変性関節疾患, degenerative joint disease
- the 4th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)d
- deuteriumの化学記号
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- 『ユダの荒野の発見物(英語版)』 (Discoveries In The Judaean Desert)
- Dublin Julian Date
- 退行変性関節疾患 (degenerative joint disorder)
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DJD or djd may refer to:
- Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, a collection of ancient texts
- Degenerative Joint Disease, an alternative term for osteoarthritis
- djd, the ISO-639 code for the Jaminjung language of Australia
- The Decepticon Justice Division, a fictional group from the comic series Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye.
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English Journal
- Effects of steroids on the morphology and proliferation of canine and equine mesenchymal stem cells of adipose origin - in vitro research.
- Marycz K1, Smieszek A1, Grzesiak J1, Nicpoń JE2.Author information 1University of Environmental and Life Sciences Wroclaw Electron Microscopy Laboratory Kozuchowska 5b 51-631 Wroclaw Poland.2Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences Department of Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Wroclaw Poland.AbstractDisorders of the locomotive system, especially those occurring due to degenerative changes of the joints, are serious problems in daily veterinary medical practice. Steroid injections are the main way of treating these disorders. However, this approach brings usually only temporary effects of pain relief, and may cause many side effects. Alternative therapies focus on regeneration of damaged tissue using adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Since 2002, the great plasticity and immunomodulatory properties of MSCs isolated from adipose tissue (AdMSCs) have been used successfully in the treatment of degenerative joint diseases (DJD) of both dogs and horses. Possible simultaneous application of steroid therapy and stem cell transplantation could improve the commonly used clinical procedure. In this paper, the influence of the two steroid drugs (betamethasone and methylprednisolone) on AdMSCs was evaluated on the basis of morphology and proliferation rate. Both steroids positively influenced the viability and proliferation state of cells in a concentration of 0.01 mg/ml and 0.1 mg/ml, respectively. However, the concentration of 1 mg/ml had a cytotoxic effect. Moreover, the lower dosage of steroid drugs used in the experiment did not affect the morphology of cells and significantly increased cellular activity. In conclusion, our data demonstrate the stimulating effect of steroid drugs on cell morphology, proliferation rate and cytophysiological activity. These findings may influence the use of stem cells and steroids in applied regenerative veterinary medical practice in the future.
- Acta veterinaria Hungarica.Acta Vet Hung.2014 Mar 22:1-17. [Epub ahead of print]
- Disorders of the locomotive system, especially those occurring due to degenerative changes of the joints, are serious problems in daily veterinary medical practice. Steroid injections are the main way of treating these disorders. However, this approach brings usually only temporary effects of pain r
- PMID 24659718
- Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis: Diagnosis and Long-Term Conservative Management: A Topic Review.
- Kalladka M1, Quek S2, Heir G3, Eliav E4, Mupparapu M5, Viswanath A6.Author information 1Mallya Hospital, No. 2 Vittal Mallya Road, Bangalore, 560001 India ; No. 64, Vaishnavi, Halasahalli, Gunjur Post, via Varthur, Bangalore, 560087 India.2Department of Diagnostic Sciences, Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, 110 Bergen Street, Newark, NJ 07101 USA.3Center for Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain, Rutgers School of Dental Medicine (RSDM), 110 Bergen Street, Newark, NJ USA.4Eastman Institute of Oral Health, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY USA.5University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, 240 S 40th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA.6Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA USA.AbstractDegenerative joint disease (DJD), a common osteoarthritic problem encountered in clinical practice presents as a chronic debilitating disease resulting in altered joint structure due to degradation and loss of articular cartilage, along with changes in the subchondral bone and other soft tissues. DJD is a frequent finding in the Temporomandibular joints (TMJs). Consequently, a good understanding of the use of a diagnostic algorithm will lead to a better control of DJD in the TMJ. The etiopathogenesis of osteoarthritis is complex, and it is associated with multiple risk factors. The condition progresses slowly through different phases with periods of remission and activity finally reaching the burnout phase. Conservative management forms the cornerstone for the treatment of most of these cases. This review attempts to acquaint the dentist with the diagnosis, pathogenesis and general characteristics of the disease while highlighting and updating them with the current conservative treatment algorithms in order to assist in the formulation of a treatment plan for these patients.
- Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society.J Indian Prosthodont Soc.2014 Mar;14(1):6-15. Epub 2013 Sep 22.
- Degenerative joint disease (DJD), a common osteoarthritic problem encountered in clinical practice presents as a chronic debilitating disease resulting in altered joint structure due to degradation and loss of articular cartilage, along with changes in the subchondral bone and other soft tissues. DJ
- PMID 24604992
- Detection of clinically relevant pain relief in cats with degenerative joint disease associated pain.
- Gruen ME1, Griffith E, Thomson A, Simpson W, Lascelles BD.Author information 1Comparative Pain Research Laboratory, Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Raleigh, NC.AbstractBACKGROUND: Detection of clinically relevant pain relief in cats with degenerative joint disease (DJD) is complicated by a lack of validated outcome measures and a placebo effect.
- Journal of veterinary internal medicine / American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.J Vet Intern Med.2014 Mar;28(2):346-50. doi: 10.1111/jvim.12312. Epub 2014 Feb 10.
- BACKGROUND: Detection of clinically relevant pain relief in cats with degenerative joint disease (DJD) is complicated by a lack of validated outcome measures and a placebo effect.HYPOTHESIS/OBJECTIVES: To evaluate a novel approach for detection of pain relief in cats with DJD.ANIMALS: Fifty-eight cl
- PMID 24512390
Japanese Journal
- 学術誌翻訳 Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgeryから 猫の変形性関節症の疼痛管理--疼痛を緩和するために
- Lascelles B. Duncan X.,Robertson Sheilah A.,佐怒賀 宣之 [訳]
- J-vet 24(9), 37-50, 2011-09
- NAID 40018997667
- 高磁場MRI(4.7テスラ)を用いた猫股関節の描出(短報)(外科学)
- 神志那 弘明,宮林 孝仁,CLEMMONS Roger M. [他],FARESE James P.,UHL Elizabeth W.,SILVER Xeve
- The journal of veterinary medical science 68(3), 285-288, 2006-03
- 高磁場MRIを用いて,猫股関節の描出を試みた.プロトン密度強調画像では,正常な股関節の大腿骨頭および寛骨の軟骨下骨が鮮明に描出された.プロトン密度強調およびT2強調画像では,関節軟骨が描出されたが,肉眼検査で確認された軽度の軟骨病変は,描出することができなかった.高磁場MRIは,猫股関節の変性性関節疾患に付随する軟骨下骨の変化の評価には有効であるが,軽度の軟骨病変の評価は,難しいと思われた.
- NAID 110004675740
- 関節制動術によるマガンの膝関節脱臼治療例およびドバトを用いた治療試験(外科学)
- 福井 大祐,坂東 元,小菅 正夫
- Japanese journal of zoo and wildlife medicine 10(1), 49-52, 2005-03
- 飼育下マガンが外傷性膝関節脱臼を呈し, 修復手術を行った。手術では, 外側側副, 前十字および後十字靭帯の断裂を認めた。脱臼を整復後, 非吸収糸を腓腹筋外側頭腱付着部から脛骨結節に作製した骨孔に通して締結し, 関節包と大腿筋膜を縫縮した。術後14日目に負重し始めた。80日目に軽微な変形性関節症を認めたが治療により改善し, 4年後の歩行状態は良好である。ドバト1羽を用いた治療試験でも4年間良好に経過 …
- NAID 10016612271
Related Links
- DJD Abbreviation for degenerative joint disease. DJD abbr. degenerative joint disease DJD Degenerative joint disease, see there. DJD Abbreviation for degenerative joint disease. DJD degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis. Patient ...
- いぬのへんけいせいこつかんせつしょう(でぃーじぇいでぃー) 犬の変形性骨関節症(DJD) 変形性骨関節症は、関節の変形や痛み、こわばりを生じる病気で、原発性(一時性)のものと他の足腰の病気が引き金となって起こる続発性 ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- osteoarthritis, OA
- ラ
- arthritis deformans
- 同
- 変性関節疾患, degenerative joint disease, DJD、degenerative arthritis, hypertrophic arthritis、骨関節症 osteoarthrosis
- 関
- 変形性股関節症
- 慢性関節疾患(変性・退行性)
- 関節軟骨、半月などの退行変性を基盤に、軟骨破壊と同時に骨軟骨の再造成を来し、関節形態が変化する疾患。
- 発症頻度:女性>男性
- 加齢に伴い罹患頻度が上昇。60歳以降で10-18%(SOR.233)
- 60歳以上では関節にX線上の変化が認められる → X線上の変化があっても無症状な場合もある
- 頻度:変形性膝関節症 > 変形性股関節症
- 一次性変形性関節症:原疾患不明
- 二次性変形性関節症:続発症として(関節外傷、形態異常、代謝異常、他の関節疾患など)
- 1. secreted frizzled-related protein 3 gene(FRZB)
- 軟骨成熟を制御する糖タンパクであるWntのシグナルを阻害
- small leucine-rich proteoglycanに属するマトリックス蛋白
- TGFβと結合してTGFβシグナルを阻害し、アグリカンやII型コラーゲン発現を抑制
- Ca2+を結合する細胞内蛋白。アグリカンやII型コラーゲンの発現を増大させる
- 軟骨の分化誘導に関わるTGFβ family member
- 軟骨マトリックス産生の増大
- 関節のこわばり、疼痛、腫脹で、
- 進行例:可動域制限、関節変形
- 変性半月切除関節内debridement
- 高位脛骨骨切り術(HTO)
- 人工膝関節置換術(TKA)
- 英
- degenerative joint disease, DJD
- 関
- 変形性関節症