- 関
- hypophosphatemic rickets、X-linked dominant hypophosphatemic rickets、X-linked hypophosphatemia、X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets
- impervious to being affected; "resistant to the effects of heat"; "resistant to persuasion"
- the 4th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)d
- any of a group of organic substances essential in small quantities to normal metabolism
- childhood disease caused by deficiency of vitamin D and sunlight associated with impaired metabolism of calcium and phosphorus (同)rachitis
- 抵抗力のある;(…に)抵抗する《+『to』+『名』》
- deuteriumの化学記号
- 『ビタミン』,栄養素(身体の喜常な機能を維持するために少量ながら必要な有機化合物)
- くる病
- (おもに人称代名詞・固有名詞(人名),thereの後で)had, wouldの短縮形 / (疑問文でwhere,what,whenの後で)didの短縮形;Where'd he go?=Where did he go?
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English Journal
- The role of vitamin D receptor mutations in the development of alopecia.
- Malloy PJ, Feldman D.SourceStanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305-5103, USA.
- Molecular and cellular endocrinology.Mol Cell Endocrinol.2011 Dec 5;347(1-2):90-6. Epub 2011 Jun 13.
- Hereditary Vitamin D Resistant Rickets (HVDRR) is a rare disease caused by mutations in the vitamin D receptor (VDR). The consequence of defective VDR is the inability to absorb calcium normally in the intestine. This leads to a constellation of metabolic abnormalities including hypocalcemia, second
- PMID 21693169
- Craniofacial morphology in patients with hypophosphatemic rickets: A cephalometric study focusing on differences between bone of cartilaginous and intramembranous origin.
- Gjørup H, Kjaer I, Sonnesen L, Haubek D, Beck-Nielsen SS, Hintze H, Poulsen S.SourceCenter for Oral Health in Rare Conditions, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark; Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark. hangjo@rm.dk.
- American journal of medical genetics. Part A.Am J Med Genet A.2011 Nov;155(11):2654-60. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.34242. Epub 2011 Sep 30.
- Hypophosphatemic rickets (HR) are diseases characterized by deficient mineralization of bone due to abnormal renal wasting of phosphate. Deformation of bony structures of cartilaginous origin has been described as a major characteristic in patients with HR, but little is known about the impact on bo
- PMID 21965080
Japanese Journal
- Vitamin D-resistant rickets : A case report
- KIM So-Jung,LEE Soo-Eon,CHOI Sung-Chul,PARK Jae-Hong
- 障害者歯科 30(3), 544, 2009-09-30
- NAID 10025759157
- 低リン血症性ビタミンD抵抗性くる病におけるO脚変形の治療経験
- 低リン血症性ビタミンD抵抗性くる病におけるO脚変形の治療経験
- 中村 雅洋,吉野 伸司,肥後 勝
- 整形外科と災害外科 58(1), 119-123, 2009
- … 低リン血症性ビタミンD抵抗性くる病の下肢変形は小児期からの内科的治療により予防可能とされているが,実際には観血的治療を要する遺残変形例も散見される.今回3例6肢のO脚変形に対する矯正手術を行ったので報告する.症例1,14歳男児.脛骨内反のIlizarov法による緩徐矯正を施行したが,toe-in gaitが残存したため内捻矯正を追加した.症例2,14歳男児.大腿骨の一期的矯正とEnder釘による内固定,脛骨のIlizarov法に …
- NAID 130004460783
Related Links
- X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH), also called X-linked dominant hypophosphatemic rickets, X-linked vitamin d-resistant rickets or hypophosphatemic vitamin d-resistant rickets (HPDR), is an X-linked dominant form of rickets (or osteomalacia) ...
- Vitamin D resistant rickets is not a rare disorder. Increased awareness of this metabolic disorder during the examination of children with bowed legs, even infants receiving normal supplements of vitamin D, may lead to diagnosis oftener.
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- 英
- vitamin D-resistant rickets
- 関
- 低リン血症性くる病、X連鎖低リン血症性くる病、X染色体優性低リン血症性くる病、X連鎖性低リン酸血症
- 関
- hypophosphatemic rickets、vitamin D-resistant rickets、X-linked dominant hypophosphatemic rickets、X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets
- 関
- hypophosphatemic rickets、vitamin D-resistant rickets、X-linked hypophosphatemia、X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets
- 関
- hypophosphatemic rickets、vitamin D-resistant rickets、X-linked dominant hypophosphatemic rickets、X-linked hypophosphatemia
- 関
- recalcitrance、refractory、resist、resistance、resistive、stand、tolerance、tolerant、withstand