- certificate of deposit / (また『C.D.』)Civil Defense民間防衛
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CDAI may refer to:
- Crohn's Disease Activity Index
- cartilage-derived angiogenesis inhibitor
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English Journal
- Association with joint damage and physical functioning of nine composite indices and the 2011 ACR/EULAR remission criteria in rheumatoid arthritis.
- Klarenbeek NB, Koevoets R, van der Heijde DM, Gerards AH, Ten Wolde S, Kerstens PJ, Huizinga TW, Dijkmans BA, Allaart CF.SourceCorrespondence to R Koevoets, Leiden University Medical Centre, Stafcentrum reumatologie, C1-45 Postbus 9600, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands; r.koevoets@lumc.nl.
- Annals of the rheumatic diseases.Ann Rheum Dis.2011 Oct;70(10):1815-21. Epub 2011 Aug 3.
- OBJECTIVE: To compare nine disease activity indices and the new American College of Rheumatology (ACR)/European League against Rheumatism (EULAR) remission criteria in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and to relate these to physical function and joint damage progression.METHODS: Five-year data from the BeS
- PMID 21813548
- Adalimumab treatment in Crohn's disease does not induce early changes in regulatory T cells.
- Dige A, Hvas CL, Deleuran B, Kelsen J, Bendix-Struve M, Dahlerup JF, Agnholt J.SourceDepartment of Medicine V (Hepatology and Gastroenterology) , Gastro-Immuno Research Laboratory (GIRL), Aarhus University Hospital , Denmark.
- Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.Scand J Gastroenterol.2011 Oct;46(10):1206-14. Epub 2011 Jul 27.
- Abstract Objective. Anti-TNF-α antibodies has been suggested to modulate regulatory T cell (Treg) percentages in rheumatoid arthritis, but results from studies of Crohn's disease (CD) are conflicting. We investigated dynamic changes of circulating Tregs in CD during treatment with the anti-TNF-α-a
- PMID 21793633
Japanese Journal
- 新たな治療選択肢として : クローン病に対する血球成分除去療法(LCAPを中心にして)(<特集>炎症性腸疾患に対するアフェレシスの新展開)
- 澤田 康史
- 日本アフェレシス学会雑誌 30(1), 8-11, 2011-02-28
- … Results: Effectiveness evaluated by CDAI was 58.8% (10/17; … excellent 1, moderately improvement 5, no change 7 and 4 deterioration) when it was evaluated by both CDAI and endoscopic findings. … It revealed that the improvement in CDAI shown in LCAP treatment did not achieve mucosal healing, though the 8 weeks following period might be short. …
- NAID 110008607570
- 関節リウマチにおける臨床的寛解をどのように評価するか? (特集 「寛解世代」のリウマチ診療を探る)
Related Pictures

- 英
- Crohn disease activity index, CDAI, Crohn's disease activity index, Crohn's Disease Activity Index
- 関
- クローン病、IOIBDスコア、クローン病活動度分類
過去1週間の腹痛 (腹痛の状態を毎日評価し、7日分を合計する) 0=なし、1=軽度、2=中等度、3=高度
過去1週間の主観的な一般状態 (一般状態を毎日評価し7日分を合計する) 0=良好、1=軽度不良、2=不良、3=重症、4=激症
患者が現在持っている下記項目の数 1) 関節炎/関節痛 2) 虹彩炎/ブドウ膜炎 3) 結節性紅斑/壊死性膿皮症/アフタ性口内炎 4) 裂肛、痔瘻または肛門周囲膿瘍 5) その他の瘻孔 6) 過去1週間100°F(37.8℃)以上の発熱
下痢に対してlomoti(Lopemin)またはオピアトの服用 0=なし、1=あり
腹部腫瘤 0=なし、2=疑い、5=確実にあり
ヘマトクリット: 男(47-Ht) 女(42-Ht)
*CDAI 150以下:非活動期 450以上:非常に重症
- 同
- congenital dyserythropoietic anemias