- 同
- E-Mycin, Ery-Tab, Ery-C, Ilosone
- 関
- Erythromycin
- the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)c
- (music) the keynote of the scale of C major
- a general-purpose programing language closely associated with the UNIX operating system
- the 5th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)e
- carbonの化学記号
- cesiumの化学記号
- cadmiumの化学記号
- erbiumの化学記号
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English Journal
- Reduction of intramedullary apoptosis after stem cell transplantation in black african variant of pediatric sickle cell anemia.
- Isgrò A1, Sodani P1, Marziali M1, Gaziev J1, Fraboni D2, Paciaroni K1, Gallucci C1, De Angelis G1, Alfieri C1, Ribersani M1, Armiento D1, Roveda A1, Andreani M1, Testi M1, Lucarelli G1.
- Mediterranean journal of hematology and infectious diseases.Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis.2014 Jul 7;6(1):e2014054. doi: 10.4084/MJHID.2014.054. eCollection 2014.
- BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is the only curative treatment for sickle cell anemia (SCA). We report our experience with transplantation in children with the Black African variant of SCA and the effects of transplant on erythroid compartment in bon
- PMID 25045462
- Production of the potent antibacterial polyketide erythromycin C in Escherichia coli.
- Peirú S1, Menzella HG, Rodríguez E, Carney J, Gramajo H.
- Applied and environmental microbiology.Appl Environ Microbiol.2005 May;71(5):2539-47.
- An Escherichia coli strain capable of producing the potent antibiotic erythromycin C (Ery C) was developed by expressing 17 new heterologous genes in a 6-deoxyerythronolide B (6dEB) producer strain. The megalomicin gene cluster was used as the source for the construction of two artificial operons th
- PMID 15870344
- Phenylalanine 138 in the second intracellular loop of human thromboxane receptor is critical for receptor-G-protein coupling.
- Zhou H1, Yan F, Yamamoto S, Tai HH.
- Biochemical and biophysical research communications.Biochem Biophys Res Commun.1999 Oct 14;264(1):171-5.
- Eicosanoid receptors exhibit a highly conserved ERY(C)XXV(I)XXPL sequence in the second intracellular loop. The carboxyl end of this motif contains a bulky hydrophobic amino acid (L,I,V, or F). In human thromboxane A2 receptor (TXA(2)R), phenylalanine 138 is located at the carboxyl end of this highl
- PMID 10527859
Related Links
- Ery C. hasn't shared anything on this page with you. ... Ciao splendida Bacioni Eryc xké hai occhioni profondi elanguidi emozioni forti. Abitino da sera non seifescyon ma turbata XKE metti Noccautt sei bellissima oltre cke figkissima ...
- ツ;iF ery--C 2 5チタ 3345¥ スャィ 5 N 10月 15 日 [[;liil ョィスiマキ 数 チEタSヌ{ロタSヌロキ fョィpiナフウFRクアアォノツ「ト j yム fョィp iヨWAアフオ「ノツ「ト J フウノツ「ト ハYフニィAvミ@l {ョィpiヲキカトサxオワオスフ ナAィケオワキ
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- 英
- erythromycin, EM
- 商
- アイロタイシン、エリスロシン、エコリシン、エリコリ、E-Mycin, Ery-Tab, Ery-C, Ilosone, Eryc, Ilotycin
- 関
- 抗菌薬
- first aid step1 2006 p.141,143,144,144-145,165,166,169,170,173,178,208
- ペニシリン過敏症の患者に対する第一選択となる
- P450の阻害作用を持つので他の薬剤との相互作用に注意が必要。
- 耐性菌が多い。MRSAは100%、肺炎球菌は50%が耐性を持つ (SMB.157)
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- inhibit protein synthesis by blocking translocation
- IRE.166
- IRE.166
- 分布:組織移行性がよく、ほとんどの組織に移行する。中耳、前立腺にも移行する。中枢神経系、関節腔には移行しづらい。
- 排泄:肝排泄。胆汁中に排泄。血液透析、腹膜透析では除去されない。
セシウム, caesium, cesium
- 関
- cadmium
- 関
- erbium