomon Islands)
- Polish Underground State (Polskie Państwo Podziemne), the Polish Underground State during World War II
- Polska Partia Pracy, the Polish Labour Party´
- Public Policy Polling, a polling company
- Puebla-Panama Plan (or Plan Puebla Panamá), an economic development and integration initiative in Mexico and Central America
Science and technology
- Pariser–Parr–Pople method, an approximation in quantum chemistry
- Pentose phosphate pathway, a chemical process that generates five-carbon sugars
- Triphosphorylated, such as 5′-ppp RNA
- Photodermatology, Photoimmunology and Photomedicine, a medical journal
- Poly(p-phenylene), a conductive polymer
- Precise Point Positioning, a GPS data processing technique
- Pay per play, a type of internet advertising using audio ads
- Point-to-point protocol, a communications protocol
- PowerPoint Presentation, a file created using the Microsoft Office application
- PPP (complexity), a computational complexity class
- Public Private Protected, in object-oriented programming
Other uses
- ppp, a dynamic marking in music
- Para Para Paradise, a rhythm video game
- Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (Parlamentarisches Patenschafts-Programm), a German-American exchange scholarship program
- Parley P. Pratt (1807–1857), an early leader of the Latter Day Saint movement commonly cited as "PPP"
- Perfect Prom Project
- Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922–1975), Italian poet and film director
- Pixar Play Parade
- Planet P Project
- Point Pleasant Park, in Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Poisoned Pen Press, a mystery fiction publisher
- Potter Puppet Pals, a web series created by Neil Cicierega
- Princess Protection Program, a TV movie
- Psychology, Philosophy and Physiology, a degree course at Oxford University
- Triple P (parenting program)
- PPP, Whitsunday Coast Airport, located south of Proserpine, Queensland, Australia by IATA code
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English Journal
- Metabolic, enzymatic and gene involvement in cerebral glucose dysmetabolism after traumatic brain injury.
- Amorini AM1, Lazzarino G2, Di Pietro V3, Signoretti S4, Lazzarino G5, Belli A6, Tavazzi B7.
- Biochimica et biophysica acta.Biochim Biophys Acta.2016 Apr;1862(4):679-87. doi: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2016.01.023. Epub 2016 Feb 1.
- In this study, the metabolic, enzymatic and gene changes causing cerebral glucose dysmetabolism following graded diffuse traumatic brain injury (TBI) were evaluated. TBI was induced in rats by dropping 450g from 1 (mild TBI; mTBI) or 2m height (severe TBI; sTBI). After 6, 12, 24, 48, and 120h gene e
- PMID 26844378
- Methods of abdominal wall expansion for repair of incisional herniae: a systematic review.
- Alam NN1, Narang SK2, Pathak S2, Daniels IR2, Smart NJ2.
- Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery.Hernia.2016 Apr;20(2):191-9. doi: 10.1007/s10029-016-1463-0. Epub 2016 Feb 9.
- AIM: To systematically review the available literature regarding methods for abdominal wall expansion and compare the outcome of primary fascial closure rates.METHODS: A systematic search of Pubmed and Embase databases was conducted using the search terms "Abdominal wall hernia", "ventral hernia", "
- PMID 26860729
- Entrepreneurs ' perspective on public-private partnership in health care and social services.
- Sinisammal J1, Leviäkangas P, Autio T, Hyrkäs E.
- Journal of health organization and management.J Health Organ Manag.2016 Mar 21;30(1):174-91. doi: 10.1108/JHOM-02-2014-0039.
- Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to probe experiences of entrepreneurs in the social and health care service provision. Design/methodology/approach - Information was collected regarding entrepreneurs' views on the factors affecting the collaboration between public and private sectors. A sample
- PMID 26964856
Japanese Journal
- 上田 紘平
- 九州経済調査月報 = Monthly bulletin of Kyushu economic research 66 (802), 2-11, 2012-11
- NAID 40019484220
- PPP最新事情 道路維持管理の包括マネジメント : 第二阪奈有料道路の取組
Related Links
- 初回生産限定特典 PPP特製絵はがき”エガハキ” 公開収録観覧者を大募集! 「江頭2500人隊」会員の方40名と会員以外の方20名、 合わせて60名を抽選でご招待します。 奮ってご応募ください! 日時:4月24日(木) 12時収録 開始 ...
- 相川麻子さん、石井宏和さん、大坪太郎さん、平賀宏志さん、Marcos Sadao Maekawaさん、吉田博高さんが参加しました 委員人数:現在321名
Related Pictures
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- 英
- palmoplantar pustulosis
- 同???????????
- 膿疱性細菌疹 pustular bacteria
- ラ
- pustulosis palmaris et plantaris PPP
- 喫煙、細菌感染(扁桃炎)、齲歯、歯科金属アレルギー
- 皮膚:2-4週間の周期で繰り返す手掌足底の無菌性膿疱。時に膝、下肢、頭部にも散布。
- http://www006.upp.so-net.ne.jp/mrshiida/Kurosawa.gif
- 英
- pentose phosphate pathway, PPP, pentose phosphate cycle
- 同
- 五炭糖リン酸回路、ヘキソース一リン酸回路 hexose monophosphate pathway、hexose monophosphate shunt HMP shunt、ワールブルグ・ディケンズ経路 ワーブルグ・ディッケンズ経路 Warburg-Dickens pathway、ホスホグルコン酸経路?? phosphogluconate oxidative pathway??
- 関
- 解糖系
- 英
- pustulosis
- 英
- polluter pays principle PPP
- 英
- platelet poor plasma PPP
幽門輪温存膵頭十二指腸切除術 pylorus preserving pancreatoduodenectomy