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- 1. 成人向け筋力トレーニングの始め方practical guidelines for implementing a strength training program for adults [show details]
… trainees: optimization of strength and function within the constraints of safety, time availability, recovery parameters, and physical potential. An untrained 80- or 90-year-old gains strength with training just …
- 2. 小児や青年の身体活動および筋力トレーニング:概要physical activity and strength training in children and adolescents an overview [show details]
… National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) , United Kingdom Strength and Conditioning Association, and a 2014 International Consensus panel . Parents may have questions about the timing, safety …
- 3. 成人の健康増進に行う筋力トレーニング:定義、原則、メリット、リスクstrength training for health in adults terminology principles benefits and risks [show details]
… regardless of muscle mass, metabolic syndrome, sedentary time, or leisure-time physical activity . An exhaustive review of the impact of strength training is beyond the scope of this topic. Below, we highlight …
- 4. 赤血球移植前試験pretransfusion testing for red blood cell transfusion [show details]
…Terminology used in compatibility testing is presented above. The specimen for compatibility testing must reflect the patient blood type and the antibodies present in patient plasma at the time transfusion… the antibody agglutinates all reagent red cells at the same strength of agglutination.…
- 5. MRI検査前に患者に行う金属製インプラント、埋め込み型電子機器、その他の埋め込み型医療機器、異物のチェックpatient evaluation for metallic or electrical implants devices or foreign bodies before magnetic resonance imaging [show details]
… Magnetic strength of most clinical scanners are 1.5 or 3.0 Tesla (T), which is approximately 100,000 times the strength of the Earth magnetic field and 10 to 100 times more powerful… profile at the time of procedure. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has adopted a standard labeling scheme to indicate the degree of MRI compatibility of an object…
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- time-intensity trade
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- 時間強さ互換性、時間振幅取引 time-amplitude trade
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- compatibility、interchangeability、compatible、interchangeable、interchangeably
- 関
- 可換、可換性、コンパチ、相互転換可能、適合性、非矛盾、両立、互換的
- 英
- 関
- 期間、時期、時、瞬間、モーメント、~倍の