- 関
- insert、insertion、intercalation、intromission
- introduce; "God interposed death"
- be or come between; "An interposing thicket blocked their way"
- the act of putting one thing into another (同)introduction, intromission
- put or introduce into something; "insert a picture into the text" (同)infix, enter, introduce
- introduce; "Insert your ticket here" (同)enclose, inclose, stick in, put_in, introduce
- an artifact that is inserted or is to be inserted (同)inset
- a folded section placed between the leaves of another publication
- (会話や話などへ)〈批評・質問など〉‘を'差しはさむ / (二つの部分・物・場所などの間に)…‘を'置く,挿入する(insert)《+『名』+『between』(『among』)+『名』》 / 〈異議〉‘を'唱える,〈拒否権〉‘を'発動する / 割り込む,邪魔する
- 〈U〉挿入,差し込み / 〈C〉挿入物;(新物の)折り込み広告;(語句の)書き加え;(レース刺繍(ししゅう)の)縫いつけ,はめ込み
- (…に)…‘を'『差し込む』,挿入する《+『名』+『in』(『into, between』)+『名』》 / 挿入物;(別刷りの)差し込みページ;(新聞などの)折り込みビラ
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English Journal
- Use of autologous platelet rich fibrin in urethracutaneous fistula repair: preliminary report.
- Soyer T, Cakmak M, Aslan MK, Senyücel MF, Kisa U.SourceDepartment of Pediatric Surgery, School of Medicine, Kırıkkale University, Kırıkkale, Turkey Department of Pediatric Surgery, School of Medicine, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey.
- International wound journal.Int Wound J.2013 Jun;10(3):345-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1742-481X.2012.00983.x. Epub 2012 May 9.
- Urethrocutaneous fistula (UCF) is one of the most common complications occurring after hypospadias repair. Despite the surgical advancement in hypospadias, multiple failed fistula closures are commonly referred to paediatric urologists. Although several techniques have been described to interpose a
- PMID 22568526
- [Total trapeziectomy and suspension ligamentoplasty: Is there any interest to interpose a pyrocarbon Pi2® implant?]
- Cheval D, Sauleau V, Moineau G, Le Jacques B, Le Nen D.SourceService d'orthopédie et de traumatologie, CHU de la Cavale-Blanche, boulevard Tanguy-Prigent, 29609 Brest cedex, France. Electronic address: cvl.damien@hotmail.fr.
- Chirurgie de la main.Chir Main.2013 May 13. pii: S1297-3203(13)00066-8. doi: 10.1016/j.main.2013.04.003. [Epub ahead of print]
- Total trapeziectomy with suspensioplasty remains one of the most widely used techniques in thumb osteoarthritis. Nevertheless, such a technique does not completely prevent collapse of the trapezial space. We wanted to know whether adding a pyrocarbon spacer allowed better keeping trapezial space and
- PMID 23726149
- Iron-targeting antitumor activity of gallium compounds and novel insights into triapine(®)-metal complexes.
- Chitambar CR, Antholine WE.SourceDivision of Hematology & Oncology, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226, USA. chitambr@mcw.edu
- Antioxidants & redox signaling.Antioxid Redox Signal.2013 Mar 10;18(8):956-72. doi: 10.1089/ars.2012.4880. Epub 2012 Oct 3.
- SIGNIFICANCE: Despite advances made in the treatment of cancer, a significant number of patients succumb to this disease every year. Hence, there is a great need to develop new anticancer agents. RECENT ADVANCES: Emerging data show that malignant cells have a greater requirement for iron than normal
- PMID 22900955
- Computational and experimental study of the effect of PEG in the preparation of damascenone-imprinted xerogels.
- Azenha M, Szefczyk B, Loureiro D, Kathirvel P, Cordeiro MN, Fernando-Silva A.SourceCIQ-UP, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre 687, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal. mazenha@fc.up.pt
- Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids.Langmuir.2013 Feb 12;29(6):2024-32. doi: 10.1021/la304706t. Epub 2013 Jan 29.
- Macromolecules, such as polyethylene glycol (PEG), have been frequently used in the preparation of xerogels, mainly with the purpose of tuning the meso- or macroporosity. However, PEG has never been applied in the context of the preparation of molecularly imprinted xerogels for small molecules. Thus
- PMID 23320513
Japanese Journal
- 腹直筋皮弁により治癒した広汎子宮全摘術および放射線療法後の膀胱膣瘻の1例
- 側副靭帯付着部の基節骨裂離骨折片が関節内に嵌頓した稀なPIP関節尺側々副靭帯損傷の1例
- 閉鎖孔バイパスに用いたEPTFE グラフト断裂の1 例
- Physiological Significance of Taste on Ingestion and Swallowing
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- 関
- admit、include、insertion、intercalation、interpose、intromission
- 関
- insert、insertion、intercalation、interpose