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- 1. 水溶性ビタミンの概要overview of water soluble vitamins [show details]
…as an electron donor . Collagen synthesis – Formation of collagen requires enzymatic hydroxylation of two amino acids: proline and lysine residues within the structure of collagen. Ascorbic acid is an electron …
- 2. 止血の概要overview of hemostasis [show details]
…including adenosine diphosphate (ADP), epinephrine, thrombin, and collagen. ADP and epinephrine are relatively weak platelet activators, while collagen and thrombin are the most potent platelet activators. The …
- 3. 局所止血剤および生体組織接着剤の概要overview of topical hemostatic agents and tissue adhesives [show details]
…lifts and been approved for use in neurosurgery . Microfibrillar collagen (MC) is an absorbable acid salt obtained from bovine collagen (eg, Avitene). MC acts as a scaffold for clot formation and activates …
- 4. 骨形成不全症:概要osteogenesis imperfecta an overview [show details]
…spontaneously group to form collagen fibrils, with covalent cross-links forming within and between the collagen molecules . Defects within genes involved in type 1 collagen production and processing result …
- 5. 光による老化photoaging [show details]
…several macromolecules, including collagen and elastic fibers, glycoproteins, and glycosaminoglycans, which provide strength and resilience to the skin. Type I and III collagens are the most abundant proteins …
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- 英
- collagen
- 同
- 膠原
- 関
- first aid step1 2006 p.85,86,114,288,291,292,301,306,319,321,385,427
- COL1A1 17q22
- COL1A2 7q22.1
- COL2A1 12q13
- COL11A2 6p21.3
- これらの遺伝子の変異による結合組織疾患はdominant negative mutationである。
- 英
- collagen-vascular disease
- 関
- 膠原病性脈管疾患
- 英
- collagenic、collagenous
- 関
- コラーゲン性
- 英
- pulmonary manifestation of collagen vascular diseases
- 英
- proto
- 関
- プロト、元