- the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)c
- (music) the keynote of the scale of C major
- a general-purpose programing language closely associated with the UNIX operating system
- carbonの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/11/14 20:24:37」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- タスコラ地域空港のIATAコード。
- 慢性疲労症候群(Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)- 原因不明の強度の疲労が長期間に及び継続する病気。
- コンテナ輸送における小口貨物集積所(Container Freight Station)の略。
- CFS Charge - 小口貨物集荷場で荷捌きにかかる作業料。海上運賃一覧を参照。
- Microsoft Combat Flight Simulatorの略称。
- セフスロジン (cefsulodin) の略号。セファロスポリンの項、主なセフェム系抗生物質の節を参照。
- Intel 8008における指令の一つ。ジャンプ・コール・リターン命令の節を参照。
- CFSコーポレーション - ドラッグストア等を展開する企業。
- Compac Feedback System - 交響詩篇エウレカセブンに登場するロボットに搭載される架空のシステム。
- サークル・フレッティング・システムの略称。
- Completely Fair Scheduler - Linuxカーネルのスケジューラ
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[Wiki en表示]
CFS is an acronym for:
- 1 Health
- 2 Organizations
- 3 Places
- 4 Transportation
- 5 Science and technology
- 6 Other uses
- Canadian Federation of Students
- Canadian Forest Service
- Center for Financial Studies, a research institute affiliated with Goethe University Frankfurt
- Center for Subjectivity Research, a research institute affiliated with the University of Copenhagen
- Child and family services
- Chokh Film Society, a renowned film based cultural organization in Shahjalal University of Science & Technology
- Citizens for Sunshine, an Ohio nonprofit promoting access to public records
- Committee on World Food Security
- Conservative Future Scotland, the youth branch of the Scottish Conservative Party
- Co-operative Financial Services Ltd.
- Corpo Forestale dello Stato, the Italian state forestry department
- Craigmillar Festival Society, a disestablished community organisation from Edinburgh, Scotland
- South Australian Country Fire Service
- Craniofacial Society of Great Britain and Ireland
- Central Flying Schools
- Central Flying School, a Royal Air Force training establishment
- Central Flying School RAAF, a Royal Australian Air Force training establishment
- Central Flying School RNZAF, a Royal New Zealand Air Force unit
- Central Flying School SAAF, a flight school of the South African Air Force
- Canadian Forces Station
- Charlottesville Fashion Square, an enclosed shopping mall in the Charlottesville, Virginia area
- Congo Free State, a recognized national entity in central Africa 1885–1908
- Syrian Railways (Chemins de Fer Syriens, CFS), the Syrian state railway system
- Coffs Harbour Airport, IATA airport code
- Container Freight Station, a facility in which shipments for less-than-container load shipping are bundled or separated.
- Citywide Ferry Service, a commuter ferry in New York City
Science and technology
- Canada Flight Supplement
- Carrier Frequency Shift, a term used by the British Military to refer to radioteletype
- Safety training certificate (France) (Flight attendant), Certificat de formation à la sécurité, the French national degree required to be flight attendant in France
- Chromosomal fragile site, a part of the chromosome prone to breakage.
- Chronic fatigue syndrome, medical disorder
- Climate Forecast System, a NCEP short-term climate model which is also known as the Coupled Forecast System
- Cold formed steel, a goods manufacturing technique
- Combat Flight Simulator WWII Europe Series (CFS1)
- CFS (file format), an open file format for archiving and compressing files.
- Completely Fair Scheduler, a Linux operating system scheduler
- Continuous Flow System, printer ink feeding via tubes and bottles
- Cryptographic file system, file-based cryptographic published by Matt Blaze in 1993
Other uses
- Call for service
- Chicken fried steak, food
- Consolidated financial statement
- Cubic feet per second, a unit of fluid flow rate
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English Journal
- Application of a human factors classification framework for patient safety to identify precursor and contributing factors to adverse clinical incidents in hospital.
- Mitchell RJ1, Williamson A2, Molesworth B3.
- Applied ergonomics.Appl Ergon.2016 Jan;52:185-95. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2015.07.018. Epub 2015 Aug 3.
- This study aimed to identify temporal precursor and associated contributing factors for adverse clinical incidents in a hospital setting using the Human Factors Classification Framework (HFCF) for patient safety. A random sample of 498 clinical incidents were reviewed. The framework identified key p
- PMID 26360210
- Balancing awareness: Vestibular signals modulate visual consciousness in the absence of awareness.
- Salomon R1, Kaliuzhna M2, Herbelin B3, Blanke O4.
- Consciousness and cognition.Conscious Cogn.2015 Nov;36:289-97. doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2015.07.009. Epub 2015 Jul 20.
- The processing of visual and vestibular information is crucial for perceiving self-motion. Visual cues, such as optic flow, have been shown to induce and alter vestibular percepts, yet the role of vestibular information in shaping visual awareness remains unclear. Here we investigated if vestibular
- PMID 26204565
- Sleep characteristics, exercise capacity and physical activity in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Aerenhouts D1,2, Ickmans K3,4,5, Clarys P1, Zinzen E2, Meersdom G6, Lambrecht L7, Nijs J3,4,5.
- Disability and rehabilitation.Disabil Rehabil.2015 Nov;37(22):2044-50. doi: 10.3109/09638288.2014.993093. Epub 2014 Dec 16.
- PURPOSE: Unrefreshing sleep and lowered physical activity are commonly observed in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients, but how they might influence each other remains unexplored. Therefore, this study simultaneously examined the exercise capacity, sleep characteristics and physical activity in
- PMID 25512240
Japanese Journal
- II-4 ハロペリドールが奏功した筋痛性脳症/慢性疲労症候群(ME/CFS)の1例(一般演題,第116回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- Reusing recycled fibers in high-value fiber-reinforced polymer composites: Improving bending strength by surface cleaning
- Shi Jian,Bao Limin,Kobayashi Ryouhei,Kato Jun,Kemmochi Kiyoshi
- COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 72(11), 1298-1303, 2012-06-18
- … Recycled glass fibers (R-GFs) and recycled carbon fibers (R-CFs) were surface treated for reuse as fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites. … Treated R-GFs (TR-GFs) and treated R-CFs (TR-CFs) were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and remanufactured by vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM). …
- NAID 80022565560
Related Links
- 「日本一のドラッグストアチェーン」の構築を目指したウエルシアホールディングス株式会社と株式会社CFSコーポレーションの株式交換による経営統合のお知らせ
- CFS(コンテナ・フレイト・ステーション)とは、船会社がLCL貨物(小口混載貨物)をコンテナに詰め、或いはコンテナから取り出す作業を行う場所をいいます。コンテナ… ... 物流業界で活躍エキスパートを目指す物流ポータルサイト ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- chronic fatigue syndrome、CFS
- 関
- ウイルス感染後疲労症候群、筋痛性脳脊髄炎
- 慢性経過、多彩、動揺
- 微熱、倦怠感
- 脱力
- 関節痛、筋肉痛
- 睡眠障害
- 抑うつ、不安
- 思考力・集中力の低下
- 神経系、内分泌系、免疫系の異常? ウイルス感染症後?
慢性疲労症候群 CFS