- Since most events occurred in a small number of recent trials that used secure randomisation methods and treatment blinding, sensitivity analyses (available on request) indicated that our results were not materially influenced by uncertainties about the quality of older trials.
- 関
- substantial、substantially、virtual、virtually
- with respect to material aspects; "psychologically similar but materially different"
- to a significant degree; "it aided him materially in winning the argument"
- having a firm basis in reality and being therefore important, meaningful, or considerable; "substantial equivalents" (同)substantive
- having substance or capable of being treated as fact; not imaginary; "the substantial world"; "a mere dream, neither substantial nor practical"; "most ponderous and substantial things"- Shakespeare (同)real, material
- existing in essence or effect though not in actual fact; "a virtual dependence on charity"; "a virtual revolution"; "virtual reality"
- being actually such in almost every respect; "a practical failure"; "the once elegant temple lay in virtual ruin" (同)practical
- in a strong substantial way; "the house was substantially built"
- in essence or effect but not in fact; "the strike virtually paralyzed the city"; "Im virtually broke"
- directly relevant to a matter especially a law case; "his support made a material difference"; "evidence material to the issue at hand"; "facts likely to influence the judgment are called material facts"; "a material witness"
- the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object; "coal is a hard black material"; "wheat is the stuff they use to make bread" (同)stuff
- things needed for doing or making something; "writing materials"; "useful teaching materials"
- a person judged suitable for admission or employment; "he was university material"; "she was vice-presidential material"
- information (data or ideas or observations) that can be used or reworked into a finished form; "the archives provided rich material for a definitive biography"
- concerned with or affecting physical as distinct from intellectual or psychological well-being; "material needs"; "the moral and material welfare of all good citizens"- T.Roosevelt
- concerned with worldly rather than spiritual interests; "material possessions"; "material wealth"; "material comforts"
- derived from or composed of matter; "the material universe"
- 物質的に,物理的に;肉体的に / 実質的に / 大いに,著しく
- 『かなり』,相当に,非常に
- 『かなりの』,相当の,十分満足できる / 『がんじょうな』,じょうぶな,曳い / 資産のある / (架空でなく)『実在する』,実体のある / 『実質上の』,実質的な
- (名目上・表面上はそうではないが)事実上の,実際上の
- 概して,本質的に / 十分に,豊富に
- 事実上,実質的には
- 〈U〉〈C〉『材料』,『原料』;(物の)構成要素 / 〈U〉〈C〉『生地』,服地 / 〈U〉(小説・社会調査などの)『資料』,データ《+『for』+『名』》 / 《複数形で》用具,器具 / 『物質の』,有形の / 『物質的な』 / (精神的・知的な面に対して)肉体的,感覚的 / 重要な;不可欠の / (法律上)重要な,決め手になる
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English Journal
- Blood pressure and neuropsychological test performance in healthy postmenopausal women.
- Alsumali A1, Mekary RA2, Seeger J3, Regestein Q4.
- Maturitas.Maturitas.2016 Jun;88:25-31. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2016.03.007. Epub 2016 Mar 8.
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Japanese Journal
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- 実内容のある(食事など)。かなりの、たいした。しっかりした、丈夫な、堅固な。重要な、価値のある。資産のある、裕福な。金銭上の信用のある。実力のある
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- 関
- appreciable, appreciably, considerable, considerably, correspond, equal, equivalent, fairly, materially, quite, sizeable, substantially, virtual, virtually
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- 関
- materially、substantial、virtual、virtually
- 関
- actually、materially、substantial、substantially、virtually
- 英
- substantial、virtual、substantially、virtually、materially
- 関
- 仮想的、相当、かなり、事実上、バーチャル
- 関
- materially、substantial、substantially、virtual
- 関
- matter、substance