- 英
- multiple cavernous hemangioma
- 関
- 海綿状血管腫
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- 1. 幼児血管腫:評価および診断infantile hemangiomas evaluation and diagnosis [show details]
… periorbital hemangiomas is discussed separately. Segmental hemangiomas are usually plaque-like and demonstrate linear and/or geographic patterning . Similar to multiple (≥5) cutaneous hemangiomas, segmental …
- 2. 乳児血管腫:疫学、発症機序、臨床的特徴、合併症infantile hemangiomas epidemiology pathogenesis clinical features and complications [show details]
… cutaneous counterparts . In most children with multiple hemangiomas (arbitrarily defined as ≥5 generally small, localized hemangiomas), the hemangiomas are limited to the skin, and the condition is benign …
- 3. 幼児血管腫:マネージメントinfantile hemangiomas management [show details]
…spine. Infants with cutaneous hemangiomas, most often in the setting of multiple hemangiomas or a solitary segmental hemangioma, occasionally have additional hemangiomas of the liver, brain, respiratory …
- 4. 化膿性肉芽腫(小葉状毛細血管腫)pyogenic granuloma lobular capillary hemangioma [show details]
… Multiple grouped PGs may develop in infants and young children over a pre-existing vascular malformation, particularly capillary or arteriovenous malformations . Uncommonly, multiple PGs develop… pyogenic granuloma (PG) include : Infantile hemangioma – Infantile hemangiomas present as bright red papules,…
- 5. 肝血管腫hepatic hemangioma [show details]
… present in all hemangiomas, and tumor growth has been demonstrated in the absence of estrogen therapy and in postmenopausal women . Macroscopic features: Hemangiomas are often solitary, but multiple lesions …
Related Links
- 脳幹部の海綿状血管腫を手術するとき 左上のT2*でみられるように多発性海綿状血管腫の成人男性に発生した中脳海綿状血管腫です。複視と歩行失調で発症して,数回の脳幹部出血を繰り返し,水頭症になったために第3脳室開窓術がなさ
- 海綿状血管腫という名前の病気を、聞いたことありますか?あまり聞きなれない病気ですが、MRIが発達してから、偶然見つかることが多くなり、この頃特に多くなってきています。海綿状血管腫とありますので、腫瘍のような感じに ...
- MRI検査などで突然判明することの多い「海綿状血管腫」。脳にできる血管腫のため、診断された場合には、おそらく多くの人が治療や今後の経過について不安を抱くでしょう。 果たして海綿状血管腫とはどういった病気なのでしょうか。
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- 関
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