- a light soft silver-white metallic element of the alkali metal group; oxidizes rapidly in air and reacts violently with water; is abundant in nature in combined forms occurring in sea water and in carnallite and kainite and sylvite (同)K, atomic number 19
- 〈U〉〈C〉(…の)(量・額などの)不足,欠乏《+『of』(『in』)+『名』》 / 〈C〉不足分,不足量,不足額 / 〈C〉(精神・肉体などの)欠陥
- ポタシウム,カリウム(金属元素;化学記号はK)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/12/06 02:30:59」(JST)
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Potassium deficiency has two different contexts:
- For the medical condition in humans, see hypokalemia
- Potassium deficiency (plants), the disorder in plants
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English Journal
- Measured and modeled interactive effects of potassium deficiency and water deficit on gross primary productivity and light-use efficiency in Eucalyptus grandis plantations.
- Christina M1, Le Maire G, Battie-Laclau P, Nouvellon Y, Bouillet JP, Jourdan C, de Moraes Gonçalves JL, Laclau JP.
- Global change biology.Glob Chang Biol.2015 May;21(5):2022-39. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12817. Epub 2015 Feb 18.
- Global climate change is expected to increase the length of drought periods in many tropical regions. Although large amounts of potassium (K) are applied in tropical crops and planted forests, little is known about the interaction between K nutrition and water deficit on the physiological mechanisms
- PMID 25430918
- The two-pore domain potassium channel KCNK5 deteriorates outcome in ischemic neurodegeneration.
- Göb E1, Bittner S, Bobak N, Kraft P, Göbel K, Langhauser F, Homola GA, Brede M, Budde T, Meuth SG, Kleinschnitz C.
- Pflügers Archiv : European journal of physiology.Pflugers Arch.2015 May;467(5):973-87. doi: 10.1007/s00424-014-1626-8. Epub 2014 Oct 15.
- Potassium channels can fulfill both beneficial and detrimental roles in neuronal damage during ischemic stroke. Earlier studies have characterized a neuroprotective role of the two-pore domain potassium channels KCNK2 (TREK1) and KCNK3 (TASK1). Protective neuronal hyperpolarization and prevention of
- PMID 25315980
- Tau-dependent kv4.2 depletion and dendritic hyperexcitability in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
- Hall AM1, Throesch BT2, Buckingham SC3, Markwardt SJ3, Peng Y4, Wang Q4, Hoffman DA5, Roberson ED6.
- The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.J Neurosci.2015 Apr 15;35(15):6221-30. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2552-14.2015.
- Neuronal hyperexcitability occurs early in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and contributes to network dysfunction in AD patients. In other disorders with neuronal hyperexcitability, dysfunction in the dendrites often contributes, but dendritic excitability has not been directly examined
- PMID 25878292
Japanese Journal
- 北海道東部の乳牛集約放牧草地における土壌診断に基づく施肥対応の検証事例
- 三枝 俊哉
- 日本草地学会誌 59(2), 105-113, 2013-07-15
- 集約放牧草地における土壌診断に基づく窒素,リン酸およびカリウム施肥対応の有効性を,実際の酪農場で検証した。カリウム肥沃度に対応したカリウム施肥量の調節により,十分な草量,被食量および放牧草の飼料品質を得た。また,終牧後の交換性カリウム含量も100kg/ha程度に維持できたことから,これを土壌診断基準値とすることの妥当性を指摘した。リン酸肥沃度に対応したリン酸施肥により,十分な生産性を確認した。リン …
- NAID 110009624849
- カリウム欠如ストレスがトマト栄養生長に与える影響とその支配要因のソース・シンク関係からの解析
- 金井 俊輔,岸本 昌子,伊藤 純樹 [他],実岡 寛文,藤田 耕之輔
- 日本土壌肥料學雜誌 83(1), 1-7, 2012-02-05
- 水耕栽培した栄養生長期のトマト(品種,桃太郎8)を用い,19日間に渉ってカリウム(K)欠如処理を行い,生育状態,光合成速度,茎径,^<14>C分布状態およびK含有率などを測定した.K欠如処理によって,植物体重は処理8日より減少し,水分含量でも同様の傾向を示し,この傾向は特に葉で顕著だった.K欠如下では,光合成速度や蒸散速度も低下し,この低下は後者でより著しかった.茎径は昼間の収縮および …
- NAID 110009596787
- Effectiveness of Amaranthus retroflexus L. aqueous extract in preventing iron chlorosis of pear trees : Pyrus communis L.(Plant nutrition)
- SORRENTI Giovambattista,TOSELLI Moreno,MARANGONI Bruno
- Soil science and plant nutrition 57(6), 813-822, 2011-12
- … Fe-chelate increased tree yield but decreased fruit weight, leaf potassium (K) and manganese (Mn) concentration. …
- NAID 110009327356
Related Links
- Low potassium level is a condition in which the amount of potassium in the blood is lower than normal. The medical name of this condition is hypokalemia. ... Potassium is needed for cells to function properly. You get ...
- Potassium deficiency information including symptoms, diagnosis, misdiagnosis, treatment, causes, patient stories, videos, forums, prevention, and prognosis. ... Symptoms can vary depending on the severity of the deficiency
Related Pictures

- 英
- potassium deficiency
- 関
- カリウム欠乏症
- 英
- potassium deficiency
- 関
- カリウム欠乏
- 不足、欠乏、欠失、欠如、欠損、不十分。栄養不足、栄養素欠乏、欠乏症。(遺伝子)(染色体内の)遺伝子欠失
- 欠けているもの、不足している物。不足分。不完全なもの、欠点のあるもの
- 関
- absence, agenesis, dearth, defect, defective, deficient, deficit, delete, deletion, deletional, depletion, deprivation, deprive, lack, miss, missing, morphological defect, paucity, scarce, scarcity, starve