- respiratory disease characterized by inflammation of the lung parenchyma (excluding the bronchi) with congestion caused by viruses or bacteria or irritants
- 肺炎
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English Journal
- Peptidylprolyl cis-trans isomerases of Legionella pneumophila: virulence, moonlighting and novel therapeutic targets.
- Rasch J1, Unal CM, Steinert M.
- Biochemical Society transactions.Biochem Soc Trans.2014 Dec 1;42(6):1728-33. doi: 10.1042/BST20140202.
- Legionella pneumophila, typically a parasite of free-living protozoa, can also replicate in human alveolar macrophages and lung epithelial cells causing Legionnaires' disease in humans, a severe atypical pneumonia. The pathogen encodes six peptidylprolyl cis-trans isomerases (PPIases), which general
- PMID 25399597
- Complete and Ubiquitinated Proteome of the Legionella-Containing Vacuole within Human Macrophages.
- Brukert WM1, Abu Kwaik Y.
- Journal of proteome research.J Proteome Res.2014 Nov 13. [Epub ahead of print]
- Within protozoa or human macrophages Legionella pneumophila evades the endosomal pathway and replicates within an ER-derived vacuole termed the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV). The LCV membrane-localized AnkB effector of L. pneumophila is an F-box protein that mediates decoration of the LCV with
- PMID 25369898
- Aerosolisation of respirable droplets from a domestic spa pool: the use of MS-2 coliphage and Pseudomonas aeruginosa as markers for Legionella pneumophila.
- Moore G1, Hewitt M2, Stevenson D2, Walker JT2, Bennett AM2.
- Applied and environmental microbiology.Appl Environ Microbiol.2014 Nov 7. pii: AEM.02912-14. [Epub ahead of print]
- Legionnaires' disease can result when droplets or aerosols containing legionella bacteria are inhaled and deposited in the lungs. A number of outbreaks have been associated with the use of a spa pool where aeration, a high water temperature and a large and variable organic load makes disinfectant le
- PMID 25381233
Japanese Journal
- レジオネラ肺炎の病態と臨床 (特集 日常よく見る呼吸器感染症)
- 研究・症例 プロカルシトニン測定が有用と考えられた横紋筋融解症・多臓器障害を伴ったレジオネラ肺炎の1例
- レジオネラ肺炎11例の臨床像の検討 : 呼吸困難を訴えない急性呼吸不全は早期診断の指標となる?
- 英
- erythromycin, EM
- 商
- アイロタイシン、エリスロシン、エコリシン、エリコリ、E-Mycin, Ery-Tab, Ery-C, Ilosone, Eryc, Ilotycin
- 関
- 抗菌薬
- first aid step1 2006 p.141,143,144,144-145,165,166,169,170,173,178,208
- ペニシリン過敏症の患者に対する第一選択となる
- P450の阻害作用を持つので他の薬剤との相互作用に注意が必要。
- 耐性菌が多い。MRSAは100%、肺炎球菌は50%が耐性を持つ (SMB.157)
- 50Sに結合し、リボソームの動きを妨げることで、A siteのpeptidyl-tRNAをP siteに移動するのを妨げる?
- inhibit protein synthesis by blocking translocation
- IRE.166
- IRE.166
- 分布:組織移行性がよく、ほとんどの組織に移行する。中耳、前立腺にも移行する。中枢神経系、関節腔には移行しづらい。
- 排泄:肝排泄。胆汁中に排泄。血液透析、腹膜透析では除去されない。
- 英
- Legionella pneumonia
- 同
- 在郷軍人病
- 関
- レジオネラ属
- 英
- Legionella pneumonia
- 関
- レジオネラ肺炎