- the 8th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)h
- hydrogenの化学記号
- 鉛筆の硬度 / 《俗》heroin
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2018/01/05 02:09:05」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
HTO may refer to:
- HTO Park a beach in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- East Hampton Airport, in New York, United States
- Haupttreuhandstelle Ost, a Nazi state institution in occupied Poland
- Hellenic Tourist Organisation
- High tibial osteotomy
- High Temperature Oxide
- Hightown railway station, in England
- Hohmann transfer orbit
- Holocene thermal optimum
- Hostile takeover
- Minica Huitoto, spoken in Colombia and Peru
- OTE, a Greek telecommunications company
- Waco HTO, an American biplane
- Partially tritiated water
English Journal
- Effect of open wedge high tibial osteotomy on the lateral tibiofemoral compartment in sheep. Part II: standard and overcorrection do not cause articular cartilage degeneration.
- Ziegler R1, Goebel L, Cucchiarini M, Pape D, Madry H.
- Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA.Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc.2014 Jul;22(7):1666-77. doi: 10.1007/s00167-013-2410-6. Epub 2013 Jan 23.
- PURPOSE: To evaluate whether medial open wedge high tibial osteotomy (HTO) results in structural changes in the articular cartilage in the lateral tibiofemoral compartment of adult sheep.METHODS: Three experimental groups received biplanar osteotomies of the right proximal tibiae: (a) closing wedge
- PMID 23340838
- Clinical outcomes and complications of a collagen meniscus implant: a systematic review.
- Grassi A1, Zaffagnini S, Marcheggiani Muccioli GM, Benzi A, Marcacci M.
- International orthopaedics.Int Orthop.2014 Jun 20. [Epub ahead of print]
- PURPOSE: The purpose of this systematic review was to summarise and evaluate the clinical outcomes of the collagen meniscus implant (CMI) and its complication and failure rates. These data were then used to evaluate the results of the CMI at different follow-up time periods and investigate possible
- PMID 24947329
- Apparent enrichment of organically bound tritium in rivers explained by the heritage of our past.
- Eyrolle-Boyer F1, Boyer P2, Claval D2, Charmasson S2, Cossonnet C2.
- Journal of environmental radioactivity.J Environ Radioact.2014 Jun 20;136C:162-168. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2014.05.019. [Epub ahead of print]
- The global inventory of naturally produced tritium (3H) is estimated at 2.65 kg, whereas more than 600 kg have been released during atmospheric nuclear tests (NCRP, 1979; UNSCEAR, 2000) constituting the main source of artificial tritium throughout the Anthropocene. The behaviour of this radioactiv
- PMID 24956583
Japanese Journal
- Improvement of Current Collapse by Surface Treatment and Passivation Layer in p-GaN Gate GaN High-Electron-Mobility Transistors
- Katsuno Takashi,Kanechika Masakazu,Itoh Kenji,Nishikawa Koichi,Uesugi Tsutomu,Kachi Tetsu
- Jpn J Appl Phys 52(4), 04CF08-04CF08-5, 2013-04-25
- … The NH<inf>3</inf>treatment and high-temperature oxide (HTO) passivation layer on the AlGaN layer are effective in improving the current collapse of a p-GaN gate GaN HEMT. … The current collapse at an intermediate time constant (\tau = 11 ms) could also be decreased by the deposition of the HTO passivation layer on the AlGaN layer, because the low-interface-density layer (trap level: 0.4 eV) of HTO/AlGaN would be formed. …
- NAID 150000106729
- ちょっとのぞいてみよう!整形外科の手術(第13回)膝関節 高位脛骨骨切り術(HTO)
- 赤松 泰,齋藤 知行
- 整形外科看護 : 整形外科ナースの知識と実践力アップをサポートする 18(4), 386-390, 2013-04
- NAID 40019648711
- Orthopaedic surgical technique 膝関節Knee joint 高位脛骨骨切り術(High Tibial Osteotomy : HTO)
- 熊谷 研,齋藤 知行
- 整形外科surgical technique : 手術が見える・わかる専門誌 3(5), 527-541, 2013
- NAID 40019818557
Related Links
- Closed Wedge HTO 脛骨の外側から骨を楔状に切り、短縮させて矯正する方法です。変形が強く矯正の角度が大きい方でも対処可能ですが、Open Wedge HTOに比べ、多少侵襲が大きくなります。
- 高位脛骨骨切り術(High Tibial Osteotomy : HTO)について。江本ニーアンドスポーツクリニック トップページ > 高位脛骨骨切り術(High Tibial Osteotomy : HTO) 手術室案内 手術費用(目安) 手術実績 前十字靭帯再建術 全人工 ...
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- 英
- osteoarthritis, OA
- ラ
- arthritis deformans
- 同
- 変性関節疾患, degenerative joint disease, DJD、degenerative arthritis, hypertrophic arthritis、骨関節症 osteoarthrosis
- 関
- 変形性股関節症
- 慢性関節疾患(変性・退行性)
- 関節軟骨、半月などの退行変性を基盤に、軟骨破壊と同時に骨軟骨の再造成を来し、関節形態が変化する疾患。
- 発症頻度:女性>男性
- 加齢に伴い罹患頻度が上昇。60歳以降で10-18%(SOR.233)
- 60歳以上では関節にX線上の変化が認められる → X線上の変化があっても無症状な場合もある
- 頻度:変形性膝関節症 > 変形性股関節症
- 一次性変形性関節症:原疾患不明
- 二次性変形性関節症:続発症として(関節外傷、形態異常、代謝異常、他の関節疾患など)
- 1. secreted frizzled-related protein 3 gene(FRZB)
- 軟骨成熟を制御する糖タンパクであるWntのシグナルを阻害
- small leucine-rich proteoglycanに属するマトリックス蛋白
- TGFβと結合してTGFβシグナルを阻害し、アグリカンやII型コラーゲン発現を抑制
- Ca2+を結合する細胞内蛋白。アグリカンやII型コラーゲンの発現を増大させる
- 軟骨の分化誘導に関わるTGFβ family member
- 軟骨マトリックス産生の増大
- 関節のこわばり、疼痛、腫脹で、
- 進行例:可動域制限、関節変形
- 変性半月切除関節内debridement
- 高位脛骨骨切り術(HTO)
- 人工膝関節置換術(TKA)
- 英
- high tibial osteotomy, HTO
- 同
- 脛骨上端骨切り術、脛骨粗面上骨切り術
- 関
- 外反骨切り術、ドーム状骨切り術、楔状骨切り術