- 不注意の、粗漏な、怠惰な。(意図的ではなく)偶然のふとした、うっかりやった
- 関
- inadvertence, inadvertently
- failure to act with the prudence that a reasonable person would exercise under the same circumstances (同)carelessness, neglect, nonperformance
- the trait of neglecting responsibilities and lacking concern (同)neglect, neglectfulness
- not alert to danger or deception; "the shrieks of unwary animals taken by surprise"; "some thieves prey especially on unwary travelers"; "seduce the unwary reader into easy acquiescence"- O.J.Campbell
- 不注意の,うっかりした
- (習慣的な)『怠慢』,不注意,落ち度;(法律で)過失 / 『むとんじゃく』,だらしなさ
- 油断した,不注意な
- 不注意,うかつさ / (不注意による)まちがい,手落ち
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English Journal
- When drugs in the same controlled substance schedule differ in real-world abuse, should they be differentiated in labeling?
- Dasgupta N, Henningfield JE, Ertischek MD, Schnoll SH.SourceDepartment of Epidemiology, Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA; Pinney Associates, 3 Bethesda Metro Center, Suite 1400, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA.
- Drug and alcohol dependence.Drug Alcohol Depend.2011 Dec 1;119(1-2):e1-4. Epub 2011 Jun 24.
- The prescription drugs regulated in the most restrictive controlled substance schedule for those with an approved therapeutic use vary widely in their real world risk of abuse and harm. Opioid analgesics have the highest rates of abuse, overdose death, drug abuse treatment needs and societal costs i
- PMID 21704462
- Considerations when determining low interfacial tensions.
- Afshar S, Yeung A.SourceDepartment of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2V4.
- Journal of colloid and interface science.J Colloid Interface Sci.2011 Dec 1;364(1):276-8. Epub 2011 Aug 17.
- Surfactants are often used to create low or "ultralow" oil-water interfacial tensions (IFTs). These molecules, in some cases, may also lead to the inadvertent formation of microemulsion phases which can obscure IFT measurements. Here, we present a case study of such an issue. We also introduce a lit
- PMID 21889160
Japanese Journal
- 電離箱形状や使用頻度の違いによる事前照射の測定値への影響
- 下野 哲範,南部 秀和,松原 孝祐,越田 吉郎,五味 勉
- 日本放射線技術學會雜誌 68(8), 986-996, 2012-08-20
- … Pre-irradiation of small ionization chambers is clearly warranted for eliminating inadvertent error in the calibration of radiation beams. …
- NAID 10030705366
- 超音波ガイド下内頸静脈ダブルルーメンカテーテル挿入時におけるガイドワイヤー視認性の検討
- 鎌田 正,落合 美由希,藤澤 奈央,門屋 佑子
- 日本透析医学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy 45(6), 475-482, 2012-06-28
- 血液透析用ダブルルーメンカテーテル(DLC)は穿刺針径に比べてダイレーター・カテーテル径が大きい.従ってダイレーター挿入前に動脈穿刺になっていないかを鑑別することが安全上重要である.このため,われわれは内頸静脈にガイドワイヤー挿入後にワイヤー短軸像を超音波で描出し,プローブを鎖骨上窩の内側寄りの皮膚にあてて傾けていくことで,できる限り心臓に近い体内におけるガイドワイヤーの位置を確認している.本論文 …
- NAID 10030814183
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- Inadvertent definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!
Related Pictures

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- 関
- accident、culpability、fault、inadvertence、inadvertent、inadvertently、malpractice、mistake、omission、unwary
- 関
- inadvertent, inadvertently, (n.)advertence 留意、言及。注意深さ
- 英
- negligence、inadvertence、inadvertent、unwary、inadvertently
- 関
- 過失、怠慢
- 関
- inadvertence、inadvertent、inadvertently、negligence
- 関
- inadvertence、inadvertent、negligence、unwary