- 英
- considerable、substantial、appreciable、sizeable、considerably、quite、fairly、appreciably
- 関
- 実質的、相当、ほとんど、全く、考慮すべき
- having a firm basis in reality and being therefore important, meaningful, or considerable; "substantial equivalents" (同)substantive
- having substance or capable of being treated as fact; not imaginary; "the substantial world"; "a mere dream, neither substantial nor practical"; "most ponderous and substantial things"- Shakespeare (同)real, material
- without favoring one party, in a fair evenhanded manner; "deal fairly with one another" (同)fair, evenhandedly
- in conformity with the rules or laws and without fraud or cheating; "they played fairly" (同)fair, clean
- large or relatively large in number or amount or extent or degree; "a considerable quantity"; "the economy was a considerable issue in the campaign"; "went to considerable trouble for us"; "spent a considerable amount of time on the problem"
- enough to be estimated or measured; "appreciable amounts of noxious wastes are dumped into the harbor"
- to the greatest extent; completely; "youre quite right"; "she was quite alone"; "was quite mistaken"; "quite the opposite"; "not quite finished"; "did not quite make it"
- of an unusually noticeable or exceptional or remarkable kind (not used with a negative); "her victory was quite something"; "shes quite a girl"; "quite a film"; "quite a walk"; "weve had quite an afternoon" (同)quite a, quite an
- to a degree (not used with a negative); "quite tasty"; "quite soon"; "quite ill"; "quite rich" (同)rather
- actually or truly or to an extreme; "was quite a sudden change"; "its quite the thing to do"; "quite the rage"; "Quite so!"
- to a noticeable degree; "they weather was appreciably colder"
- 『かなりの』,相当の,十分満足できる / 『がんじょうな』,じょうぶな,曳い / 資産のある / (架空でなく)『実在する』,実体のある / 『実質上の』,実質的な
- 『公平に』,公正に(justly) / 『かなり』,相当に(somewhat) / 全く,すっかり,まさしく
- (人・意見・場所などが)『考慮に値する』,重要な / (程度・数量などが)『かなりの』,相当の
- 評価できる / 感知されるほどの,かなりの
- =sizable
- 『全く』,完全に / 『かなり』,相当に,ずいぶん / ほんとうに,実際に,真に
- いくぶんか,評価されるほどに
- 『かなり』,相当に,非常に
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Japanese Journal
- 帯状疱疹(たいじょうほうしん)の後の痛み、どうにかなりませんか : "そもそも"から最新治療、予防法まで : 医師 漆畑修さんに聞く
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- 畜産の情報 = Livestock industries information (310), 24-26, 2015-08
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- 重永 楽,シゲナガ ラク,SHIGENAGA Raku
- 語文論叢 (30), 49-64, 2015-07-10
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- NAID 120005646365
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- 関
- absolutely、almost、altogether、appreciable、appreciably、completely、considerable、considerably、entirely、fairly、largely、nearly、sizeable、stark、substantial、thoroughly、totally、wholly
- 英
- completely、quite、entirely、absolutely、totally、altogether、thoroughly、stark、stark、wholly
- 関
- 完全、絶対的、全体、全体的、徹底的、ほとんど、かなり、全部、一斉、堅固、全面的
- 英
- 関
- 一致、同じ、実質的、対応、等しい、等価、等価性、当量、同等、匹敵、かなり、似ている、相当するもの、等価物
- 関
- appreciable、appreciably、considerable、correspond、equal、equivalent、fairly、quite、sizeable、substantial
- 英
- substantial、virtual、substantially、virtually、materially
- 関
- 仮想的、相当、かなり、事実上、バーチャル