- 関
- atrioventricular node、AV node
- used to express refusal or denial or disagreement etc or especially to emphasize a negative statement; "no, you are wrong"
- a negative; "his no was loud and clear"
- referring to the degree to which a certain quality is present; "he was no heavier than a child" (同)no more
- not in any degree or manner; not at all; "he is no better today"
- quantifier; used with either mass nouns or plural count nouns for indicating a complete or almost complete lack or zero quantity of; "we have no bananas"; "no eggs left and no money to buy any"; "have you no decency?"; "did it with no help"; "Ill get you there in no time"
- sway gently back and forth, as in a nodding motion; "the flowers were nodding in the breeze"
- be almost asleep; "The old man sat nodding by the fireplace"
- let the head fall forward through drowsiness; "The old man was nodding in his chair"
- the act of nodding the head
- a sign of assent or salutation or command
- express or signify by nodding; "He nodded his approval"
- lower and raise the head, as to indicate assent or agreement or confirmation; "The teacher nodded when the student gave the right answer"
- any thickened enlargement (同)knob, thickening
- (botany) the small swelling that is the part of a plant stem from which one or more leaves emerge (同)leaf node
- a connecting point at which several lines come together
- (computer science) any computer that is hooked up to a computer network (同)client, guest
- (astronomy) a point where an orbit crosses a plane
- (physics) the point of minimum displacement in a periodic system
- any bulge or swelling of an anatomical structure or part
- the 1st letter of the Roman alphabet (同)a
- the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen (同)type_A, group A
- the 22nd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)v
- 《名詞の前に置いて》『一つも』(『一人も,少しも』)・・・『ない』 / 《補語につけて》『決して・・・でない』 / 《省略文で》・・・なし;・・・お断り / 《話》少ししか(あまり)・・・ない / (肯定の問いに対して)『いいえ』;(否定の問いに対して)はい,ええ / 《not, norの前に挿入して》『いや』,否 / 《形容詞の前に置その形容詞を否定して》…どころではない / 《比較級の前に置いて》ちっとも…でない,…と全く同じ / 《… or no の形で》…であってもなくても / 《驚き・困惑・不信などを表して》とんでもない / 《単数形で》『拒否』,「『いいえ』」という返事 / 《複数形で》反対[投]票
- (承諾・あいさつ・合図などで)『うなずく』,会釈する / (眠くて)『こっくりする』,(油断して)うとうとする《+off》 / 〈草木・穂などが〉揺れる / (承諾・あいさつなどで)〈頭〉‘を'『うなずかせる』 / …‘を'うなずいて示す / 《副詞[句]を伴って》〈人〉‘に'うなずいて示す / 《同意・承諾・あいさつ・命令など,また時には拒絶を表して》(…に対する)『うなずき』,『会釈』《+『to』+『名』》;(眠気による)こっくり
- (茎・幹の)節(ふし) / (体組織にできた)結節,こぶ(リンパ瘤(りゅう)など) / (天体の軌道の)交点 / (物事の)中心点
- answer / ampere
- vanadium の化学記号
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English Journal
- Impact of Tricuspid Regurgitation on the Success of Atrioventricular Node Ablation for Rate Control in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation: The Node Blast Study.
- Reddy YM1, Gunda S1, Vallakati A2, Kanmanthareddy A3, Pillarisetti J1, Atkins D1, Bommana S1, Emert MP1, Pimentel R1, Dendi R1, Berenbom LD1, Lakkireddy D4.
- The American journal of cardiology.Am J Cardiol.2015 Sep 15;116(6):900-3. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2015.06.017. Epub 2015 Jun 24.
- Atrioventricular node (AVN) ablation is an effective treatment for symptomatic patients with atrial arrhythmias who are refractory to rhythm and rate control strategies where optimal ventricular rate control is desired. There are limited data on the predictors of failure of AVN ablation. Our objecti
- PMID 26174606
- Device Therapy for Acute Systolic Heart Failure and Atrial Fibrillation.
- Carlson SK1, Doshi RN2.
- Cardiac electrophysiology clinics.Card Electrophysiol Clin.2015 Sep;7(3):469-77. doi: 10.1016/j.ccep.2015.05.016. Epub 2015 Jun 26.
- Patients with newly diagnosed cardiomyopathy require careful assessment of cause and initiation of treatment before the decision is made to implant an internal cardiac defibrillator. In patients with medicine-refractory atrial fibrillation and cardiomyopathy, atrioventricular node ablation and impla
- PMID 26304527
- Cardiac arrhythmias as the initial manifestation of adult primary Sjögren's syndrome: a case report and literature review.
- Liang M1,2, Bao L3, Xiong N3, Jin B3, Ni H3, Zhang J3, Zou H1,2, Luo X3, Li J3.
- International journal of rheumatic diseases.Int J Rheum Dis.2015 Sep;18(7):800-6. doi: 10.1111/1756-185X.12616. Epub 2015 Jul 14.
- Two middle-aged female patients presenting with heart palpitation and electrocardiogram revealed complex cardiac arrhythmias. A review of systems was positive for dry mouth and transient arthralgia, while laboratory and instrumental tests enabled us to make the diagnosis of primary Sjögren's syndro
- PMID 26171561
Japanese Journal
- 潰瘍性大腸炎を有する高齢者に合併した陥凹型colitic cancerの1例
- Synthesis and evaluation of a radioiodinated trisaccharide derivative as a synthetic substrate for a sensitive N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V radioassay.
- 英
- atriovectricular node (Z), AV node A-V node
- 同
- AV結節、アショフ-田原結節 Aschoff-Tawara node node of Aschoff-Tawara、田原結節 Tawara node
- 房室伝導遅延:0.12-0.18秒 (SP.521)
- 房室結節は心房中隔にあり、右房側に向かって凸面を呈している。
- 関
- clause、ganglia、ganglion、ganglionic、knot、lymph node、nodal、nodose、nodulate、section、tubercle、tubercular、tuberosity
- 関
- adenoviral、adenovirus