American Standard Code for Information Interchange, ASCII。アスキー・コード
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- 1. 心臓ペーシングのモード:名称および選択modes of cardiac pacing nomenclature and selection [show details]
… three-letter code describing the basic function of the various pacing systems was first proposed in 1974 by a combined task force from the American Heart Association and the American College of… 36 to 49 percent) who have an indication for permanent pacing have traditionally received a standard dual-chamber pacemaker.… level and are best for patients who want in-depth information and are comfortable with some medical jargon.…
- 2. 成人の原発性甲状腺機能低下症の治療treatment of primary hypothyroidism in adults [show details]
… Our approach described below is largely consistent with the American Thyroid Association (ATA) Guidelines for the Treatment of Hypothyroidism .… The brand-name and most generic formulations are available in color-coded tablets at small increments in hormone content to… the soft gel capsule or liquid is an option for patients with suspected poor absorption of the standard solid tablet, especially in the presence of atrophic gastritis. It may also be better absorbed after …
- 3. 成人における胃食道逆流の外科的マネージメントsurgical management of gastroesophageal reflux in adults [show details]
… the American Medical Association (AMA) issued a specific CPT code for TIF.… and best operative approach for each patient. A consensus panel recommended that upper endoscopy, standard pH testing, esophageal manometry, and barium esophagram be performed for all patients before antireflux … Esophageal pH impedance studies may add diagnostic information in the setting of apparent surgical failure and help direct next steps (eg,…
- 4. 高齢者の虐待:虐待、放置、および経済的搾取elder mistreatment abuse neglect and financial exploitation [show details]
… provides information about abuse laws for each state. Helpful resources for the clinician include: American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging – Provides contact information by state … occur more readily if the standard of care for prevention is not adhered to in a patient at risk. Willful failure to follow the standard of care is abuse .… be in a state of self-neglect with 50 control participants (matched for age, race, gender, and zip code). Poor scores on the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and assessment of ADLs and IADLs were more …
- 5. 成人患者に行う麻酔後ケアの概要overview of post anesthetic care for adult patients [show details]
… anesthesia to avoid or treat hypoxemia in the PACU Standard care also includes assessments and immediate treatment of postoperative pain ,… completed by means of a telephone interview, as allowed by state laws and hospital policies . The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), Association of Anesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, and … level and are best for patients who want in-depth information and are comfortable with some medical jargon.…
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- 情報交換用米国標準コード 以外にもASCII には意味があります。これらは、以下の左側にリストされています。下にスクロールしてクリックすると、それぞれが表示されます。ASCII のすべての意味について "More" をクリックしてください。英語
- Many translated example sentences containing "情報交換用アメリカ標準コード" – English-Japanese dictionary and search engine for English translations. 実行可能コードと構成情報のcは 、コンポーネントの構成では、包装仕様、CCMのパッケージング技術バイナリコンポーネントの使用を管理するために、多言語バージョン ...
- アスキー)コードと呼ばれ、1963 年ANSI(米国規格協会)により制定された情報交換用米国標準コードである。 【表1】 表1 ではこの7bit に1bit を加えたb1〜b8 が8bit(2の8 乗)コードで、全体が256 のマス目に ...
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- 英
- ASCII Code
- 同
- 情報交換用米国標準コード American Standard Code for Information Interchange, ASCII
アスキー・コード 情報交換用米国標準コード
- 英
- standard、level、norm、authentic
- 関
- 確証的、基準、水準、レベル、平らにする、標準物質、準位、信頼のおける、真正、規格、標準的、スタンダード
- 英
- exchange、replacement、interchange、exchange、replace、interchange、swap
- 関
- 交替、置換、置換術、取り替え
- 英
- communication、communicate
- 関
- 通じる、伝える、伝達、連絡、通信、コミュニケーション
- 英
- (暗号)code、(ひも)cord、code
- 関
- 腱、規範、索、番号、ひも
- 英
- USA、America
- 関
- アメリカ、アメリカ合衆国