- Ethiopia is a republic in northeastern Africa on the Red Sea; formerly called Abyssinia (同)Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Yaltopya, Abyssinia
- エチオピア(アフリカ東部の国;首都はAddis Ababa;旧称はAbyssinia)
- らっぱ管,[輸]卵管
- =op art
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/11/09 19:38:21」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Upia Dam/Guaicaramo Dam |
Location |
Colombia |
Dam and spillways |
Height |
230 m (755 ft) |
Base width |
850 m (2,789 ft) |
Impounds |
Upia River |
Reservoir |
Creates |
Upia Reservoir |
Capacity |
9,870,000,000 m3 (3.49×1011 cu ft) |
Power station |
Installed capacity |
1,750 MW |
The Guaicaramo Dam is a planned hydroelectric dam on the Upia River, in Casanare, Colombia. It is to be part of the Upía Hydroelectric Project It has a planned installed capacity of 1,750 MW. The dams designed to be 230 m (755 ft) tall, 850 m (2,789 ft) wide, and with 33,260,000 m3 (1.175×109 cu ft) of material. Designs were carried out between 1980 and 1983.[1] An environmental study for the dam was carried out between 1989 and 1990.[2]
See also
- List of conventional hydroelectric power stations
- ^ "Presas". Ingetic S.A.. http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:bDDPBxNMgCgJ:www.ingetec.com.co/brochures-ingles/BROCHURE-PRESAS-INGLES.pdf+Guaicaramo+Dam&hl=en&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShRvhZu1XrXXDXBjVF_u8mfnS0DfplrBtbwFUUOX-O6JzG2-nrmhorQt7umAZRLCmahhNUJkMQCYdRK02Mu1pQa8LdMFVwXafrPARDpxnbaSv8n7H--Qa350GW_xtB9MynqK0jW&sig=AHIEtbTAoRje7MaOAPiquFNUdXioYHc70g. Retrieved 28 May 2011.
- ^ "Social and Environmental Studies". Ingetec S.A.. http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:fxGSvTcYovEJ:www.ingetec.com.co/brochures-ingles/BROCHURE-AMBIENTAL-ING.pdf+Upia+dam+Ingetec&hl=en&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESgoX1AlDbG1zRWmpm9zpsD9lwWN-KL2dWYWtfQOaJzCc25xbmSrnLKtqM4pq4axfspeGt8eHGAMahx4yzt8SVr6u61guuslevF7jfhcI05Bg2rDJ6ac340kDpCE9hxIx7Ta8gKb&sig=AHIEtbRWKPiHMAKKFSDZoCCiG0ocZDLcrw. Retrieved 28 May 2011.
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- dipl opia
- 英
- diplopia, double vision
- 関
- 両眼視
- ある視標を見たときにものが二重に見える状態を複視という。(SOP.269)
- 両眼複視:両眼で物が二重に見える場合。動眼神経麻痺、滑車新家麻痺、重症筋無力症、眼窩吹き抜け骨折など
- 単眼複視:単眼で物が二重に見える場合。正乱視、不正乱視、あるいは白内障が原因となる。
単眼視したときに物体が二重に認識される状態 monocular diplopia
- 水晶体脱臼(外傷、マルファン症候群)
- 早期白内障
- 角膜白濁(corneal opacities)
- 二重虹彩(手術や外傷)
- ヒステリー
両眼視したときに物体が二重に認識される状態 biocular diplopia
- malformation 筋強直性ジストロフィー、眼筋麻痺
- inflammatory 皮膚筋炎、眼窩蜂窩織炎
- neoplasm 眼窩/外眼性の甲状腺腫 orbit and exophthalmic goiter
- trauma 眼窩骨折、外眼筋の裂傷/打撲
- vascular 脳底動脈血栓症/出血/塞栓症/動静脈奇形。片頭痛?
- inflammatory 梅毒性脳炎、結核性脳炎、ウイルス性脳炎
- neoplasms 脳幹神経膠腫、転移性脳腫瘍、ホジキンリンパ腫
- deficiency ウェルニッケ脳症
- intoxication ボツリヌス症、臭素・ヨウ素中毒
- congenital 水頭症、アーノルド・キアリ奇形
- autoimmune 多発性硬化症、感染後脳症、ループス脳症
- traumatic 硬膜下血腫、頭蓋底骨折、橋血腫
- endocrine 糖尿病による脳底動脈血栓症
- 松果体腫瘍、脳血栓/脳出血のconjugate plasy、局在性皮質てんかんのconjugate gaze、テント切痕への早期ヘルニアにおける瞳孔の拡張