male sexual function disorders



  1. perform as expected when applied; "The washing machine wont go unless its plugged in"; "Does this old car still run well?"; "This old radio doesnt work anymore" (同)work, operate, go, run
  2. (mathematics) a mathematical relation such that each element of a given set (the domain of the function) is associated with an element of another set (the range of the function) (同)mathematical function, single-valued function, map, mapping
  3. a relation such that one thing is dependent on another; "height is a function of age"; "price is a function of supply and demand"
  4. the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group; "the function of a teacher"; "the government must do its part"; "play its role" (同)office, part, role
  5. what something is used for; "the function of an auger is to bore holes"; "ballet is beautiful but what use is it?" (同)purpose, role, use
  6. a formal or official social gathering or ceremony; "it was a black-tie function"
  7. bring disorder to (同)disarray
  8. a physical condition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning; "the doctor prescribed some medicine for the disorder"; "everyone gets stomach upsets from time to time" (同)upset
  9. a disturbance of the peace or of public order
  10. for or pertaining to or composed of men or boys; "the male lead"; "the male population"
  11. an animal that produces gametes (spermatozoa) that can fertilize female gametes (ova)
  12. a person who belongs to the sex that cannot have babies (同)male person
  13. characteristic of a man; "a deep male voice"; "manly sports" (同)manful, manlike, manly, virile
  14. being the sex (of plant or animal) that produces gametes (spermatozoa) that perform the fertilizing function in generation; "a male infant"; "a male holly tree"
  15. of or relating to or characterized by sexuality; "sexual orientation"; "sexual distinctions"
  16. having or involving sex; "sexual reproduction"; "sexual spores"
  17. informal terms for a mother (同)mama, mamma, mom, momma, mommy, mammy, mum, mummy


  1. (人・物の果たすべき)『働き』,機能,役目;《しばしば複数形で》職務 / (公式の)儀式,《話》大きな催し(集まり),式典 / (数学で)関数 / 〈機械などが〉『機能を果たす』,動く / (…の)役目をする,代用となる《+『as』+『名』》
  2. 〈U〉『無秩序』,混乱,乱雑(confusion) / 《しばしば複数形で》(社会的・政治的な)粉争,騒動 / 〈C〉(肉体的・精神的な)不調,異常,障害 / …‘の'秩序を乱す / 〈心身〉‘に'異常を起こさせる
  3. 『男性の』,男の;(動物が)雄の,(植物が)雄性の / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(機械・器具などが)雄の差し込み口のある / 『男性』;(動物の)雄,雄性植物
  4. 性の,男女(雌雄)の / 有性生殖の
  5. 《M-》《話》おかあちゃん(mamma)

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English Journal

  • Sexual dysfunction in testicular cancer patients subjected to post-chemotherapy retroperitoneal lymph node dissection: a focus beyond ejaculation disorders.
  • Dimitropoulos K1, Karatzas A1, Papandreou C2, Daliani D3, Zachos I1, Pisters LL4, Tzortzis V1.
  • Andrologia.Andrologia.2015 Aug 13. doi: 10.1111/and.12462. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Post-chemotherapy retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (PC-RPLND) represents an integral part of multidisciplinary treatment of advanced germ cell cancer; however, it is associated with a high complications rate. The present study aimed to describe sexual disorders in 53 patients with testicular ca
  • PMID 26268684
  • Erectile function in men with end-stage liver disease improves after living donor liver transplantation.
  • Chien YC1, Chiang HC2, Lin PY3, Chen YL4,5.
  • BMC urology.BMC Urol.2015 Aug 13;15(1):83. doi: 10.1186/s12894-015-0078-6.
  • BACKGROUND: Impaired liver function in men can result in erectile dysfunction or hypogonadism or both. We investigated whether living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) results in improvement in male sexual function.METHODS: A total of 58 patients with end-stage liver disease (ESLD) were included in
  • PMID 26268947
  • Effects of Testosterone Administration for 3 Years on Subclinical Atherosclerosis Progression in Older Men With Low or Low-Normal Testosterone Levels: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
  • Basaria S1, Harman SM2, Travison TG3, Hodis H4, Tsitouras P5, Budoff M6, Pencina KM1, Vita J7, Dzekov C8, Mazer NA9, Coviello AD10, Knapp PE10, Hally K1, Pinjic E1, Yan M4, Storer TW1, Bhasin S1.
  • JAMA.JAMA.2015 Aug 11;314(6):570-81. doi: 10.1001/jama.2015.8881.
  • IMPORTANCE: Testosterone use in older men is increasing, but its long-term effects on progression of atherosclerosis are unknown.OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of testosterone administration on subclinical atherosclerosis progression in older men with low or low-normal testosterone levels.DESIGN
  • PMID 26262795

Japanese Journal

  • 男性オストメイトの性機能障害と夫婦の性生活満足度
  • 勃起能の回復 : ホルモン補充と勃起神経の再生
  • 加齢と疾病が男性性機能に及ぼす影響 : 国際勃起機能スコア(IIEF)を用いた検討

関連記事function」「disorder」「male」「sexual function」「sexual



male sexual function disorders



  • n.
survival as a function of HbA1c in people with type 2 diabetes HbA1cの機能を考慮(指標に)した2型糖尿病の患者の生存(予後)
Figure 2A shows survival as a function of device removal during index hpspitalization, censored at 1 year or date of last contact. (Figure2Aはは最初の入院中における心臓デバイス除去に関する生存曲線で退院後1年もしくは最後の接触で打ち切っている)
  • v.
  • 機能する
functionalfunctional groupfunctionalisefunctionalizeoperate




  • 障害:個人的苦痛や機能の障害があるので「疾病」とは言えるものの、その背景にある臓器障害がもう一つはっきりしない場合に用いられる。(PSY.9)
  • n.
  • an untidy state; a lack of order or organization (⇔order)
  • violent behaviour of large groups of people
  • an illness that cause a part of the body to stop functioning correctly
  • 注意
disease <> illness <> disorder
  • vt.
  • 乱す、乱雑にする。(人)の(心身の)調子を狂わせる。
  • vi.




  • n.
  • adj.
  • 雄性の、男の
femaleglycogen synthase kinase 3 betamale sexmalesmanmen


sexual function」


reproductive functionsex function



  • adj.
  • 性的な