- any process whereby sounds or words are left out of spoken words or phrases (同)deletion
- something that has been omitted; "she searched the table for omissions"
- a mistake resulting from neglect (同)skip
- neglecting to do something; leaving out or passing over something
- get rid of; "he shed his image as a pushy boss"; "shed your clothes" (同)cast, cast_off, shake_off, throw, throw off, throw away, drop
- cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers; "our dog sheds every Spring" (同)molt, exuviate, moult, slough
- an outbuilding with a single story; used for shelter or storage
- failure to act with the prudence that a reasonable person would exercise under the same circumstances (同)carelessness, neglect, nonperformance
- the trait of neglecting responsibilities and lacking concern (同)neglect, neglectfulness
- a shortened form of a word or phrase
- shortening something by omitting parts of it
- shorten; "Abbreviate `New York and write `NY"
- 〈U〉省略すること;脱落 / 〈U〉手抜かり,怠慢 / 〈C〉省略されたもの
- 〈血・液など〉‘を'『流す』,こぼす / 〈葉・毛・外皮など〉‘を'『自然に落とす』;〈衣服〉‘を'脱ぐ / 〈光・香りなど〉‘を'放つ / 〈布などが〉〈水〉‘を'はじく,通さない / 〈動物などが〉脱毛する,脱皮する / 〈葉が〉落ちる
- (物をしまうための)『納屋』,物置;(風雨よけの)…置き場,小屋
- (習慣的な)『怠慢』,不注意,落ち度;(法律で)過失 / 『むとんじゃく』,だらしなさ
- 省略;〈C〉省略された語,略語,略字
- …'を'『短縮する』,短くする,切り上げる
- (…から)…‘を'『省略する』,省く《+『名』+『from』+『名』》
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/01/07 20:17:04」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Omission may refer to:
- Omission (Catholicism), a Catholic sin
- Omission (criminal law)
- Omission bias
- Purposeful omission, a literary method
Omit (band) Gothic Doom/Symphonic Metal band from Norway
See also[edit]
- Lie
- Mathematical proof
- Logical proof
- Argument
- Professional negligence
- Contract law
- Insurance policy
It could also refer to a method of advertisement
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English Journal
- Incremental validity of Useful Field of View subtests for the prediction of instrumental activities of daily living.
- Aust F1, Edwards JD2.
- Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology.J Clin Exp Neuropsychol.2016 Jun;38(5):497-515. doi: 10.1080/13803395.2015.1125453. Epub 2016 Jan 18.
- INTRODUCTION: The Useful Field of View Test (UFOV®) is a cognitive measure that predicts older adults' ability to perform a range of everyday activities. However, little is known about the individual contribution of each subtest to these predictions, and the underlying constructs of UFOV performanc
- PMID 26782018
- Uncertainty of trial timing enhances acquisition of conditioned eyeblinks in anxiety vulnerable individuals.
- Allen MT1, Myers CE2, Servatius RJ3.
- Behavioural brain research.Behav Brain Res.2016 May 1;304:86-91. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2016.02.007. Epub 2016 Feb 9.
- Recent work has found that behaviorally inhibited (BI) individuals exhibit enhanced eyeblink conditioning in omission and yoked training as well as with schedules of partial reinforcement. We hypothesized that spacing CS-US paired trials over a longer period of time by extending and varying the inte
- PMID 26873040
- Residents' numeric inputting error in computerized physician order entry prescription.
- Wu X1, Wu C2, Zhang K3, Wei D4.
- International journal of medical informatics.Int J Med Inform.2016 Apr;88:25-33. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2016.01.002. Epub 2016 Jan 15.
- BACKGROUND: Computerized physician order entry (CPOE) system with embedded clinical decision support (CDS) can significantly reduce certain types of prescription error. However, prescription errors still occur. Various factors such as the numeric inputting methods in human computer interaction (HCI)
- PMID 26878759
- Craniospinal irradiation with concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide-a feasibility assessment of toxicity in patients with glioblastoma with a PNET component.
- O'Leary B1,2, Mandeville HC1, Fersht N3, Solda F3, Mycroft J1, Zacharoulis S1, Vaidya S1, Saran F4.
- Journal of neuro-oncology.J Neurooncol.2016 Apr;127(2):295-302. doi: 10.1007/s11060-015-2033-5. Epub 2016 Feb 2.
- There is no standard treatment for glioblastoma with elements of PNET (GBM-PNET). Conventional treatment for glioblastoma is surgery followed by focal radiotherapy with concurrent temozolomide. Given the increased propensity for neuroaxial metastases seen with GBM-PNETs, craniospinal irradiation (CS
- PMID 26842817
Japanese Journal
- 今野 晃(1970-)
- 東京女子大学社会学年報 3, 1-16, 20150302-00-00
- … Indeed, they aimed for the liberationof humanity but never considered the social base that would be needed to sustain suchfreedom.Moreover, contemporary Japanese sociologists studying the Japanese studentmovement of the 1960s commit the same error of omission. …
- NAID 120005601981
- 日本語能力試験1級'〈機能語〉の類'を中心とした日本語の表現文型に見る高コンテクスト性
- 松原 幸子
- 同志社女子大学大学院文学研究科紀要 = Papers in Language, Literature, and Culture of the Graduate School of Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts (15), 63-81, 2015-03
- … Based on their characteristics, many of the FWs are divided into two groups: FWs made by omission, and FWs that have special parts. … In the first group, FWs made by omission, the omitted parts are those which carry meaning. …
- NAID 120005648379
- 小学校国語科教科書掲載作品「ヤマタノオロチ」の再話作品としての特徴について
- 原田 留美,Harada Rumi
- 新潟青陵学会誌 7(3), 25-33, 2015-03
- … Other elements include the omission of graphic details involved in the conquest of Yamata-no-Orochi, simplifying and softening the effect for children. …
- NAID 120005620309
Related Links
- Omission definition, the act of omitting. See more. Dictionary.com Word of the Day Translate Games Blog Thesaurus.com Apps Favorites Log Out Log In follow Dictionary.com Dictionary.com Thesaurus.com My Account Log Out ...
- :something that has not been included or done : something that has been omitted: the act of not including or doing something: the state of being not included in ... Middle English omissioun, from Anglo-French omission, from Late ...
- omissionとは。意味や和訳。[名詞]1 省略(すること);遺漏,手落ち,手抜かり,看過without omission省略しないで,漏れなく.2 省略された状態;抜けていること,脱落.3 省略されたもの;脱落したもの,言い落としたことan important ...
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- 関
- confer、cote、drain、feed、flush、give、hut、inflict、omission、pour、provide、render、shedding
- 関
- accident、culpability、fault、inadvertence、inadvertent、inadvertently、malpractice、mistake、omission、unwary
- 関
- abbreviation、omission、omit
- 関
- abbreviate、abbreviation、deprive、free、obviate、omission、remove、strip、withdraw
- 関
- abbreviate、acronym、curtail、omission、omit、shorten、shortening
- 関
- insert、insertion、intercalation、interpose