- 英
- abnormal formation of cerebral gyri, anomaly of the gyrus
- 関
- 脳回
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- 1. 小児における腸管回転異常intestinal malrotation in children [show details]
…visualize the duodenum and assess for malrotation and midgut volvulus in children. Radiographic findings suggestive of malrotation are listed in the table Malrotation with volvulus, regardless of the age …
- 2. 成人における腸管回転異常intestinal malrotation in adults [show details]
…management . Ultrasound (US) is not recommended for diagnosing malrotation; a normal abdominal US does not exclude malrotation . However, malrotation may be identified incidentally given the frequency with which …
- 3. 小児患者の糖尿病性ケトアシドーシス:脳損傷(脳浮腫)diabetic ketoacidosis in children cerebral injury cerebral edema [show details]
…antidiuretic hormone [SIADH] or cerebral salt-wasting syndrome). Finally, case reports and case series document the occurrence of severe and even fatal cerebral injury or cerebral edema occurring before treatment …
- 4. 脳アミロイドアンギオパチーcerebral amyloid angiopathy [show details]
…hematoma) should not be counted. Cerebral microbleeds are not specific for CAA as they can be seen in multiple conditions. Such conditions may include: Hypertension ; Cerebral cavernous malformations ; Coagulopathy …
- 5. 脳性麻痺:臨床的特徴および分類cerebral palsy clinical features and classification [show details]
… Cerebral palsy (CP) refers to a heterogeneous group of conditions involving permanent motor dysfunction that affects muscle tone, posture, and/or movement. These conditions are due to abnormalities of …
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- 英
- ()
- 英
- microgyria
- 関
- 脳回転異常
- 英
- lissencephalia
- 関
- 脳回転異常
- 英
- agyria
- 関
- 脳回転異常
- 英
- rotation、rolling、turning、turn、revolution、round、convolution、rotate、roll、turn、revolve、rotatory
- 関
- 円形、回旋、回旋性、順番、旋光性、旋光度、なる、輪作、変化、回る、ラウンド、畳み込み、一巡、重畳、回診、ターン、ローリング、転がる、軸旋
- aberrance, aberration, abnormity, anomalia, anomalo, anomaly, bad condition, defect, glitch, malfunction, trouble, uniqueness, vitium
- 英
- gyrus
- 関
- 大脳溝