- ゆるい(loose)(opp. tight)、(手綱などが)締まっていない。(音)弛緩音の(lax)、開口音の(open, wide)
- drowsiness; there may be snoring, the jaw and limb muscles are slack, and the limbs are relaxed.(PON.341)
- 焼き/換装が十分でない(パンなど)、消化した(石灰)
- 元気のない、だるい。いい加減な、不注意な、怠慢な。だれた、自主性のない。のろい
- (風・潮など)(流れが)ゆるやかな、よどんだ。ぐずぐずした(天候)。不活発な、だれた、不景気な(商況など)。ほのかに暖かい
- ゆるく。おそく。手ぬるく。ぞんざいに。なまけて。だらしなく。不振に、不活発に。不十分に
- release tension on; "slack the rope"
- cause to heat and crumble by treatment with water; "slack lime" (同)slake
- dust consisting of a mixture of small coal fragments and coal dust and dirt that sifts out when coal is passed over a sieve
- the quality of being loose (not taut); "he hadnt counted on the slackness of the rope" (同)slackness
- a cord or rope or cable that is hanging loosely; "he took up the slack"
- a stretch of water without current or movement; "suddenly they were in a slack and the water was motionless" (同)slack_water
- make less active or fast; "He slackened his pace as he got tired"; "Dont relax your efforts now" (同)slacken, slack up, relax
- avoid responsibilities and work, be idle
- be inattentive to, or neglect; "He slacks his attention"
- flowing with little speed as e.g. at the turning of the tide; "slack water"
- set so close together as to be invulnerable to penetration; "in tight formation"; "a tight blockade"
- affected by scarcity and expensive to borrow; "tight money"; "a tight market"
- closely constrained or constricted or constricting; "tight skirts"; "he hated tight starched collars"; "fingers closed in a tight fist"; "a tight feeling in his chest"
- of such close construction as to be impermeable; "a tight roof"; "warm in our tight little house"
- packed closely together; "they stood in a tight little group"; "hair in tight curls"; "the pub was packed tight"
- securely or solidly fixed in place; rigid; "the bolts are tight"
- not tight; not closely constrained or constricted or constricting; "loose clothing"; "the large shoes were very loose"
- without restraint; "cows in India are running loose" (同)free
- (of textures) full of small openings or gaps; "an open texture"; "a loose weave" (同)open
- not tense or taut; "the old mans skin hung loose and grey"; "slack and wrinkled skin"; "slack sails"; "a slack rope" (同)slack
- (of a ball in sport) not in the possession or control of any player; "a loose ball"
- not carefully arranged in a package; "a box of loose nails"
- not compact or dense in structure or arrangement; "loose gravel"
- pronounced with muscles of the tongue and jaw relatively relaxed (e.g., the vowel sound in `bet'
- emptying easily or excessively; "loose bowels" (同)loose
- lacking in rigor or strictness; "such lax and slipshod ways are no longer acceptable"; "lax in attending classes"; "slack in maintaining discipline" (同)slack
- lacking in strength or firmness or resilience; "a lax rope"; "a limp handshake"
- become looser or slack; "the rope slackened"
- make slack as by lessening tension or firmness (同)remit
- a person who shirks his work or duty (especially one who tries to evade military service in wartime) (同)shirker
- the occurrence of relatively still water at the turn of the (low) tide (同)slack tide
- casual dress consisting of slacks and matching jacket
- (usually in the plural) pants for casual wear
- (綱などが)『緩んだ』,たるんだ / (規則などが)緩い,甘い,とっかりしていない / (動きなどが)遅い,のろい,ぐずぐずした / (商売などが)忙しくない,活発だない / 不注意な,いいかげんな,怠慢な / 〈U〉《the~》緩んだ(たるんだ)部分 / 〈C〉(商売などが)不振(不景気)の時期 / 〈綱など〉‘を'緩める,たるませる,〈速度・努力など〉‘を'緩める,怠る《+『off』(『up』)+『名,』+『名』+『off』(『up』)》 / なまける,怠る;〈綱などが〉緩る,たるむ;〈勢いが〉弱くなる;〈速力が〉のろくなる《+『off』(『up』)》 / 緩く,たるんで;不注意に,いいかげんに
- 粉灰(coal dust)
- 『きっちり締まった(結ばれた)』 / 『すきまのない』,(水・空気などの)漏らない / 『ぴんと張った』 / (衣服などが)『きつい』 / (時間的・空間的に)余裕のない,ぎっしり詰まった / (立場などが)困難な,扱いにくい / 厳しい / 《話》けちな(stingy) / 《話》(試合などが)互角の / 《俗》酔った / (品物・仕事・取り引きなどが)試底した,詰まった,(金融が)ひっ迫した
- 『結んでない』,解けている,ばらの / 『解き放たれた』,自由な(free) / 『緩い』,だぶだぶの;ぐらぐらの / 『散漫な』,不正確な,あいまいな / 大ざっぱな,漠然とした / (行為などが)だらしのない,ふしだらな / (織物などが)目の粗い / …‘を'『放す』,自由にする(set free) / …‘を'緩める;〈結び目など〉‘を'解く / 〈矢・弾丸など〉‘を'放つ,発射する
- (法などが)『厳格でない』,手ぬるい / だらしない,たるんだ;(…に)いいかげんな《+『about』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 『ゆるんだ』
- 居眠り,うとうとすること
- …‘の'速度を落とす / 〈綱など〉‘を'緩める / …‘を'減じる / 速度が遅くなる / 〈綱などが〉緩む,たるむ / 勢いが弱くなる
- (仕事義務・責任・扇かり合いなどを回避する)怠け者,さぼり屋
- スラックス(上着し対になっていない男性(女性)のふだん着用のズボン)
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/05/14 11:15:54」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
Slack(スラック)は、スチュワート・バターフィールド(英語版)によって設立された、チームコミュニケーションツール。スラックは、既に消滅したオンラインゲームであるGlitch(英語版)の開発に使われた、Tiny Speck(英語版)社の社内ツールがその始まりである。[1][2] スラックは2013年8月に公開され、公開から24時間以内に8000の顧客にサインアップされた。[3][4]
スラックは、1対1のメッセージング、グループチャット、永続的なチャットルーム、ダイレクトメッセージ、トピック別に編成されたグループチャットをWebサービスとして提供している。また同様の機能をMac版、iOS版, Android版のアプリでも提供している。[2] Googleドキュメント、Dropbox、Heroku、Crashlytics、GitHub、Zendeskなどを含む、各種サードパーティのサービスと連携することが出来るようになっており、スラック内部のすべてのコンテンツは、一つの検索ボックスから検索できるようになっている。[5][6]
- Bitrix24
- Cotap
- Google Talk
- Yammer
- HipChat(英語版)
- ウェブアプリケーション
- ^ Tam, Donna, Flickr founder plans to kill company e-mails with Slack, http://news.cnet.com/8301-1001_3-57598469-92/flickr-founder-plans-to-kill-company-e-mails-with-slack/ 2013年11月26日閲覧。
- ^ a b Thomas, Owen, Die, Email, Die! A Flickr Cofounder Aims To Cut Us All Some Slack, http://readwrite.com/2013/08/14/stewart-butterfield-tiny-speck-slack#awesm=~oogoYQh5KTzJkK 2013年11月26日閲覧。
- ^ Koetsier, John, Flickr founder Stewart Butterfield’s new Slack signed up 8,000 companies in 24 hours, http://venturebeat.com/2013/08/15/flickr-founder-stewart-butterfields-new-slack-signed-up-8000-companies-in-24-hours/ 2013年11月26日閲覧。
- ^ Fingas, Jon, Flickr creator takes sign-ups for Slack, an office collaboration tool with universal search, http://www.engadget.com/2013/08/14/flickr-creator-takes-sign-ups-for-slack-collaboration-tool/ 2013年11月26日閲覧。
- ^ Gannes, Liz, Flickr Co-Founder Stewart Butterfield Turns to Workplace Communication Tools With Slack, http://allthingsd.com/20130814/flickr-co-founder-stewart-butterfield-turns-to-workplace-communication-tools-with-slack/ 2013年11月26日閲覧。
- ^ Augustine, Ann, Slack Sets New Standard for Team Communication Online, http://collaboration.about.com/od/groupcommunication/fl/Slack-Sets-New-Standard-for-Team-Communication-Online.htm 2013年11月27日閲覧。
- Slack (公式サイト), https://slack.com/ .
[Wiki en表示]
Look up slack in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Slack may refer to:
- 1 Places
- 2 Science and technology
- 3 People
- 4 Other uses
- 5 See also
- Slack, West Yorkshire, a village in Calderdale, England
- Slack River, in Pas-de-Calais, France
- Slacks Creek, Queensland, a suburb of Logan City, Queensland, Australia
Science and technology
- Slack (software), a team communication tool
- Slack variable, a mathematical concept
- Slack bus, in load flow studies
- File slack, a kind of computer internal fragmentation
- Slack, a concept and measurable quantity in an asynchronous circuit
- Charlie Slack, American basketball player
- Shanon Slack (born 1984), American mixed martial artist
Other uses
- Slack (project management), the time that a task in a project network can be delayed without delaying subsequent tasks or the overall project
- Slack, the central belief of the Church of the SubGenius
- Slack coal, fragments of coal and coal dust; for example used in the Birchills Power Station
- Slackness or slack, lyrics of a crude or bawdy nature in dancehall music
- Trousers or slacks
- Slack, the valley or trough between dunes
- Slack action, between railway car couplings
See also
- Slack tub, used by a blacksmith to quench hot metal
- Slacks (disambiguation)
- Slacker, a person who habitually avoids work or lacks work ethic
- Slackware, a Linux distribution
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Systemic antibody responses to gut commensal bacteria during chronic HIV-1 infection.
- Haas A, Zimmermann K, Graw F, Slack E, Rusert P, Ledergerber B, Bossart W, Weber R, Thurnheer MC, Battegay M, Hirschel B, Vernazza P, Patuto N, Macpherson AJ, Gunthard HF, Oxenius A; the Swiss HIV Cohort Study.SourceInstitute of Microbiology, ETH Zurich, Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 10, HCI G401, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland; oxenius@micro.biol.ethz.ch.
- Gut.Gut.2011 Nov;60(11):1506-1519. Epub 2011 Apr 21.
- Background Human systemic antibody responses to commensal microbiota are not well characterised during health and disease. Of particular interest is the analysis of their potential modulation caused by chronic HIV-1 infection which is associated with sustained enteropathy and systemic B cell disturb
- PMID 21515549
- The Nature and Impact of Stigma Towards Injured Workers.
- Kirsh B, Slack T, King CA.SourceDepartment of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, bonnie.kirsh@utoronto.ca.
- Journal of occupational rehabilitation.J Occup Rehabil.2011 Oct 20. [Epub ahead of print]
- Introduction Many injured workers experience high levels of stigma and discrimination, which compound their physical injuries and cause social and psychological harm. Despite a growing awareness of the prevalence of such stigma, there is little research that focuses on the sources, nature and conseq
- PMID 22012555
- Synthesis and screening of a haloacetamidine containing library to identify PAD4 selective inhibitors.
- Jones JE, Slack JL, Fang P, Zhang X, Subramanian V, Causey CP, Coonrod SA, Guo M, Thompson PR.AbstractProtein arginine deiminase activity (PAD) is increased in cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and ulcerative colitis. Although the link between abnormal PAD activity and disease is clear, the relative contribution of the individual PADs to human disease is not known; there are 5 PAD isozymes in humans. Building on our previous development of F- and Cl-amidine as potent pan-PAD irreversible inhibitors, we describe herein a library approach that was used to identify PAD-selective inhibitors. Specifically, we describe the identification of Thr-Asp-F-amidine (TDFA) as a highly potent PAD4 inactivator that displays ?15-fold selectivity for PAD4 versus PAD1 and ?50-fold versus PADs 2 and 3. This compound is bioavailable and can be used to inhibit PAD4 activity in vivo. The structure of the PAD4?TDFA complex has also been solved and the structure and mutagenesis data indicate that the enhanced potency is due to interactions between the side chains of Q346, R374, and R639. Finally, we converted TDFA into a PAD4-selective ABPP and demonstrate that this compound, biotin-TDFA, can be used to selectively isolate PAD4. In total, TDFA and biotin-TDFA represent PAD4-selective chemical probes that can be used to study the physiological roles of this enzyme.
- ACS chemical biology.ACS Chem Biol.2011 Oct 17. [Epub ahead of print]
- Protein arginine deiminase activity (PAD) is increased in cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and ulcerative colitis. Although the link between abnormal PAD activity and disease is clear, the relative contribution of the individual PADs to human disease is not known; there are 5 PAD isozymes in humans.
- PMID 22004374
- The end justifies the means, but only in the middle.
- Toure-Tillery M, Fishbach A.AbstractAchieving goals often requires the completion of sequential actions, such as finishing a series of assignments to pass a class. In the course of pursuing such goals, people can decide how closely to follow their personal standards for each action. We propose that actions at the beginning and end of a sequence appear more diagnostic of the pursuer's personal standards than do actions in the middle. Therefore, people are more likely to adhere to their standards at the beginning and end of goal pursuit-and slack in the middle. We demonstrate this pattern of judgment and behavior in adherence to ethical standards (e.g., cheating), religious traditions (e.g., skipping religious rituals), and performance standards (e.g., "cutting corners" on a task). We also show that the motivation to adhere to standards by using proper means is independent and follows a different pattern from the motivation to reach the end state of goal pursuit. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved).
- Journal of experimental psychology. General.J Exp Psychol Gen.2011 Oct 17. [Epub ahead of print]
- Achieving goals often requires the completion of sequential actions, such as finishing a series of assignments to pass a class. In the course of pursuing such goals, people can decide how closely to follow their personal standards for each action. We propose that actions at the beginning and end of
- PMID 22004169
Japanese Journal
- マルチ・プロセッサ環境におけるDVSを用いた消費電力量削減アルゴリズムの構築
- 森 裕一朗,朝倉 宏一,渡邉 豊英
- 電気学会論文誌. C, 電子・情報・システム部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C, A publication of Electronics, Information and System Society 131(4), 926-933, 2011-04-01
- … In order to find tasks which can be applied DVS, we introduce a concept of slack-time. … Slack-time represents the amount of redundant time for delaying completion time of a task without increasing the makespan of the schedule. … In our algorithm, firstly, slack-time is calculated for each task. … In this mechanism, DVS is applied to tasks that have slack-time in decreasing order of reducing power consumption. …
- NAID 10027980160
- 走行時パワーゲーティングにおけるスラック解析を用いた動的命令スケジューリングの検討
- 山藤 友紀,近藤 正章,平澤 将一,本多 弘樹
- 情報処理学会研究報告. 計算機アーキテクチャ研究会報告 2011-ARC-194(2), 1-8, 2011-03-03
- 近年,リーク電流による消費電力の増加が問題となっている.リーク電力の削減に効果的であるパワーゲーティング手法では,電源の供給・遮断のモード切り替え時にはある程度エネルギー面でのオーバヘッドが生じる.そのため,PG による走行時リーク電流をより削減するためモード切り替えの回数を抑制しつつ,電源遮断の期間を長期化することが重要となる.本稿では,命令が持つスラックを利用することで,走行時パワーゲーティン …
- NAID 110008583162
- Inhibitors of the calcium activated potassium channels SK and Slack(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control)
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