- 関
- clonic seizure、convulsion、convulsive seizure、focal seizure、generalized seizure、Jacksonian seizure、motor seizure、seizure、somatosensory seizure、tonic seizure、tonic-clonic seizure
- a violent disturbance; "the convulsions of the stock market" (同)turmoil, upheaval
- violent uncontrollable contractions of muscles
- a physical disturbance such as an earthquake or upheaval
- a sudden occurrence (or recurrence) of a disease; "he suffered an epileptic seizure" (同)ictus, raptus
- the taking possession of something by legal process
- involving or derived from the senses; "sensory experience"; "sensory channels" (同)sensorial
- 《複数形で》けいれん,ひきつけ / 《複数形で》とめどもない大笑い / 震動,激動;動乱
- 〈U〉〈C〉つかむ(つかまれる)こと / 〈U〉〈C〉強奪;差し押さえ;逮捕 / 〈C〉(病気・恐怖などが)襲うこと,発作
- 感覚の
- (光・温度・放射能などの)感知器
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English Journal
- Exploring the association between SRPX2 variants and neurodevelopment: How causal is it?
- Schirwani S1, McConnell V2, Willoughby J3; DDD Study4, Balasubramanian M5.
- Gene.Gene.2019 Feb 15;685:50-54. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2018.10.067. Epub 2018 Oct 25.
- PMID 30393191
- Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome.
- Liman TG1,2,3, Siebert E4, Endres M1,2,3,5,6.
- Current opinion in neurology.Curr Opin Neurol.2019 Feb;32(1):25-35. doi: 10.1097/WCO.0000000000000640.
- PMID 30531559
- The frequency, characteristics and aetiology of stroke mimic presentations: a narrative review.
- McClelland G1,2, Rodgers H1, Flynn D3, Price CI1.
- European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine.Eur J Emerg Med.2019 Feb;26(1):2-8. doi: 10.1097/MEJ.0000000000000550.
- PMID 29727304
Japanese Journal
- Neuronal mechanism of epileptogenesis in EL mouse
- Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B 89(6), 270-280, 2013
- … The mode of inheritance is autosomal dominant, and environmental risk factors for seizure occurrence are hypothesised to contribute to the polygenic background. … The neurons in the EL PCX, where GABA activity is lower than that of DDY PCX demonstrate increased excitability to proprioceptive sensory input. … After repetitive seizure-provoking stimuli, seizures are more easily induced, eventually occurring spontaneously. …
- NAID 130003365119
- 臼井 桂子,寺田 清人,井上 有史
- 臨床神経学 52(11), 857-860, 2012
- … The clinical symptoms are paroxysmal, and may include impaired consciousness and/or motor, sensory, autonomic, or psychic events. … A seizure is only a symptom that indicates neuronal dysfunction. … Other diseases can cause paroxysmal events, which look very much like a seizure but in fact are nonepileptic. … Knowledge of the different types of seizures is essential to guide the physician in obtaining the history which leads to the diagnosis of seizure and epilepsy. …
- NAID 130004505185
- 自己誘発発作を主症状とし特異な経過を示した頭部外傷後てんかんの男児例
- 鳥邊 泰久,山田 桂太郎,最上 友紀子,柳原 恵子,真野 利之,鈴木 保宏
- てんかん研究 = Journal of the Japan Epilepsy Society 27(3), 369-374, 2010-01-31
- 自己誘発発作を主発作とした頭部外傷後てんかんの男児を経験した。1歳4カ月時に頭部外傷(左急性硬膜下血腫)をきたし、2歳2カ月に姿勢発作を発症した。発作はVPAで抑制されたが、5歳8カ月から運動、感覚、音刺激を一定の順序で加えることにより自己誘発される同様の姿勢発作(1日の中で最初の発作は引き続いてシリーズ形成性のスパズムを伴う)が出現した。自己誘発発作の特徴として1度発作を誘発するとその後しばらく …
- NAID 10025993690
Related Links
- Sensory seizure: Introduction Sensory seizure: A sensory seizure is an electrical disturbance that originates in a part of the brain involved with the senses. The resulting symptoms involve unusual sensations that affect any of the ...
- Symptoms of Sensory seizure including 18 medical symptoms and signs of Sensory seizure, alternative diagnoses, misdiagnosis, and correct diagnosis for Sensory seizure signs or Sensory seizure symptoms.
- 関
- clonic seizure、convulsion、convulsive seizure、focal seizure、generalized seizure、Jacksonian seizure、motor seizure、opisthotonos、opisthotonus、seizure、sensory seizure、somatosensory seizure、tonic convulsion、tonic-clonic seizure
- 関
- clonic seizure、convulse、convulsive、convulsive seizure、cramp、focal seizure、generalized seizure、Jacksonian seizure、jerk、motor seizure、seizure、sensory seizure、somatosensory seizure、spasm、spasticity、tonic seizure、tonic-clonic seizure
- 関
- convulsion、convulsive seizure、focal seizure、generalized seizure、Jacksonian seizure、motor seizure、seizure、sensory seizure、somatosensory seizure、tonic seizure、tonic-clonic seizure
- 関
- clonic seizure、convulsion、convulsive seizure、focal seizure、generalized convulsion、Jacksonian seizure、motor seizure、seizure、sensory seizure、somatosensory seizure、tonic seizure、tonic-clonic seizure
- 関
- clonic seizure、convulsion、focal seizure、generalized seizure、Jacksonian seizure、motor seizure、seizure、sensory seizure、somatosensory seizure、tonic seizure、tonic-clonic seizure
- 関
- clonic seizure、convulsion、convulsive seizure、focal seizure、generalized seizure、Jacksonian seizure、motor seizure、seizure、sensory seizure、tonic seizure、tonic-clonic seizure
- 関
- sensory partial epilepsy
- 関
- sensation、sense、sensing